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Ouch. Another one bites the dust.

At the rate this is going, I wonder when Sony might consider aggressively pricing the system. It's a strange slope, though. A price cut this early in the system's life might scare off potential customers as Sony "losing faith in their product."

Here's hoping MGS4 follows suit, as it's one of (the last?) major franchise clinging to Sony.

EDIT: Whoops. Missed a quotation in there. Stupid forum code.


I saw that earlier. Now, I admit I'm not too well read about various web-blogs, but I must ask how credible is PS3 Center? Have they usually been reliable in the past?

I surfed a few other major gaming websites and caught no sign of this news breaking anywhere else. It just set off a couple of alarms to me. Anyone know how trustworthy this site is in regards to its gaming news so I can make a more informed judgment on the event?


Uh, guys? It's not FF13 specifically that will be multiplatform, but the FF13 series of games will not all necessarily be on Sony and cell phone systems. That's all this article is saying.

EDIT: Nevermind. THIS article says FF13 will not be ps3 exclusive, while another article elsewhere has stated what I said above. So it's up in the air now. Let me try to find that other link.

EDIT EDIT: Here. Read thoroughly.



Glad you linked that, Thalzon. As soon as I saw the title of this thread I thought it was misleading.

Square Enix's new trend is that Final Fantasy games come in series.

Right now, with Final Fantasy XII, we're seeing Ivalice Alliance, which is basically the main FFXII game(for PS2), FFT Lion's War (for PSP), FFT A2 (for DS), and FFXII Revenant Wings (for DS). They all take place in the same world and are linked together. (Technically FFXII for PS2 isn't part of IA, but it's still an Ivalice game with links to the other games).

The main Final Fantasy XIII game is going to be on PS3. FFXIII Versus is also on PS3. There are still other games that are going to be on other systems that we don't know. Probably one or two of them will be on a portable system like DS or PSP, and there's probably a cell phone game in there because they like those over in Japan.

So yes, the Final Fantasy XIII series is going to be multiplatform, but the game Final Fantasy XIII is not.


WIth the sales of the DS and Wii in Japan, I wouldn't be suprised if SE announced a FFXIII game for both those systems during the SE Party in May.

The main Final Fantasy XIII game is going to be on PS3. FFXIII Versus is also on PS3. There are still other games that are going to be on other systems that we don't know. Probably one or two of them will be on a portable system like DS or PSP, and there's probably a cell phone game in there because they like those over in Japan.

So yes, the Final Fantasy XIII series is going to be multiplatform, but the game Final Fantasy XIII is not.

Before all these notions of multiplatform news came out about FFXIII, I would have agreed with you. But I would not be shocked if FFXIII makes it to 360 now. Maybe all the appeal Microsoft is doing is paying off. Or maybe it's simple market dynamics. It'd be even more surprising if a version of FFXIII makes it to the Wii, whether it's graphically butchered or not.


If SE wants to make money off FFXIII, they're going to have to make it multiplatform, unless Sony pays the difference. The PS3 and 360 having FFXIII would make a lot of sense financially for SE.

Before all these notions of multiplatform news came out about FFXIII, I would have agreed with you. But I would not be shocked if FFXIII makes it to 360 now. Maybe all the appeal Microsoft is doing is paying off. Or maybe it's simple market dynamics. It'd be even more surprising if a version of FFXIII makes it to the Wii, whether it's graphically butchered or not.

Well, except the 360 is still a joke in Japan and as far as SE is concerned it probably not even worth bothering with. The stateside release is a different story, but they did release FFXI on it so it wouldn't be that big of a surprise.


I'd really like to see it on the Wii, even if the graphics aren't as good. As much as I've enjoyed the PS1 and PS2, the price tag on the PS3 is just unreasonable to me.

Square Enix's new trend is that Final Fantasy games come in series.

Indeed, and the quality suffers quite a bit for it. This makes me quite sad. :cry:

I'd really like to see it on the Wii, even if the graphics aren't as good. As much as I've enjoyed the PS1 and PS2, the price tag on the PS3 is just unreasonable to me.


I have come to completely hate motion controls I do NOT want them in Final Fantasy.

