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Ha ha, great thread, I'd have to give Yo! Noid another vote, and since no one's mentioned it, MISCHEF MAKERS!!!!! :-D awesome awesome game

Mischief Makers is not a crap game!


Mischief Makers was in fact pretty damn amazing.

Gex 64 was also in fact pretty damn amazing (I loved going to the "secret" Titanic level.).


I have both the original boss and battle themes on my MP3 player as well as the Remix by Hellion Sounds (just a 1:00 sample, but nonetheless great track) If you want to hear it just go to ytmnd.com and search for Akuma, scroll down a ways and watch "Akuma did 9/11". Pretty sweet, however if you are offended by the events that occurred at 9/11, then don't watch and don't yell at me.

Sorry guys, but I hate Quest 64. The magic system put me over the top.

I am also only a Megaman fan when it comes to sidescrolling adventures. However, I hate to admit it, but I did play MM Legends all the way through. Wasn't impressed though. MM Lengends 2 was rediculous and the final boss was very very difficult in my opinion.

WDL (World Destruction League) Thunder Tanks

Found this game yesterday after I logged off the computer and played it. This game is so damn terrible but it brought back so many memories of playing 4 player with my friends and brothers. The ONLY game we used the Multi-tap for.

Game and Watch Gallery games

I don't know why I like them, probably cause they are good time wasters, and a generous amount of unlockables.

Btw, I have to just say that Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was my second favorite Zelda game (A Link to the Past is in first) and I found nothing wrong with that game at all. It followed the same principles as Ocarina of Time just without adult Link, which of course bothered me, but I eventually got over it due to the fact that I was absorbed in that game. Playing that game was a blast.

Luigi's Mansion

Don't know how many of you like this game but I sure do. Every day in 5th grade when I stayed home sick, I would take the day to beat this game. Get all 50 boos and an S ranking on the mansion. Loved it.

Final Fantasy II

Hate it and love it. No particular explanation why I love it, probably cause it has FF in the title so I feel I'm obligated to at least moderately enjoy it. It was just bad. And to avoid confusion, I'm talking about the one on the Dawn of Souls for GBA, not FF IV with Cecil and Kain for SNES. I love that one, one of my favs.

Perfect Dark Zero

Now, I personally love this game, despite the fact that everyone runs around like they took a shit in their pants and is running to the potty. Bear with me on this one. I have read reviews and heard from people that PDZ sucks beyond return. I will give them that it is in fact worse than its sequal (in game time, not IRL) Perfect Dark for the N64. That game was Bad Ass. It was like the first game out on the 360 and everyone expected so much out of that game. With the exception of Nintendo, the first games on next-gen systems are rarely good. You know one day a couple years from now you will pick up that game and play online against others that had the same revelation as you.


My Hero for the Sega Master System was quite bad and the graphics were absolutely terrible (the main character looked like a zombie), but I still enjoyed playing it.



Speaking of great graphics *cough*, does anybody remember Pit-Fighter?

Yeah, it was quite awful (hideous animation, iffy controls, drab backgrounds, etc.) but I really liked it "back in the day" (I owned the Sega Genesis version).

There was something incredibly satisfying about using a barrel or chair to crush the brains of thugs with names like "Heavy Metal" and "Mad Miles".

Repeatedly performing Ty's double kicks to a gimp's face was also a high point.




Guilty gear X - Advance Edition.

Don't get me wrong, console Guilty gear games are awesome, and damn hard too. GGX Advance, on the other hand, Is shit simply because:

a) The enemy AI on one-player is a joke. The whole game can be beat without using any continues on hard - In fact, the whole game can probably be beat without losing any life. At first I was all like ''Yeah! Guilty Gear! On my Gameboy!'' but theres no challenge.

B) Theres no point playing multiplayer if you have a console version of Guilty gear. In fact, theres almost no point playing this if you've got a console version.

However, Its guilty gear, and its pretty useful for practicing. Its also a slight challenge if you go someone your crap with, In my case, Potemkin or Milla Rage. And its also really good for Guilty Gear noobs, as they can learn the basic techniques without getting their ass kicked on the 3rd round of Arcade mode.


Shining Soul II for the GBA. It's a real-time RPG set in SEGA's Shining Force series, and it got terrible reviews. Nevertheless, it's one of my favorite games, both for the GBA and just overall. The storyline is weak as hell, some animations are pitifully limited (particularly those of the first boss, who has a two-frame, 360-degree axe spin attack) and the enemy AI is retarded - it takes a straight line to you, even if that means trying (and failing) to walk through walls - but the game still manages to be both challenging and awesome. Multiplayer - both co-op and versus - is great, too. I think it might actually be the best game the GBA has to offer in terms of multiplayer. And it never stops being fun to try to continue levelling up your character. Shining Soul II also has what I think is one of the better weapon and spell systems I think I've ever seen in a real-time RPG.


