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BadAss: Paragons & Renegades - History

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It's time for BadAss to return!

David L. Puga and I return to direct BadAss: Paragons and Renegades (title may change). But this isn't your "regular" BadAss; this time the heroes get the spotlight! From the grittiest anti-heroes to the most determined heroes, it's time for the protagonists to show us what they've got! The album itself will have genre restrictions like previous BadAss albums, but with a twist: there's one 'Paragons' disc (mainly directed by me) and one 'Renegades' disc (mainly directed by David), each with a different genre. So let's see who wins while still being a BadAss doing it!

The Paragon disc is about adventure, determination and courage. Think of the Chrono Trigger theme, "Flameheart"by Two Steps From Hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQMpRWuT6hk), and the 'X-Training' theme from X-Men First Class (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUCA6w0Zz-k) but it is certainly not limited by orchestral. Rock themes like the 80s/90s cartoons and shows (Biker Mice from Mars, Power Rangers or Airwolf) are also good examples and electronic music is certainly appreciated as well! Base line: getting you pumped up and ready for adventure! Make sure to send me an example of the vibe you're going for to check if it fits the album!

The Renegade disc is more "regular" BadAss style, especially BadAss II. In other words, not the big epic or symphonic rock from BadAss 3 (which is perhaps better suited for the Paragon disc), but raw and gritty is the name of the game and rock and dark electronic music will be the go-to style here. We want to show the world that protagonists can be at least as BadAss as the bosses, so let their inner darkness out on this side of the album! For references (and awesome music), check out BadAss 2. Be sure to check in with David if you want to make a mix for this disc!

More details will follow, but we're aiming for about 20 tracks (balanced between the discs) and we want to complete this in about a year (BadAss 3 took 14 months to be sent to eval, so let's see if we can do it in 12 this time around!). And suffice to say, only (anti-)hero themes are eligible this time around! Are you going to be part of the next BadAss album? Let's see if you've got what it takes!



  • David L. Puga (The Joker)
  • Pavos

Audio Engineer:

  • Stevo Bortz (Level99)

Tracklist (18):

Paragon (9):

  • "The Hidden Ones (Assassin's Creed 2 & Origins - Ezio & Bayek)" by Pavos
  • "Time Warrior (Chrono Trigger - Crono)" by Sam Dillard
  • "Chariot of the Moon (Final Fantasy 4 - Cecil)" by Rebecca E Tripp
  • "Revenge on the Terror From The Deep (Chrono Trigger - Magus)" by Audio Mocha & Pandora's Bread
  • "Human After All (Sundered - Eshe)" by David L. Puga, XPRTNovice
  • "Part of Me (Celeste - Madeline)" by HeyMagurany
  • "Whip of Justice (Castlevania 4 - Simon Belmont)" by HoboKa, sykozealot
  • "Apex Predator (Metroid Series - Samus)" by Chernabogue
  • "Spirit of the Sword (Zelda Skyward Sword - Fi)" by McVaffe

Renegade (9):

  • "Devils Lament (DooM Series - Doom Slayer)" by Lashmush
  • "Fire Cleanses All (Gargoyle's Quest - Firebrand)" by Mak Eightman
  • "Blood is Everywhere (Blood - Caleb)" by Clem
  • "Eternal Shadow (DMC5 - Nero)" by Steele
  • "Bassbag (Duke Nukem 3D - Duke Nukem)" by bLiNd
  • "Righteous Ragemaster Rocketship Rampage (ToeJam and Earl - Toejam and Earl)" by Garpocalypse, Willrock
  • "The Butcher of Bavikin (Witcher 3 - Geralt)" by Gunderslam
  • "City of Lost Things (Earthworm Jim - Earthworm Jim)" by Justin Lassen
  • "And Hell Followed Him (Darksiders 2 - Death)" by David L. Puga, Mak Eightman


15 minutes ago, pu_freak said:

So, have you already decided which disc you want to be a part of? ;)

In other news: @timaeus222 and @Chernabogue will be joining again as assistant directors! Welcome back guys!

Ha! I didn't know I was invited. Though I do have some orchestral ideas that would probably work for your Paragon side. I was actually messing around with a game hero's theme in Reaper the other day. Maybe I can send it your way once I develop it some more. See what you think


Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this looks interesting.
Consider me in. 

Edit: I'm also taking the Zelda main theme, intend it to go in Paragons.
Might combine overworld themes from various games, not sure yet

Do we need to send one of you a demo first?

Edit Edit: Also will there be a Discord?


I'd say you can go with an area theme if it's indicative of a hero. I'd still want the main hero theme somewhere in it, so, maybe like a combo. Like, for instance, Turok 2 has a main theme, but you could do port of Adia pretty easy since it references the main theme.

