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Final Fantasy 'Medieval Kaoss'

Awesome break beat drums and an excellent melodic instrument in this mix. I love the way McVaffe puts this one together, everything just sounds perfect to me. There just isn’t much else I can say about that. Excellent work McVaffe, keep these coming.

  • 4 weeks later...

This one is one of my favorites! When I first heard it, it made me wanna dance (and I hate dancing)! I say this one was pieced together beautifully! I would give it five stars, but I don't have five stars, so I'll just say it's magnificent!

  • 9 months later...
'Gurgu Volcano' is what the original is called.

Wrong, Gurugu Volcano was derived from the Chaos Cave in FF. FF9 seemed to take alot of the previous FF games and implement them in its storyline. Remember Vivi? He is the black mage from FF. Remember the robe Garnet wears in the very beginning of the game? Identical to the white mage of FF

  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, this is DEFINITLY breakbeat. I have some breakbeat drumsets, and the samples sound exactly the same. The song overall is on the minimal side, but the crisp quality of the sound and the high quality arrangement really keep the listener's attention. Just when you might start getting bored with it, a drum solo comes in; the one at 2:30 is purely awesome.

  • 3 months later...

Ok the making of the drum beat is rather ingeniously simple ^_^...infact its very fun. This song is rather low calibur as far as mixes go these days, a virutal remake of the original with a nifty drumbeat ontop.

To clarify, samples do make it DnB or Breakbeat, its in execution. There is FINE line between DnB and Breakbeat, which is that Breakbeat is DnB cut up to add lots of breaks. Its like how a rectangle is a square, but a square isnt a rectangle. Same idea. So when people say this is DnB technically they arnt wrong ;p.

  • 2 months later...

I have to say that I enjoyed this for its keeping of the original song in there. I love the little beeps, and this song tok me right back to that *expletive* volcano with the *expletive* lava and the *expletive* monsters that wouldn't *expletive* die! No, really, the drums and tempo were just enough to make this enjoyable without losing the feeling of the original. Keep it up!

  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

haha! i love this song, drum programmings great! hell i'd need 3 hands for the main beat, and 5 for the solo part to play this in real life.... i dont really think its possible.... oh well, a guy can dream cant he?

one put down i had was the sound of the drums for example the snare sounds like someone blowing into a microphone... i dunno, hehe could be beat boxing!!

ya wutever. a great mix, keep up the good work McVaffe!

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I feel as if in a dream when I listen to this song, not that it makes me sleepy, but that it takes me to another place. Ingenius would be too light a word. I think that you, could do professional work. I myself being an amateur animator (still going to college for it) would love someone with your ability. Keep up the good work. :D

  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

I like the staccato melody. A nice reminder of the Nintendo feel for things, but still sounds good. Not terribly too much done to the melody, but that's ok. Drums are good, I think they still stand up after all this time.

Like the solo section, the long notes contrast to the staccato nicely, and it doesn't feel out of place or anything.

Still a good listen after all this time.

  • 7 months later...

hehe, the loops are really piled on strong here.

The melodic content is kindof buried by the phat beatz, but I guess it's fine, as it doesn't seem like as much care was put into them. Good matching the beats to the melody of the original tracks, but this one doesn't really keep my interest for long. The fadeout ending is also kindof weak.

Showin' it's age, imo.

  • 3 months later...

I feel like I'm in the thick of an active volcano as soft and sharp illuminations (sparks, lava bursts, and glows) emphasize the ghostly darkness. Certain elements illustrate this preciously: the muted lead supporter (glows), the reverbed synth at 1:16 (ditto), the drum+cymbal quote at 1:26 and elsewhere (lava bursts), and the coital drum loops during the 2:15-2:38 breakdown (sparks galore). Hot stuff.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Starts out a little sparse, but I have heard alot worse... yeah this is some cool 'Vaffe stuff, drum sequencing is awesome, those drum solos are wicked :D

Everything is pretty clean, it never gets crowded.

Pretty awesome stuff, but its McVaffe, which means it'll have awesome stamped all over it.

  • 10 months later...

OK, I'm going to come out and say this before I say anything else here: THIS IS THE FINAL FANTASY IX FOR PSX VERSION OF MOUNT GULUG, NOT THE ORIGINAL FINAL FANTASY FOR NES!!!!! Makes me angry when people mix up the original game when doing a remix... The song remixed here is a remix OF a remix. Moving on, this song is absolutely epic. If you look at it from a standpoint of the original Final Fantasy, this song is WAY out of line for the remix. However, if you look at it as its real "Final Fantasy IX" root, it shows that he can make an already epic song more epic, simply by making it staccato. The MAIN melody, used in both versions, is there. The INTRODUCTION makes it Final Fantasy IX root, while the way it sounds IS Final Fantasy I. What McVaffe did: Take a remixed song from the creators and turn it into a slightly cooler version of the original root. Props, and a download.

P.S. I signed up to post this, this was the first that made me WANT to post...

P.P.S. 9/10. This is a great rating from me, because I usually despise remixed songs from games, I almost always find them disgraceful sacrilege against the original. 9/10 is a great rating, and the ones I have downloaded are rare exceptions to this rule of sacrilege. Props to anyone who made the ones on my computer.

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