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OCR00691 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Love Hurts"


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I don't care if it's repetetive, this is the best Sonic remix I've ever heard, as well as DJP's best. Well Socket Tripthelightfantastic is up there too, but that's a horse of a different color. This song pulls me in like Air's "Playground Love" or Daft Punk's "Something Between Us", it's got that same moody yet romantic lounge funk sound to it that they do (did I use enough adjectives? :roll: )

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  • 1 month later...

I'm reviewing this as I'm listening to it for the first time, so here goes. Interesting mix, DJ. It has a nice bass score, which seems to be the basis and focus of the song. It has some interesting sounds in it, some odd stuff is done to the bass at many points. I don't have any particular feelings to this mix. It seems very random at times, but has a nice tune to it. It's nothing I'd listen to all the time, but it's a nice break from my normal playlist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very chill, yet remarkably amazing remix from the humble djpretzel, this song brings in a slow beginning, very soft and moving, before the drums leap in, taking the song to an almost progressive rock meets funk groove. Complete with great organ-sounding guitar, great production, and hypnotic smooth sounds you can almost taste they sound so sweet. One of the best tracks on OCR. Highly recommended.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is good. Up there with Pachibells Gannon. My only complaint is I wish he used some acoustic guitar, but hay, that's just me. If you see this, download it right away, or I'll reach though the screen and slape your face off. I'll pick up a tree and kill you. (if anybody recognizes that, you can laugh right now)

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  • 4 months later...

I can sum up this remix up in just one word...Heart. Pure heart. In every note, every nuance, every beat.

It flows with soul and it has a nice funk to it that’s hard to find. Beautiful.

Sonic the Hedgehog “Love Hurts” is one of the first remixes I had ever downloaded from OCR, and I’ll never get rid of it. It’s also among the few that inspires one to start working on his or her own remixes. Believe me, I know. :)

Now If I may return the kindness that djpreztle bestowed me once, let me just say,

Good stuff from Mr Lloyd.

Kevin “Lorenzo” Sisk a.k.a. debeerguy()

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  • 2 months later...

One word! Wow! It has a great opening. It shows emotion and builds up well to a universal melody. It is a very origonal piece and I can't help but fall in love with it. The beat is not lacking anything.

The only complaint is the bass track. It's too loud! It can't overshadow the piece like that. I shouldn't have to turn it down.

Overall, though, this is a great piece, and I enjoyed listening to it. What emotion!

93.4%. Excellent!

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  • 5 weeks later...

This is THE song to listen to when you're feeling blue, it describes that emotion better than any combination of words in any language in the universe.

I got this song some time ago during a very tough, hopeless romantic stage in my life, and I found no other sympathy from any other person quite like I did with this one song.

"Love Hurts" hits the nail on the on the very epicenter of the head with a needle, the emotion conveyed is just that.

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  • 1 month later...

Certain words and phrases have been overused in popular journalism, to the point where they no longer carry the effect they should. Words like "love" and "powerful", to name but two, have been used to describe all manner of mediocre games, films, etc. Hardly an issue goes by in which NME or Kerrang don't describe at least one album as "life-affirming". The problem here is that people are mistaking good journalistic style and effective, compelling writing with increased levels of hyperbolic enthusiasm.

So, to say that I "love" this remix, or that I find it "powerful" and "life-affirming" would not only be untrue, but ineffective. The best, and most accurate, way I can find to describe this remix at this point in time is as a good remix. If pushed, I might even be willing to say that it is very good. Maybe I'm missing something which everyone else has picked up on, but this remix doesn't make me want to volunteer myself as djpretzel's bitch for all eternity, or tear off all my clothes and run out into the middle of the street while declaring that I have "seen the light". I like this remix. I could probably listen to it several times in a row. It will probably even end up on one of my cds of "random music what I likes".

So what about a score out of 10? How many stars does it get? What percentage? Or none of the above? The problem with reviewing music, as with reviewing any other art form, is that it is a subjective experience. While I like this piece, someone else may not. I might like it now, but

will I like it as much in a month, a year, 10 years? I cannot write enough words to describe the full range of emotions and sensations which listening to any one piece of music arouses in me. And if words are so inadequate to describe a piece of art, surely a number will be many times

less so. What qualifies me to stick an arbitrary value on enjoyment of a piece, or an arbitrary limit on how much I may enjoy future releases? A perfect score implies perfection in a piece, and therefore a limit on how good a future piece may be. What if I give this mix 100%, and then tomorrow I hear one which I like even better? I will either be forced to re-assign any previous given scores, thereby implying some kind of de-valuation in enjoyment of those songs, or to give that mix 100% as well, even though I enjoy it more than this one, and I for one don't want to put myself in that situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can feel the emotion in this piece, very aptly named. I don't know the original piece so I can't compare but this is certainly among my favourites on OC, up there with Pachelbel's Ganon. It's groovy, while maintaining the mood intended as the title suggests.. delightful.

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  • 3 months later...

The bass is awesome. Love when the cheese organ comes in surprisingly. Yes, I noticed a "Smooth Criminal" similarity somewhere, too. I love the clab, sounds like it is talking. The delayed synth-whistle interlude is sweet. The snare drum is solid. I like the 2:30 Billie Jean drums / clav solo breakdown and... yes.. Pretzel "gives the bass player some!"

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Too hyper? This song is smoother than basically any song that I can think of. I love this song, and it hurts (sorry if this has been said :)). Funkbluesjazz...I can't define it. I actually listen to this song when love hurts, that's how smooth and hip this is. Do you have trouble seeing over your pelvis, djp?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I love this song. It starts off in a way that was truly unexpected and from there out it is a very pleasant ride. I usually don't go for the techno funk stuff, but this is right on the money. Recommended. Highly recommended. Thanks to djpretzel for this superb piece.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I like it when DJP gets all full of inspiration and then decides to try things out, this piece reminds me much of his other work dubnofantasyaloneman, that one and this are both very funky and hipp remixes.

But what's special with this one is that it's alot more groovy, cool basses and electric organs wah'd to the max, and some funky solos where the melody is being experimented with. This piece emitts so much creativity that it's almost toxic, and to think that it began with a beer ad adds some more humor to it.

What more is there to say, it would be nearly impossible to comment on every thing that this arrangement contains, so I'll just say that this is funky monkey stuff, download it now or regret it later.

Certain words and phrases have been overused in popular journalism, to the point where they no longer carry


either be forced to re-assign any previous given scores, thereby implying some kind of de-valuation in enjoyment of those songs, or to give that mix 100% as well, even though I enjoy it more than this one, and I for one don't want to put myself in that situation.

We have a philosophy forum for this y'know, and there are none who expects to you set a grade on this piece. If you think it was very good, just say it, since many in this thread most likely shares your opinion.

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