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A friend of mine from college is a history major with a serious hard-on for that time and place.

He's either gonna really love it or really hate it.

I just hope he's not one of those types that doesn't realize its intentionally historically inaccurate.


Eh heh...

Originally posted by: kingcharlesj on Nexopia

my friends and I are going to see the movie 300 tonight at midnight

and sneak pizzas in the theatre

my friends took a wheel chair from wal-mart, and fixed it up so we can hide pizzas in it

and since im the lightest i get to ride in it, lol




But anyways, back on topic. I'm thinking of watching it - but I'm hoping there is no dialogue. Absolutely none - maybe a few war cries here and there but nothing else.


Saw the 5:30 showing here. We were worried about it being sold out, but for our showing, there were plenty of empty seats. However, coming out, we ran into a huge line for the next showing. So, I guess we won that battle.

The saw-armed man needed to have a bigger part. Seriously, who designs that beast and only puts him on for 30 seconds?

Agreed. My favorite character. :D Was I the only one who thought that this movie had the best blood effects ever?

The whole theater cheered when the queen stabbed that guy in the Senate (or whatever the Greek equivalent is).


300 was a great movie. Favorite parts were the main character breaking the phalanx and owning a dozen guys in slow motion and the 2 guys doing the exact same thing 30 minutes later. Totally awesome movie.


After having watched the preview at least once daily due to my roommate, I must say 300 met my expectations from the preview. However, I wish I had not seen the preview as many times as I did. It pushed my expectations too high; to the point they could not be exceeded by what the film did.

Still, I am sooo buying this as soon as it comes out to DVD. I'd also watch it again if a friend feels like going to it.


Pretty awesome flick. We had seats way in the corner so the aural experience wasn't to involving (which takes away a lot for me).

I bet the movie would've been an hour shorter if it wasn't for all the slow motion. That pretty much annoyed me, but other than that, it was intense.


Just got home...very cool stuff. About halfway through the movie, I kinda thought "hmm, you know, there sure is a lot of slow motion", and didn't think anything else of it for the rest of the film.

It could have been better, but not a whole lot better. Very well done bit of film. Thumbs up.

The whole theater cheered when the queen stabbed that guy in the Senate (or whatever the Greek equivalent is).

Same at the showing I went to. An applause after it ended, too. It's amazing because this never happens in my town.

As for the slow motion, I thought it made everything so much more dramatic.


I thought some of the queen plot was a little dry. Other than that, it was the most enjoyable movie I have seen in a long time.

It could have also used more beheadings. I only counted about 9.

And the sex part, did they really need to film all the positions of the kama sutra?


I saw this movie today.


I'm pretty sure it was the manliest movie I'd seen since the original Conan. What made it for me, though, was at the first showing, some lady brought in her 7-year-old boy. Now, my friend got a little bothered by that, and while I share his sentimentalities to a point, I pointed out that we're both in our mid-20's and when we were that age, we were watching far, faaar gorier shit than that. And on cable television. So, I felt that the kid probably experience his first truly epic movie of his life.


Saw it with 10 of my friends. We bought our tickets on fandango four hours previous to the 7:00 PM showing. THANK GOD. Because when we got to the theater, that shit was sold out. The lobby was filled with people waiting for the 10:00 PM showing.

The movie was fucking awesome. When the long haired guy who at first I thought would be a nub went out and just raped everybody in slow motion, a tear dropped from my eye. That's probably the single coolest action scene I've ever seen. So much of the action was extremely well done. Completely met my expectations. The theater was packed, and there were many laughs and cheers to be had. One of the best movie experiences I've had in a while.


Hey motherfuckers. I go to community college and I paid 10 dollars to post on this forum.So if there's anyone here who is qualified to properly judge this film, it's ME! >:(


Does anyone else think that the spartan who had the bandana wrapped around his head could play a totally wicked Solid Snake? Seriously, he totally looked the part for it. Quick, someone send Kojima a snapshot of him.

Other than that, I got all that I wanted out of this movie, loads of great action, boobies ;-), and even more awesome action. I did want to see the battle at the end, but I knew they weren't going to show it.

That movie wasn't nearly as good as the reviews made it out to be. After two and a half hours, you just wanted it to be over...friggin' thing had more endings than Return of the King.

300 on the other hand was awesome.

I liked Zodiac...


My entire battalion bought out the midnight showing. It was every bit as stylistic and gruesome as I had hoped. I sat front row center, and could practically taste the gore. Personally, I loved how they tracked the dismembered limbs in flight. And the Rhino scene was great.

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