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I forgot that Fire Emblem can be played with GameCube controllers, so it became an easy decision for me.

I hear that a lot of people (myself included) are having trouble with the data transfer thing between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. For me, it said my data was corrupted, and it deleted all my info, including beating Black Knight on hard mode :cry:

Data transfer? What does it do to transfer the data from PoR to RD? Haven't heard of this yet.


So I got a Bought a wii on ebay... But now I need some a game so when it gets here i am not making miis of Hitler just so chuck norris can beat him....

am torn between MP3, SMG, SPM and TP... LOL... dang acronyms whatever...

I think id get metroid but Havent played the second one yet and thats the only reason holding me back, do i need to play the prime series in order?


And the security-enhancing system update that goes with it, I'm sure.

They seem to happen around the time of every major Nintendo release. And then we have to run an update again when we put the game in for the first time.

And the security-enhancing system update that goes with it, I'm sure.

They seem to happen around the time of every major Nintendo release. And then we have to run an update again when we put the game in for the first time.

I agree with that. I'm hoping the channel really comes out tomorrow, I would like to check out all these miis! :-P


Mario Galaxy tommorrow! Yes!

Anyways, Mii out? What is it? I cannot download it because of my current internet...

ALSO... my copy Metroid Prime 3 died. This sucks. I tried to start a game on hyper mode, and during the first intro part, it said my disk could not be read. I checked the disk, and all was fine except one small (but deep) scratch on it. Hmm... I guess that scratch was deep enough to render my game useless. :(

I got it. It's kinda nifty.


Freaking gamestop didnt call me today so I guess it's not here yet :(

I wonder if it will be in store tomorrow or Tuesday?

The Check Mii Out channel is kinda silly. The way you have to give the Miis initials kinda makes the whole thing lame for me. I much would rather they have full names D:

I wonder if it will be in store tomorrow or Tuesday?

The Check Mii Out channel is kinda silly. The way you have to give the Miis initials kinda makes the whole thing lame for me. I much would rather they have full names D:

Full names would have been better. The contests seems very interesting though, and the ability to download posted miis...

holy crap, they updated the download screen with fire mario and fire balls

also, anyone else get the awesome Mario charles gamestop call?

That's been around for a while. It doesn't show up all the time. I still can't figure out what makes it show up and what doesn't, or whether it's just random.

holy crap, they updated the download screen with fire mario and fire balls

also, anyone else get the awesome Mario charles gamestop call?

The download screen is random. I believe there is about four different things that can appear, small Mario, Big Mario/Luigi, Fire Mario/Luigi, and the very rare Swimming Mario and Luigi.


So am I right in thinking one year ago today the Wii launched? Man, it feels like a long year when I think back about it. Got some pretty awesome games these first 365 days with the system, with Zelda being the most memorable launch title for me. It's almost needless to say the system proved itself IMO. Can't wait to see all the great stuff we get in year 2 (let's go Mega Man games for virtual console!).

Once Nintendo stops dicking around with their online and stops treating me like a 4 year old, then I might say Nintendo has proved itself.

im not coming into this thread to start an argument or anything (those who visit the smash bros thread know what im talking about)

all i have to say is


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