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  • 4 weeks later...

Reading through these posts I have to make a few funny observations.

1-After like 3 different hosts only 1, the last one, actually still seems to link to the WTF mix

2-The majority of those who listened to this are completely ignorant to the genre. I was suprised to find someone knew Brave New Waves and someone else knew Kid 606, that seems to be as close as you got to similar arists.

3-Mustin's the Atomizer was referenced I believe 4 times. WHY! Is there nothing else on OCR as ecclectic? They are not similar at all.

4-The general consensus is either a) I like it but it's not for me, B) Ug, what were they thinking, I do like the sheep thing though... or c)This is my life's single greatest experience; I want crack.

5-It's very nice to find people's knowledge base explaining the samples. Wu-tang, the Little Prince, David Craig, A Scholar & A Physician clearly sampled a lot.

Okay, now it's time for my actual critique:

Now that one of my main musical resources is OCR I've searched the databse far and wide for some fast/abstract dnb/idm as soon as I was 4 seconds in I knew I had found it. I am not getting tired of this mix anytime soon. The drums are detailed, the melody is toyed with magnificently, and the fast flanges and reverses are wonderful. Clearly this is unique on OCR, but the best... meh yeah it's good. The genre I was looking for, very mathematically acurate (which trust me can be hard...), one for my collection, even my top 5, there's nothing wrong with it (though I wasn't a huge fan of the noodles part, though it was funny), but there's just so much good music here at OCR. Besides I don't want to pull the same 8O everyone else is.

The visual; spot on... someone made the comment that with Atomizer they didn't even need the visual. WELL GOOD FOR FRIGGIN ATOMIZER! Can't you see this song inspired a flash artist to make something equally visually precise and maticulous? Isn't that a good thing?!? The flash is a triumph. Good work, it should be respected on par with the mix. In fact the two should join forces and fight evil.

If you guys like this I recommend you read through a page from my personal site bio; it is full of links to a wide range of similar wonderful odd musical styles. You can find that here.

(Especially the first 3 links)

If you like this mix also check out these songs:

Aphex Twin - 54 Cymru Beats

Kid 606 & Hrvatski - Vatstep DSP

Kid 606 - Never Underestimate The Value Of A Holler <<<(Missy Elliot Remix!)

Venetian Snares & Doormouse - Skelechairs

Squarepusher - Mindrubbers

Lesser - Epic Act (Awful Way To Go)

You hate it and you love it cause this music has balls, and that's all there needs to be said.

  • 3 weeks later...

It's like... SMB meets a DDR Paranoia remix. And while I don't like all of the Paranoias, this is great. It's constantly changing, but it keeps the theme going flawlessly in the background, never once dropping the beat. It seems that way, with all the chaos going on around it, you somehow never get lost. :D

  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This just fucking rules. I don't even know how to put it better. Its like this one guy serving up the burns at a rap battle, and every one is the crowd is going "OOOOOHHHH", that same sense of "DAMN THAT GUY IS CLEVER!!!" except in the form of an OcReMix. Let the comparisons stop there, cause its downhill after that.

  • 1 month later...

It never really occurred to me before, but I'm surprised this title didn't get caught in the great renaming of OCR1000.

(I'd say something more relevant to the musical content of the track, but I can add nothing that the previous posters haven't already.)

5-It's very nice to find people's knowledge base explaining the samples. Wu-tang, the Little Prince, David Craig, A Scholar & A Physician clearly sampled a lot.

Oh my god, did you just say David Craig!? I'm sure you were just quoting someone, but whoever it was, the guy's name is CRAIG DAVID, I didn't expect people outside britain to be that ignorant of him, though he hasn't had success in america.

EDIT: I just heard the WTF mix, these guys must be british, explaining the Craig David sample. And I was indeed tempted to say 'WTF?' in parts, nice mixing.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yikes, something happened when a scholar and a physician joined forces to create a wacked up remix for the ol' mario tune. This whole piece was crazy and hard to keep track of where you were, but still left an influence with Mario's name on it. My friends have listened to this as well, and they have gone into spasms of insane thoughts and wacky mario games, and it's fun to watch. What a change this mix has given me to my view of Super Mario Bros. for practically the rest of my life. This will definetely be fun.

Final Grade: 7 out of 10


The Flash video of this song is actually what led me to OC Remix in the first place.

It's crazy and plays by its own rules. Definitely worth a listen.

  • 4 weeks later...

Now this is what OCR means to me - fucking FANTASTIC!

This is my kind of arrangement..very spastic, and very enjoyable. This is TRUE remixing of VGM, not just interpreting the music and 'updating' it, but completely revamping the tune.

You, sir, win an iNTERNET!

  • 2 weeks later...

For some reasons i never ever had a chance of hearing good remixes. However, hearing this sound, it's AWESOME mix maid me remind me of the good old days like my NES would get screwed, and i would go crosseyed. The only thing that was bad about it was the little kid talking always. Make it some Mario or luigi like voice. Otherwise, this is the best Mario Mix i have heard at the Site.


Almost feel like people are going to gang beat me for saying this, but I didn't really like this too much. It was awfully cluttered and didn't flow as much as I'd have liked it to.

Yet this is coming from a person who doesn't remix things, so I probably don't have room to talk much. I will say, despite my negative remarks, that this is as creative as anybody could hope for. Just not my style, unfortunately.

  • 4 months later...

This is one of those songs that you like, but you don't know why. Trying to understand this song is like trying to understand Richard Simmons: disturbing and confusing. I just like it, that's it. I shouldn't, but I do. Maybe its because I enjoy randomness. Or not. Anyway, this mixx gets a 9/10.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is one of the most interesting remixes I have ever heard and I am glad I heard it. I usually let this one begin my listening session as I still find it amazing that he found all of the instruments to mix in there. Odd, but in a great way

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