If SE wants to make money off FFXIII, they're going to have to make it multiplatform, unless Sony pays the difference. The PS3 and 360 having FFXIII would make a lot of sense financially for SE.

Not necessarily. Final Fantasy is one of the few game series you can pretty much count on selling consoles. In the long run they will make money off of it, if not right away. Heck, the install base for the PS3 in the US is already about half of what FFX sold in the US. How much you want to bet most of those early adopters have their sites set on FFXIII? And it's not coming out until 2008, so there's more than a year (if we're lucky) for those sales to grow, and for a price drop to take place.

Not necessarily. Final Fantasy is one of the few game series you can pretty much count on selling consoles. In the long run they will make money off of it, if not right away. Heck, the install base for the PS3 in the US is already about half of what FFX sold in the US. How much you want to bet most of those early adopters have their sites set on FFXIII? And it's not coming out until 2008, so there's more than a year (if we're lucky) for those sales to grow, and for a price drop to take place.

Yeah. Say what you will about the quality of the games or the supposed decline of the series or SE milking it or whatever, but you can't deny that Final Fantasy games, especially the "main" games, are system sellers.


You forgot "God of War III" which is going to be exclusive to the ps3. Even though I don't own one, I still want the ps3 to prosper. All the best game franchises came from the ps1 or ps2. Excluding games that came out before that of course.

Also, halo is great, and I'm not a zelda fan.

Well, except the 360 is still a joke in Japan and as far as SE is concerned it probably not even worth bothering with. The stateside release is a different story, but they did release FFXI on it so it wouldn't be that big of a surprise.

I wonder if anybody in Japan truly cares a lot about the 360 failure there compared to the rampant 360 sales everywhere else. It's all money when it's all said and done. Besides, the biggest thing over there seems to be the ridiculous DS sales figures.

Also, there is a bit of a discrepancy with the games since their capabilities are graphically limited but they aim to release more games on the Wii now. With most PS3/360 games, they just release games for where the demographics are. Even considering Japanese PS3 numbers, as of now, the 360 has a stranglehold in the competition with the two higher end next gen systems. So it just makes monetary sense.

Yeah. Say what you will about the quality of the games or the supposed decline of the series or SE milking it or whatever, but you can't deny that Final Fantasy games, especially the "main" games, are system sellers.

Yeh, I'm an example of one of those people. I say crap about how I won't get a PS3 and other crap about how Sony is retarted but wait till the game comes out, I'll go running to get a PS3 straight away. Stupid fanboyism.


If FF13 jumps ship to Xbox 360 I will in all likelihood choose a Xbox 360 over PS3. I'd rather pay a lesser price to get the experience. And as far as Japan goes, it was my understanding that FF has became a bit more popular Stateside than in Japan anyhow.


I'd be surprised if FFXIII jumped/shared platforms...but not nearly as much as I would have been, say, prior to the PS3 release. I was upset when DMC became multi-platform, because a little part of me has been rooting for the PS3 to pull out of its slump and show everyone it doesn't suck nearly as much as it seems. If FFXIII jumps, then I am extremely worried. I'll probably buy a Wii before a PS3, but when FFXIII and FF Versus XIII or whatever it's called comes out, I'd be picking up that PS3 asap. Without that, I doubt I'd end up getting a PS3, save for Kingdom Hearts or a new Chrono title (yeah right). Sorry, but the only reason I want a PS3 is for the RPGs! And I have a feeling I'm by far not the only one...

Sorry, but the only reason I want a PS3 is for the RPGs! And I have a feeling I'm by far not the only one...

Actually XBox 360 seems to be grabbing a lot of RPGs (Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon) and new RPGs are still coming out for PS2 (Rogue Galaxy). I have yet to see PS3 release any interesting RPGs.

Well, except the 360 is still a joke in Japan and as far as SE is concerned it probably not even worth bothering with. The stateside release is a different story, but they did release FFXI on it so it wouldn't be that big of a surprise.

SE has already stated they aren't gonna support just one console. 360 already has FFXI, and it will also be the house of the new FF MMO in the works. FFXIII spinoff 360 is pretty much a given as well. Possible Kingdom Hearts project, heck even the possability of having the real XIII ported.

DS for sure will get its own XIII spin off, Wii not too confident.

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