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Wow, you know its just a website, not a way of life!

Yes but some people put a lot of hours of their free time to produce grade A mixes that dont get the respect they deserve. when you put your heart into something, and it is worth while, and doesn't get a chance it's just plain disrespectful.

I'm tired of this elitist crap. I've been a faithful OCR follower for nearly 6 years, a remixer for nearly 5, and they have the gaul to exclude me from their secret site projects? What the hell? I guess if you're not a member of the "clique" you don't count. Screw that. I'm done with OCR.

See you tomorrow.

I wish the deletion of all my comments in Review forum. And please remove the avatars I did for the site as well.

Sorry. Txai.

All that stuff is now the intellectual property of David W. Lloyd. You ceded your claim to it when it was submitted.

Tough break, pal.


I can definitely say this one site has changed my life in a way. It inspired me to really dive into music and even go to school for it. I really appreciate all that has been done here, but sadly, my interest has waned due to my many endeavors offline. I loved helping out in the ReMixing section to give back to what was once given me, but now, it's simply time to move on. I would probably keep a steady interest here if a larger part of the demographic lived near me and I could go to a meet-up and actually meet the people who I've only interacted with through typography, but that's another sad reality.

It's an issue simply of priority and a need for person to person interaction. I just can't stand sitting here either when the weather feels so great outside and there's so many great people to actually meet! I will come back of course, visit the forums every now and then and get music, but for the most part my participation here will be of short duration. I always will have my OCRemix hoodie and tee, and will always sport them though!

Though my reasons for "leaving" are different from the original poster, I just wanted to let you all know how much I truly appreciate all that has been done here for me and the rest of the community. Just a few personal shoutouts to zircon, BGC, analoq, SGX, of course djp and to anyone who ever gave me a piece of advice, music related or not.

Thank YOU!


p.s.: Let there ALWAYS be more judgehate.


I would also like to have all of my contributions removed - my remixes, my avatars, and all of my comments and posts. Thanks for nothing DJP. I'm going to support The Lockdown from now on. I'm tired of being excluded from secret remix projects.

Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out, guys.

And could you get me a burger while you're out? I'll pay you for it when you come crawling back to OCR.



Loling at all this.

There is a lot of immaturity on both sides of this argument. I suppose I will just cross-post on the lockdown forums(you know they are going to be there)like I do everywhere else.

Oh, and most of Recapitated is shit.


You guys are sore losers, that's the reason you're whining while you leave. While you're away on your li'l project, maybe you'll grow some balls.



After reading the entirety of that topic, I feel as though I've lost a portion of my life that I can never get back.

Seriously folks.

If you don't like something, and you're gonna leave, just do. Nobody cares to hear anyone whining about this and that. Just go.

And could you get me a burger while you're out? I'll pay you for it when you come crawling back to OCR.

No prob. Is a double Whopper ok? I was probably gonna get a spicy chicken sandwich, myself. Then again, I may just go to Wendy's. They have a great spicy chicken sandwich, and chiki instead of fries is nice.

Speaking of sides, do you want a combo meal, or just the burger? Anything you don't want on it? And what about a drink? Is a Sprite alright with you?

...wait a sec, why was I going out again?

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