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OCR00652 - Chrono Trigger "Millennial Mountain (Delightful Disco Mix)"

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Chrono Trigger 'Millennial Mountain (Delightful Disco Mix)'

Well, to tell you the truth, I think disco should have gone with the 70's never to return. :) Regardless, this mix does display the sort of quality we've all come to expect from NoppZ, and is a fun listen regardless of your opinion of a certain genre of music. This is also another good example of his ability to put multiple songs together (in this case, three) - listen up if you want to do something like this, since NoppZ always gets it right. So unless you're even more anti-disco than I am, go for it!


I have to admit, I listen to disco semi-regularly. I was born after the 70s, so I never really got a good taste of it, but one day, I when on a downloading streak and downloaded lots and lots of disco. It's a cool genre, and it's a shame it's gone. But, NoppZ tries to bring back Disco with this excellent interpretation on the originals. It's a very chirpy quirky mix, and I strongly recommend everyone obtains themselves a copy today. :D


I wouldn't say that I enjoy disco or really anything much from the 70's, but this totally breaks the mold. I just can't stay angry, depressed, sad, or anything negative when I listen to this, it's just so... upbeat! A totally cool mix that I can't recommend enough. I especially like the last minute and a half, when everything comes together, you just can't help feeling like jumping up and down, bopping your head side to side... It's just great; I can't say any more than that.

Hey, if I bothered to write a review for it - it HAS to be good!

  • 4 weeks later...

In the spirit of Modern Disco and clubber anthems, this tune keeps your foot tapping and a smile on your face. It does an excellent job of adapting all three themes to the given style. The overall feeling is VERY remeniscent of Gigi D'Agostino, and his type of dance music. Right of the bat, you will notice how similar it is.

Overall, one of my favorite Dance-music remixes on site, and extra points for getting all three songs in to mix so well!


I dunno about 70's disco, but game disco ROCKS THE MOTHER FUCKING HOUSE! I LOVE THIS MIX! WAHHHHHHHRRRGGG...I"M GOING CRIGADY CRIGADY CRAZY...This song is GREAT to whistle along to.

  • 1 month later...

I agree with most of the other comments about the song. It kicks my ass in a way I don't quite understand and feel ashamed to admit to. What I find really clever though is the title of the song; it contains a word from each of the 3 titles of the original songs it's based on. I just think that's really neat.

  • 3 weeks later...

This mix is they personification of greatness. It is. There's no other way around it..while, to me, I can'tt see the disco in it, I'm sure there's a hint somewhere. I wouldn't recommend they change a thing.


  • 1 month later...

Oh this is a great mix. It still keeps the heart of the game but adds a new twist that is very enjoyable. I think this one is a must have! It just makes you smile you know what i mean?

  • 4 months later...

For some reason, whenever I listen to NoppZ's arrangements, i just can't help but smile when I finally recognize a tune, plus he usually does very cheery mixes of fairly cheery songs (Heck, he even made Kefka's theme sound cheerful in his FIRST remix here), unlike a lot of other remixers.

Anyhoo, i didn't recognize the first song in this medley, but the other two are the millenial fair and Spekkio's theme. Excellent arrangement, with fairly good sampling, as usual, and an infectious sense of HAPPY! is throughout the whole thing. The beat is impossible not to like, as well. it's an excellent "pick-me-up" song if you're down. Good work, NoppZ!

  • 3 weeks later...

WOW nice song! I totally agree with the main message that was posted on the download screen, it does keep you in a good mood and your spirits high...especially at the end of the song. as you may notice, my screenname consists of the word, 'techno'. I am a techno FREAK, ok? But...this disco mix, why it kicks butt and is not even a techno song. I reccomend this to you, and if you want the whole delightful effect to kick in, listen to the whole song. awesome job, NoppZ! I give you an A+

  • 3 months later...

This is another example of NoppZ's unique style. He seems to do almost exclusively happy and simple remixes. Being simple isn't a bad thing, in this case; though it won't make anyone go 'wow'. I wouldn't consider it disco, but this remix is quite catchy and, as my sister put it, 'cute'. My only real complaint here would be the lack of any real variation, and the unchanging instruments. Unremarkable and bordering on several midis put together with good samples? Yes. But for reasons I find hard to explain, this piece simply gives off enough good vibes that I really like it.

  • 6 months later...

Oh, Noppz, how doth I love yee remix? Let me count the ways.....

First, you can listen to it over and over again. And again. And again. And just gets better. I have been listening to it for over 6 months, been on every playlist I could have made, and even burned it on Xbox to listen to while playing Tetris. (Yes, I am a sad example of a gamer sometimes.) Now, I start this off by pointing out the one flaw it has. After listening it enough times, I noticed a sawing\hissing sound throughout the piece, starting at 0:17. Now, at first it didn’t seem so bad, except it soon began to stand out, like a instrument off-key. It also doesn’t help that it covers most of the sound spectrums, which makes it difficult to mum or at least weaken. That was the only weak spot I could find, and the rest of the song was more or less excellent.