DJ Puff for the Commodore 64. It came on a tape and it was essentially the first platformer (other than Sonic 1) which I hammered to death.

You were a dragon, a DJ Dragon, who had his discs stolen by an evil something and you had to collect them, plus also shoot fire at aztec Indians. There was like, 4 levels (massive levels) with a boss at the end of each and there was no ending - the game looped back to the beginning.

The collision detection was awful, the game sluggish and the rewards non-existent however I love it as one of the first things hooking me on gaming. It was colourful, cute and challenging.

I challenge ANY of you to know this game. Also, Slug for the C64 - however, that WAS a great game.


After saying that I had to play it again and my memory (though last I played it I was five) is spot on - check out the Aztec!


Yay! I'm gonna have to remix the level tune this year. BTW the game's full name is DJ Puffs Volcanic Capers, which I didn't remember.


Rockman EXE RPG games, except the 4th one. I love this series.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. That's a given. Sonic Riders too while we're at it, haha.

Final Fantasy VIII and IX. Speaking of this series, I hated VII...


Mighty Morphen Power Rangers for snes. I feel embarrassed even mentioning it but yes.. I liked it.

The background music is TOO redundant and sucky, the action moves look so robotical and Billy (blue ranger) is the only character in the game that prances along like a little sissy girl as he walks.

And Xenophobe! Who can forget Xenophobe? Does that sad excuse for a game even have an ending? The Start song in the beginning is toooo catchy that it'll haunt you for the rest of your life..


T&C Surf Design's Wood & Water Rage by LJN for the NES. I still kind of like that one. Everyone says its crap, but I still think the skateboarding part was fun. I always used to think that the surfing had some sort of hidden depth that I couldn't grasp. Turns out it just sucked. It was the first game we had for our NES after Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt back in 1988.

Speaking of great graphics *cough*, does anybody remember Pit-Fighter?

Yeah, it was quite awful (hideous animation, iffy controls, drab backgrounds, etc.) but I really liked it "back in the day" (I owned the Sega Genesis version).

There was something incredibly satisfying about using a barrel or chair to crush the brains of thugs with names like "Heavy Metal" and "Mad Miles".

Repeatedly performing Ty's double kicks to a gimp's face was also a high point.



Pit Fighter is one of the few games mentioned in this topic that I actually think is bad. Sadly, I too enjoyed it. I played it both in the arcade and Genesis.


I just typed two big ol' rants, only to get logged out when I try to post them. Maybe it's better they'll never be seen again... but I still can't believe nobody posted these yet.

METROID - amazing game, revolutionary, a GREAT challenge, frustrating, unpolished, buggy, repeatative - that game had it all. It was the one of the first games people might call "creepy", and although it was often more of a struggle than it was play - but it's awsome (in my rant I had made an analogy about the painful yet satisfying feat of climbing Everest). It's a great experience because it's so hard, not because of good graphics - ironic how that's the polar opposite of Metroid Prime, which had very immersive graphics, and MP2, which had even better (but less immersive) graphics. One could argue it doesn't need immersive graphics when it has such great music. But is it a bad game?? Just look at it's sequel, Metroid 2 - it's much better (in my opinion), but somehow doesn't get nearly as much love... Well whad'ya know, my metroid rant v2.0 turned out longer and completely different than the first one. I'll try and make this short (Hah!):

WIND WAKER - the long and increasingly boring travels I didn't mind so much - but the fighting was AWFUL: boring, monotonous, mind-bogglingly easy (pause it and select the right item, then target the enemey and press the correct button!!), and no new enemies for the last two thirds of the game (note, I haven't finished the game yet, 1 triforce shard to go). Every fight was like the "hit me 400 times before I hit you 3 times" guy, expect enemies took 1-3 hits and you took 20 (mind you I took slightly less, as I'm not getting any heart containers from bosses.) So what did I love about it? Those insane little details: the characters in the first town, the battleship guy (and his island-ridden counterpart), etc.. Sadly as the game goes on, those details get less and less frequent, and it gets monotonous and looks increasingly rushed (not unlike this rant). The dungeon design sucked too - while they were beautiful, they weren't up to par with all other Zelda dungeons. And the sheer number of islands is dazzling at first, but then it just gets repeatative, and again, their design looks rushed. Am I the only person who thinks the game should've been shorter (again, not unlike this rant shoud've been shorter)?

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