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I heard the first few notes of this, and I'm like, "DUDE! YES! This song was so amazing!" But then that insane screaming came in and nearly made me piss myself. This song is insane, but just a little bit too much so for me. Minus the screaming and that "broken car engine" guitar, this remix owns.

  • 3 weeks later...

Great song - I always love battle music remixes. And I thought the game sounds and other random sound effects were neat, but the screams kinda turned me off. A little weird, but otherwise a great remix.


This song cracks me up. I did notice something. You can hear that Daffy Duck quote (and kinda see the cartoon) on Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Just a bit of useless information.

  • 4 weeks later...

I WANT this to be one of my favorites, I really do. I love the original. I love the intro. I think that the melding of the navigation sounds of the menu screens is cool, and the ending is hilarious. and I definitely love the kefka laugh and the sax. But then, there's the screams, and, at least for me, the daffy duck. His voice just grates on me and they really bring the entire song down from where this song had the potential of being for me :(.


Screams could have been toned down a little but other than that, a very well done mix.

I've actually had the mix for a couple of years now but I never thought of the idea that he used Daffy's voice to represent Kefka. Great idea. Both are certainly insane, and the voice of Daffy is pretty close to what I'd imagined for Kefka anyway.

The menu curser thing was blended well into the song, it fit well. And like almost everyone else has said the aggrivated player added a great touch as well :D

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This remix definitely isn't for everyone, but I think those that appreciate it, really and truely appreciate it. I remember being 14 years old in 1994 staying up way past my bedtime, sneaking down to the living room to get in more FF6 around 1:30am, hoping my folks wouldn't wake up.

This remix basically captures that moment in its entirety. For me, it's pure sexual chocolate. Well done.

And yes, I did make it back upstairs unnoticed.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
¿Is everyone else reviewing the same track as me?

Cause all I hear when I listen is appallingly random S***

I mean, it has the potential to be good...I mean, the real instruments are pretty good (for the most part...listening to it again the guitar pretty much sucks when t ad-libs), its just the rest of it that makes my ears bleed.

Like the random screaming, the walls of sound, the lack of any form of coherency whatsoever, the random samples thrown in just to...I dunno, try and be funny or something.

Seriously, words dont exist to explain how God-awful this track is.

The point of the song isn't in the composition of a lovely ballad - it's a representaiton, it's a reflection of madness, of playing FF6 for hours, and hours, and hours - the screams, the wall of sound, is the frustration, the effects of sleep deprivation. It's not a song as much as it is an auditory experience of something a lot of us have shared.

Of course, I could be nuts, but that's how I see it.

  • 1 month later...




OK, nuff funny said. The arrangement was good, I liked those flutes and the strings, and when everythin´ went over to some more crazieness, the techno and thrash metal waltzed in through the back door. That trumpet was quite well, don´t really know what kind of synth you used after that. Nice flutes afterwards, and....I can´t do this anymore, ther´s just TOO MUCH!

Personally, all the sound effects of cartoon figures and Kefka with his weapon of destruction doesn´t really did it fer me. BUT, Mustindude has a point. Remixing mustn´t neccessarily need to be quality stuff with excellent arrangement and all that. He just did this one to do something that noone would have expected(well, almost noone) and surprised with something crazy, wacky, and of course INSANE. Mustin surprised us all, but there are no shame to loose, just listen to this and see for yourself.



but the rest of the mix is good. Though really, I can't see how a few samples would instantly turn everyone off.

  • 5 months later...

Totally insane, crazy remix that jumps genres like trains in the wild west. If that doesn't explain it in detail, then I'll just come out and say this is made of awesome and win. Four or five thumbs up, depending on how many I can find.

This is not the place for such an arguement. However, in casual defense, if you listen past the random (yet funny) sound clips, you'll notice an excellent remix.

I mean, it put (for a moment) a saxaphone to Atma Weapon: The Fierce Battle. What is that, other then awesome?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This remix, while being awesome, scares the HELL out of me. I first heard it while sitting in my room at 2:00 in the morning, and during the song, I had to constantly check behind me to make sure that a monster wasn't in my closet. All of that aside, I absolutely LOVED this song! I'm looking forward to hearing more like this from you!

  • 1 month later...

Confusing, scary, and silly. I played sax in 8th grade and owned...makes me happy to hear it so well in a mix. mixture of old to new works for me. All said and done, i know what it feels like to experience the song in the game. awesome.

  • 4 months later...

but then i realized it was an OCRemix and i wtf'd

Final Fantasy 6 TheAtomizer was the track name or something

it sounds like the stuff i make kind of except it hurts more to listen to

though it doesn't quite have as many explosions as my tracks do

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

I really liked this when I first came to the site for it being all wacky and crazy.

Now I'm kinda split. It's a pretty basic arrangement at heart that heavily samples from the spc and some sound fx. I wouldn't call the placement of those fx and spc random, but I wouldn't call them well thought out either. On the other hand, it has a nice intense feeling to it, and the guitar and the sax are very cool. It pushes things to the silly extreme in a way that a lot of mixes don't, which I admire. And the ending makes me LOL.

But I guess it hasn't aged as well. There are other remixes that do the "crazy" thing better, I think. But I can't deny that I still enjoy it, call it a guilty pleasure. I would like to see Mustin do a mix like this today, but he doesn't seem to do any of this kind of stuff anymore.

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