For example, the intro. It starts as a standard background support notes, you know, like on a piano piece that which you play the main melody on the right while you do a “C E G” on the left. It starts alone, then is joined by a wonderful chopped synth woodwind, WITH reverb, giving a excellent introduction feel of what is coming up next. And what comes up next is the beautiful melody of Singing Mountain.

Giving a treat for those who attention spans are as short as mine, notice how almost each loop or portion of the song is always different, with the exception of the 2:12 transitional crescendo to the Delightful Spekkio portion. Even the most minor changes are apparent, and prevents it getting stale. That in fact is reason why it lasts so long, it is high-quality, isn’t your run-of-the-mill mix, and is fun to listen. The finale, around 3:27, is simply the most memorable portion, a redone version of an already up-beat tune, Delightful Spekkio, and is carefully played in a epic finish, with a great finisher, a cha-cha-cha. I do have to admit, the Millenial Fair is the weakest portion, but that is compared to the rest of the piece, by itself it a fine remix of it. Now, I can see this as a Credit’s Theme, with the various characters dancing to the beat with the maker’s names float around them, but other than that, it doesn’t really fit into a video game (Though Magus breakdancing would be..... interesting >:D).

Catchiness: 10 Very catchy, even angry anti-technology types would hum to it knowing it was a techno video game remix.

Replayablity: 10 Even after 6 months, it is my favorite OC Remix on this site

Originality: 8 It is Disco, and it uses some overdone songs, and it is a Chrono Trigger. However, it is a new look, and is fun in a shiny way.

Endless Replay Mode: 7 There is only so much I can take, and 7 times in a row left me missing my other mixes.

Entertainment: 10 I love this song, and it is very fun to listen too, and it is probably one of the top songs on this site.

Overall: 10 This is one of my favorite songs, and is the key reason I love these remixes, something old in a new and catchy way.

  • 4 months later...


This is how much I love this mix. This is the first thing I've posted on these forums in years, it's the first song I gave a 5-star rating in my WMP media library, and I work out to it.

yeah and whoever said it's a great song to whistle to...TIS

  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

NoppZ made an excellent masterpiece of a remix. even though it has that disco pattern, it gives me a happy-depressed-nostalgic feeling. It reminds of you several points in the game... *sniff* lol... one of my favorites ever.


I think this is a very cool song, sure anyone could've made it, but I still love listening to it. I t gets kinda annoying after awhile, because it's not quite the original 'orchestrated' piece. but still good

  • 2 months later...

This is a 100% delightful remix that is sure to shine up every face that hear it´s funny techno melodies.

The beginning did almost trick, because it´s just a lonely melody with a classic synth. But then, HEY-HEY! In comes some real happy dancin´ clowns that throws applepies in your face, and still your not mad. Why? Because you´re to happy to be mad.

Okay, maybe that was a bad example.( maybe REALLY bad )

But all of this is just fantastic, three songs sound maybe too much because that the remixes on this site contains one or two songs. But the walkovers are great in this masterpiece, singing mountain isn´t even supposed to be funny, but here it is, and it SMILES.

Okay, an another bad example, but what more can I really say? Even if Willy Wonka, Krusty and the Care bears put their minds together, they wouldn´t even make a mix half this good!

Totally loved that Spekkio-part with his xylofone, that was completely great.

NoppZ, you´re the best.

:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!! :)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!:)!!

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

So not Disco.

I do like it though, and it's way mechanical feeling really makes me think of a little friendly robot rolling around with built-in speakers cranking this out. Maybe a mini-Gato?

The segue to Spekkio was unexpected and awesome, and was improved even further with the modulation. I think this could have been loosened up a little bit and still kept it's feel, but it still works pretty well, even years later.

  • 5 months later...

Bouncy Bouncy! Definitely a delightful mix, which really takes the melancholy flow of Singing Mountain and merges it with the upbeat feeling of Delightful Spekkio and Guardia Millenial Fair. I really like what the tempo change has done and I think that this is a masterful, enjoyable piece.

  • 6 months later...

The disco reference flies completely over my head. Disco? Where?

Luckily, the reference to the 'delightful' hits the nail on the head. If it does anything, it most certainly delights.

This doesn't aspire to shake the foundations of the euro-dance sound that this derives from, which is a shame because that sound is becoming a bit of a cliche for me. Maybe it's because I tend to resist overly sweet things, but this specific genre is something I wouldn't want to deal with every day. However, despite the fact this mix does nothing to break from conventions, it does utilise them quite well to bring out some nice touches to the melodies and to bring them together in a more than coherent way. That's something that is inarguably enjoyable, I'm sure.

Additionally, samples are standard and predictable and there could have been more arrangement of the source. The mix has flaws, basically. But when Millenial Fair comes in and starts playing, it's hard not to forgive them. It's pretty much guilty fun; not much more than a sickly sweet, well-constructed run-through of three very catchy songs. For some, that's all they need. Though for me, I'm left wanting a little more substance.

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