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Far be it from me to interfere in a feud between two people, but I believe your post was a bit rude and not called for. You know that it would have caused a ruckus that this thread does not need.

and so her post's title was ok but mine wasn't? yeah, that's not fair... now I remember why I haven't been here since 2002. all i did was bring up the fact that i bought a ring for a person. What is delete worthy about that? =)

  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Hazama, I really like your Suikoden 2 mix.

I'd also like to take the opportunity to say that I totally said I was married a few pages back and got the big ol snub from BCG. ;_;

Maybe for my 4th anniversary he can put me on the list as a gift. :P

whoops, i apologize, bud. you iz now added!

also--just celebrated my 2nd Anniversary yesterday 8)

  • 2 weeks later...
As an fyi - I'd get married again to eko if I could afford it. Marriage is so awesome (and so are kids!)

Well you could always renew your vows. But that's something you would do around 15-25 year mark. How long have you been married?


I'm married, though I don't frequent the forums very much these days. Guess maybe that's why I don't frequent them anymore. lol. Been married now for just over a year. Loving it. I highly recommend marriage to anyone considering it.

  • 1 month later...

Awesome thread!

I know I've mentioned a few times before, but I've been married to my wife since December 29th of last year, and our anniversary's comin' up fast.

Heh, I remember a lot of people laughed when I tried to do the dialogue from Lover Reef at the reception. I can usually get the words right but I don't usually sing in front of a crowd, I messed up most of the male lyrics ><

Awesome thread!

I know I've mentioned a few times before, but I've been married to my wife since December 29th of last year, and our anniversary's comin' up fast.

Heh, I remember a lot of people laughed when I tried to do the dialogue from Lover Reef at the reception. I can usually get the words right but I don't usually sing in front of a crowd, I messed up most of the male lyrics ><

That's freaking classic!


My fiance and I are finally getting married after two years. Did anyone else have about twenty to thirty people (usually male) try to talk them out of it? I think its pretty ridiculous, all these people scared of settling down...


I just got married last Thursday! I got so excited when he announced us husband and wife I nearly jumped the gun kissing her. I had to stand there fidgeting for a few seconds until he said I may kiss the bride.

Benedick was right when he said:

"Man is a giddy thing."


If it wasn't for Rock and Roll Racing, I would be married today.

I am not kidding. Rock and Roll Racing ruined my life. (Well, it got better since then, but back then...)

If you don't want to know the whole story, you can skip to the next post. However, if you want to learn a story about how a videogame can change your life forever, and it is on topic for this thread.

So, I had been dating this girl for a while. Beautiful love story really. Very cliché. The one thing that was not perfect was the friend circles. We grew up in relatively distant towns (although as destiny would have it, back when I was an infant, we actually had met), and we both had different circles of friends. Since we met in school, I knew some of her friends, she knew some of mine, but in both our respective circles, we were the other's boy/girlfriend.

Come New Year's eve. At that point, we had just spent a whole week together for the first time in a while (I had moved to study in another school and we were doing the long distance relationship thing at that point.) That week had convinced me that by the time of her birthday (early February) I would have asked her to marry me. Anyway, for New Year's, we are invited to two parties. We decide that we would eat supper with my friends, hang out a bit with them, and then go to her friend's party.

Anyway, with my friends, we have a pretty good time. She is part of the gang, everything is peachy. Then we get to her friend's place. I have a hard time fitting in because the friends kinda never really approved of me. I don't always integrate well with people. I got better at this with time, but back then, I just really didn't have anything in common with her friends. They were all active people, and by then I was losing a lot of mobility due to a condition. So as I try to make the most of it, I see in the corner a bunch of guys playing Rock and Roll racing. I sit down with them and start enjoying the game, letting my girlfriend to catch up with some guy's brother she had not seen in ages. Anyway, the party moves to a bar where there is much dancing (except for me due to the limited mobility.) So my girlfriend spends time with the old friend. I stay with her but at some point, no drinking (I was driving) and no dancing (pain sucks), made me think I should go back and hang out with my friends. After midnight, I tell her this. I leave.

To those who skipped, read this to get the general idea.

That night she slept with the guy she was talking to while I was playing Rock and Roll racing.

And that's why I have not played that game in about 6 years.

So yeah, write me down as an eternally single guy.

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