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I'm at about 200 seen, about 120 caught. Battle Island is like a huge nostalgia trip for me. I caught a Bellsprout and a Spearow.

Also, I'm breedin' anything rare I have right now, like Eevees and Riolu. They make for quick, painless trades on the GTS.


OKAY, so I recently got Pokemon Pearl, and am to the third gym. Currently, my Pokeymans are as such:

Grotle (Koopa) Lv. 29

Machop Lv. 16

Zubat Lv. 19

Psyduck Lv. 15

Shinx Lv. 10

(Can't remember)

I have recently caught Kadabra, Ponyta, and Kricketune.

I know my Psychic type is the one to train up for, but any other suggestions? Any other types to try to ctach? Of course, to me, using a Kadabra seems a bit..redundant...

EDIT: Oh, I thought of something. If anyone here has a spare legendary (Lugia, Ho-oh, Mew, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Somesuchoranother), I'll trade ya for any Pearl-exclusive Pokeymanz. Why Mew? I just want to tick off my sister. Unless I need the National Dex for those...

I got all 3 starters, phione (pre-evolved form for manaphy), riolus, and eevees anyone up for trade? (I caught ditto on route 218 while using poke radar I love that toy XD) just pm me or reply on this topic =)

My FC: 2492-0619-4420

Name: Josh

Just so you know, Phione will NOT evolve. While Manaphy is breedable into Phiones, you will never get another Manaphy from the original.

And for reference, Phione has all stats 80% of Manaphy's and cannot learn Heart Swap (swap status with foe).

That's a little odd, what does your Staraptor know? It should be able to handle all his pokemon in one or two shots with a wing attack (+brave bird for the vespqueen) except for the scorpion thing. (Used Golem for the scorpion, earthquake squishes it rather effectively).

my Staraptor has a nature that lowers its attack power and is only lv 52 at the moment...so theres no reason yours shouldn't be plowing through those bug types at lv 55.

Mine knows Fly, Brave Bird, Wing Attack, and Close Combat. (Maybe not the best move set...I kind of miss quick attack, but oh well).

Think she has aerial ace, brave bird, fly and maybe take down, not sure about the last one. Are the e4 the same was as in red/blue? you have to defeat them all to go back and heal? i figured there was no point in just beating one, when there's 3 more + rival (i assume).


You fight the entire Elite 4 plus the Champion at the end without being able to go back, so you have to bring lots of revives, potions and fullheals with you unless your Pokemon are like, in the 90's-100 lvl range.

Your rival challenges you before you can get in to see the E4, so use that as a way to gauge your levels before you go in.

Just so you know, Phione will NOT evolve. While Manaphy is breedable into Phiones, you will never get another Manaphy from the original.

And for reference, Phione has all stats 80% of Manaphy's and cannot learn Heart Swap (swap status with foe).

Hmm my bad I have been given misleading information =P oh well just got phiones 1 manaphy but that sucks phione doesn't evolve? hmm oh well but I have many 3rd stage evos of many pokemon ask me we might do a trade for a certain pokemon :shock:


Either I got lucky or the champion is faaar easier than the last guy in the E4...anyway finally beat them, now I gotta get the national dex so I can start working on a competitive team.

If anyone wants a male sneasle or buneary with ice punch to use as breeding fodder pm me or something, I've got a handful, buneary is in the Humanoid/Ground egg groups sneasle is in the Ground Egg group. I don't know how much anyone cares for the particular attack but whatever..they're left overs from a little breeding experimenting I'm doing.


Well this is nifty. Each town has a different variation of it's theme played during each time of the day. I was in Oreburgh earlier this morning *aruond 3 am* and decided to try to play it by ear on my piano, then I come back to again at around 7 am and the music is different. Same overall theme, but different variation. Pretty nifty.

Well this is nifty. Each town has a different variation of it's theme played during each time of the day. I was in Oreburgh earlier this morning *aruond 3 am* and decided to try to play it by ear on my piano, then I come back to again at around 7 am and the music is different. Same overall theme, but different variation. Pretty nifty.

The pokemon center themes are different too, I thought that was nifty. I think it's per town, didn't pay too much attention.

I just got fly, and I'm noticing when I use it that there is a dot on the map that keeps moving around, similar to the legendary dog pokemon dots that I remember from GS. Is that what it is, or something else?

I'm having a hard time catching cresselia I follow the marking map but it moves sometimes cresselia doesn't any tips besides mean look and master ball?

I just transferred my 6 Masterballs over with a few random pokes. Now I can catch everything.

I just got Pearl a few hours ago and am I missing something here? How the hell do I get my friend code?:dstrbd:

You have to go online with your DS. Then you get your friend code.


what pokemon do you guys think is the most easiest and quickest way to trade a pokemon over gts or wi-fi and that is breedable? I think it is piplup starter everyone wants one =)


get an exclusive and you'll get pretty much whatever you want for it. I have pearl so I just go to the underground and dig up some some armor fossils, trade them in for lvl 20 sheildons in the mining town, and trade them on the gts for anything I want really.

get an exclusive and you'll get pretty much whatever you want for it. I have pearl so I just go to the underground and dig up some some armor fossils, trade them in for lvl 20 sheildons in the mining town, and trade them on the gts for anything I want really.

That's what I have been doing with my Cranidos.


Hmmm...in that case, anyone want a Sheildon I just got? Level 20, knows Rock Smash, Metal Sound, Take Down and Iron Defense, and an Impish nature. I'll want a Skarmoryor a Scyther/Szicor as a trade-off.

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