6 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this looks interesting.
Consider me in. 

Edit: I'm also taking the Zelda main theme, intend it to go in Paragons.
Might combine overworld themes from various games, not sure yet

Do we need to send one of you a demo first?

Edit Edit: Also will there be a Discord?

Yeah show us a demo of your genre/style (or an example from another song you intend to mimic) to make sure if its eligible! And there won't be a discord, but we do have our own project forums.

As for @heymagurany's question: like David (The Joker) said, an area theme is acceptable as long as it's closely linked to a certain hero (think Zelda overworld theme). A Metroid area theme does not follow this, however, so the SR388 Surface theme is not eligible for this album. Like I posted in the OP (in bold) we're shooting for (anti)hero themes!


 There is no Anti hero, that's just wordplay. The Hero's theme is the main point we're sticking to here, whether they be superheroic or an anti hero doesn't matter so much as that they're the main protagonist. Any hero theme, whether it be the main theme to a series (Ezio's Family from Assassin's Creed), a specific character's theme from a game (Shieks Theme from Ocarina of Time, though Zelda's Lullaby would work), or a level theme that references the main theme (The Guardian's Theme from Darksiders 2 since it's just a rearrangement of the main titles).

Posted (edited)

I believe I have my source list picked out; timing of each source shall vary once I complete the first demo
I have started on the piece, it is currently (in FL time) 3:26:75 in length (minutes, seconds, multi seconds)

Source list (Shall be updated with times as I complete each section) - All times shall be in FL time
All sources, unless otherwise marked, are in their original key

0:00 - 0:07:38 - original, lead into 
0:07:38 - 1:10:15 - Twilight Princess title theme (if you want to hear this, check out my skyrim/zelda mix thread over in Post your remixes- timing of notes have been corrected for this piece)
1:10:15 - 1:24:92 - lead into Ballad of the Goddess
1:24:92 - 1:47:07 - Ballad of the Goddess (cameo...?) (Skyward Sword)
1:47:07 - 2:27:67 - Dark World (in the key of D) (Part A) (A Link to the Past)
2:27:67- 3:04:61 - lead into The Great Sea/Hyrule Field (The Wind Waker) (Ocarina of Time)
3:04:61 - 3:26:75 - The Great Sea (intro/part A of first half) (Wind Waker) 
3:26:75 - 4:09:03 - Hyrule Field (ending) (Ocarina of Time)
Directly dives into 
4:09:03 - 4:22:78 - Hyrule Field A (Twilight Princess)
4:22:78 - 4:43:37 - Overworld (Zelda main theme) (in the key of B ) 
4:43:37  - 5:00:52 - Dark World (Part B ) (A Link to the Past)
(more might be added later)

Edited by TheChargingRhino
15 hours ago, HoboKa said:

Does...Simon Belmont's theme from CV4 count??  I could do that one pretty well.  Probably. 

Yeah it sure does! Are you going for the Paragon or Renegade disc?

6 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

I believe I have my source list picked out; timing of each source shall vary once I complete the first demo
I have started on the piece, it is currently (in FL time) 1:21:22 in length (minutes, seconds, multi seconds)

Source list (Shall be updated with times as I complete each section) - All times shall be in FL time

0:00 - 0:07:38 - original, lead into to...
0:07:38 - 1:10:15 - Twilight Princess title theme (if you want to hear this, check out my skyrim/zelda mix thread over in Post your remixes- timing of notes have been corrected for this piece)
1:10:15 - 1:21:22 - lead into Ballad of the Goddess
lead into - Dark World 
lead into - The Great Sea/Hyrule Field (Ocarina of Time)
lead into - Hyrule Field/Overworld (Twilight Princess/Zelda main theme)
lead into - original outro? 

Sounds good and the genre you have in mind sound good too! Can't wait to receive a first WIP from you so we can officially welcome you to the album! 



Would "Riku Theme" (Kingdom Hearts 2)  be okay. He's either an antihero or a hero with dark powers depending on the game and/or who you ask. He's certainly a Badass and one of the protagonist's biggest allies and friends. I've always been fond of the character. I feel his theme is real dramatic and would be perfect for an album like this. 

I'd probably do it in my version of a Dark Psytrance style with maybe some slight dubstep influences. I won't have a demo ready for a while though ...

9 minutes ago, The Joker said:

I'd say Riku fits the hero designation!

 And Any Belmont counts in my opinion!

Hi Joker! I posted a source list/times of each source above, updating it as I complete each section, might actually get a demo done tonight. 
of course it won't be the final final product but it's gonna be basically what eventually I have in mind.
Only problem is instrument levels and plugins....
But I guess those can be fixed later. 

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