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Final Fantasy 10 'To Zanarkand Once Again'

There are only a few remixes I've started off that I can say that I'm truly honored to have the first word on, and this is one of them. Trptcox covers this theme beautifully, and my only complaints are minor nitpicks about the samples. Truly an amazing mix, and one that I would recommend to everyone who isn't deaf or something.

  • 2 months later...

Truely .. im in awe. Orchestral mixes are very hard to master because of the instrumental value given in them, yet this sounds up to the brink of perfection.

Every aspect of this song makes it special, in an odd way. A definite keeper for anyone who loves orchestral music.

I cant muster up anything else to say really ..

  • 5 weeks later...

Im a little suprised that people havent been stuffing this one with reviews. Its a very good orchestrated peice, comparable to the original. While you might argue that its better to remix something thats orchestrated as techno, and vice vs... well I really have to say this is a stand out work. Sad in the same way the original peice was, and a delight to listen too. FFx has one of the best soundtracks of the series, and the theme here is treated like a king. Highly recommended.


I dont know why some people said this doesnt belong here...I dont like the game (FFX), but even I dig this mix. I know the tune, because my brother played the game, and I have to say, this is a nice take on it. Good job Russell. :D


I never heard of Russell Cox till i heard this mix.... then i checked out his others and realised another talent which has gone unnoticed, great mix, from a talented artist, keep em up cause i enjoy ur songs.

  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Having just started FFX, I've discovered a deep affinity for its understated but heart-pulling music. Russel captures the feeling of the original song beautifully in this, and does it wonderful justice. Great job! ^_^

  • 5 months later...

Anybody read that story with Ji Won i think it's called like 'A story of true love' about a girl named Mina and a guy named Ji Won? Well I first read this story at a site that had a Zanarkand midi playing loop in the background and it fit so good...this is like an enhanced version and it reminds me of that story...Now I wanna cry again...Seriously... :(

  • 5 weeks later...

Not having a PS2(and therefore not having played FFX), I normally wouldn't have downloaded this song. But I got a friend of mine to use his college network to get the Torrent of all of the songs, and added all of them to my playlist(which is the reason for my soon-to-come flood of reviews).

Well, ever since this one came up, i've repeatedly cloned it onto the playlist so that it comes up just about every other song. It's just...great. Well, "great" is not strong enough of a word. I think ssjtoo said it best:

HOLY (Beep), this is (Beepen) Awesome. Great (Beepen) job.


  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

This song..its... just..the only way I can describe it is truly beautiful. I can't even continue to put it in words. Very VERY well done, thank you for such a wonderfull song.


Wonderfully done! This is a truly beautiful remix, although I have trouble listening to it all the way through. It just makes me sad...especially around 3:50 :oops:

8/10 in my book.

  • 2 months later...

Personally, I think it's WONDERFUL. It has to be one of the best orchestrated remixes i've heard in a while. Here are the few flaws this song has:

At the beginning, the flutes seem slightly flat the second they start each note and are instantly back on key just after that split second. At about 1:25, the french horn part sounds sort of out of place. That's all of the flaws. I REALLY liked the piano at the end though. Overall, I think this is a wonderful remix and is worth downloading.

  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...
This remix rivals with the orchestral version of To Zanarkand that the Final Fantasy Orchestra performs.

I think I know that track, that one is very similar to this one, unfortunately too similar, it was like listening to the original. If Russel puts some more instruments in this, he can do some real cool things, but with just strings, harp and flutes there´s no big changes, even drums would help a bit. Anyhow, good song. Add some more and it will be majestic.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

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