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It's real, they've been working on it for a while.

Also OLD

Seriously people, if it gets here after Kotaku has it, it's old.

Well, it's not that farfetched. And it's about time they let you sing to the tunes you're playing, because let's admit it, we all do it anyway. ;)



oh man i wonder how they will ever do it maybe they will put all the different intraments as differerent tracks or something and then you can like do so much of one track and then move on to the next track...you'd have to like play all tracks and then all the songs would be by the original artists and stuff and then you could like even remix the songs wouldnt that be a sweet game

oh wait they did that before its called amplitude you bitches should play it


Sounds really expensive. Guitar hero is awesome but 90 bucks is kind of pushing it. I was hoping GH for wii will be less expensive because i'm hoping the wiimote plugs into some kind of empty guitar shell. So how are they going to package this game? 3 different skus?


The obvious problem would be the drum set. The only good drumset game I can remember was DrumMania, and the set up was pretty big. Also the game is heavily missing keyboards. Damn, I really never liked this game, I'm such a Bemani loyalist


This is a very interesting concept, i.e. "greatest thing ever," and provided that Harmonix can fine tune it, I'd definitely pick it up. Next thing we'd need are "Rock Band" battles. Band against band; brother vs. brother; rock apocalyse the likes of which karoke bars or high school auditoriums have never seen before.

Ok, I'm getting carried away, but it's still a cool idea.

Geez, if EA has its grimey omnipotent hands on the track list the game is doomed...

*nightmares of EA Trax from the past*

Harmonix needs to be in charge, seriously. They've done well with picking songs in the past.

It sounds like Harmonix is the main creative force here. EA and MTV are just opening up some new possibilities Harmonix couldn't access before (and I imagine EA will be publishing the game as well). I may be wrong, but I'm not too worried about it.


This is exactly what I was wishing for future Guitar Hero installments. I enjoyed the GH games but for some reason, despite how awesome they were, always felt like they were lacking something. This game sounds like it's going to be the answer for everything.

So what bands do you hope they get? I hope for more Megadeth (Holy Wars and Tornado of Souls please!), old Metallica (Orion or Fight Fire With Fire would be sweet), Slayer (Raining Blood!), more Pantera, more Jimi Hendrix, some AC/DC, and if they can some Death but I doubt that.

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