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I really thought that by now, I would be ale to collect Pepsi bottle caps or something similar to accumulate Wii points. 50 Wii points on each 20 oz soda? I'd buy a bunch of Pepsi for that. I think there's a huge market out there for someone to do that. Heck, I'd be excited if they did it for Xbox Live stuff too, even if I don't have a 360, just because I'd know similar stuff would happen with other brands and companies.

I have heard that there's Web sites like GamingLagoon that give you Wii points for filling out surveys and signing up for other offers (followed by an immediate cancellation, of course), but it sure seems shady compared to just collecting products I already buy anyway.

How about Wii points awarded in McDonald's Monopoly game? please?

I know there's that whole Mycokerewards thing, and they had Wiis/DS Lites on there for rewards. I wonder if they have points cards?


They should offer a package like they have in Japan. 5,000 Wii points and a classic controller for $50. (Or ¥5000 in Japan's case...) Or even a 1,000 point card along with the already $20 classic controller. That would make me finally go out and buy a pair.

I really thought that by now, I would be ale to collect Pepsi bottle caps or something similar to accumulate Wii points. 50 Wii points on each 20 oz soda? I'd buy a bunch of Pepsi for that. I think there's a huge market out there for someone to do that. Heck, I'd be excited if they did it for Xbox Live stuff too, even if I don't have a 360, just because I'd know similar stuff would happen with other brands and companies.

I have heard that there's Web sites like GamingLagoon that give you Wii points for filling out surveys and signing up for other offers (followed by an immediate cancellation, of course), but it sure seems shady compared to just collecting products I already buy anyway.

How about Wii points awarded in McDonald's Monopoly game? please?

just get wii points from gaminglaggoon (part of the link in my sig)


Video of the prologue in Mario Galaxy. Man, it's just beautiful. Anyway, enjoy:


Ahaha, and people say Wii's graphic capabilities suck? That game looks awesome. Sure, it's not as good as what we may see on other consoles, but as long as I see improvement from Last Gen (and there certainly is an improvement) I'm happy. I think I might enjoy Galaxy even more than Super Mario 64 :D

Ahaha, and people say Wii's graphic capabilities suck? That game looks awesome. Sure, it's not as good as what we may see on other consoles, but as long as I see improvement from Last Gen (and there certainly is an improvement) I'm happy. I think I might enjoy Galaxy even more than Super Mario 64 :D

It's the best looking Wii game by far (okay Smash looks good and MP3 is no slouch) - It's an actual feast for the eyes, and I wish that Ninty would spend more time on the new Mario Kart so that it would have these graphics.

Anyway, just watching the gameplay and the levels makes me feel like this is going to be a Mario game to remember. It seems to carry that happy, majestic vibe from the 8 and 16 bit games, but you might not know what I'm talking about there.


I saw the vid last night. I brought a tear to my eye whne I heard the battleship music. This game is gonna be fantastic!!!

OH and magadave, I know excatly what you are talking about.

Unfortunately it only seems to be the Nintendo titles that look good on the system. Some Japanese developers are starting to push the system at least...

Zack & Wiki looks pretty good from an artistic standpoint. <(^_^)>


Hmm... as a pokémon fan, I'm interested in the Pokémon Farm thing... but not too interested. I mean, Mii-style pokes, walking around a farm and not doing anything?

If there were some sort of leveling up or training feature, that might be sort of fun for a while... I don't know, I would have to try it out first, and it would have to be a free demo or something.

Also, Mario Kart with bikes?

It's for DS. Download DS demos to your Wii then transfer to DS. The Wii still has far too little storage for Wii demos.

I guess vids will be available as well from that service. I was really expecting them to announce a Wii hard drive or something with the Wii Ware announcements, but I guess if Wii Ware is supposedly coming out in March they have plenty of time.

Also, dl'd the updated Everybody Votes channel, but haven't gotten to see if they've implimented any of the updates they were talking about. Anyway, that was a lot of shit they announced all at once.

(double post)

So does this mean that the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for Wii is just going to be a downloadable, world-building game? If so, that's extremely disappointing IMO...really hoping that's just an additional game with the FF:CC branding on it.

EDIT: I love how the screens they have for that FF:CC Wii Ware game look so good, especially relative to Pokemon Farm lol.

No, the WiiWare FFCC game is going to be different than the one they're releasing on disk.

And yes, they fucking need more storage now. And to think.. they still have E For All where they'll have 4 days, uncontested.

No, the WiiWare FFCC game is going to be different than the one they're releasing on disk.

And yes, they fucking need more storage now. And to think.. they still have E For All where they'll have 4 days, uncontested.

Glad to hear that, I was getting kinda worried especially after seeing the screens from the FFCC WiiWare (they looked about as I'd imagine FFCC: Crystal Bearers or whatnot to look).

Totally forgot about E For All...man, that's coming up soon.


Wow, those new pics of Mario Galaxy look awesome. I have to see what this one is all about.


It's in a giant bedroom in space? It's an illusion? I don't know, but it's gigantic and full of awesome.


I hope you can actually enter that mansion in the background.


For some reason, surfing on the back of a stingray seems fun. But not if you're Steve Irwin.

Now it looks like I will have to buy Galaxy for sure.

There goes my budget for winter.

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