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I've seen Sony do a lot of STUPID crap, but this is just over the top:

Sony decapitates a goat at a press event to promote God of War II.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a meataholic. I like dead animals as much as the next guy. But decapitating animals and using topless chicks to promote a game? That's simply depraved. I smell more Jack Thompson coming. So why does sony seem so determined to completely f*** themselves? First it was rootkits. Then they released the PSP with a design flaw and insisted that it was meant to be that way. (The square button caught on the edge of the screen on some units and couldn't be pressed down, for those who don't know.) Next up was simply the PRICE of the PS3, the most ungodly tag ever seen for a game system. Now this. I'm not a Sony fanboy, nor am I a Nintendo loyalist. If the system has a game I like, I play it. My question is, why would an old and previously reputable company like Sony allow things like this to be done under their logo? It's like they actually want to lose money. Craaaaaaazy stuff, man.


Yeah, I live 40 miles from PETA HQ. One of the local radio stations has a fishing tournament on the pier in front of the building every year. It's quite fun. But I'm sure they'll be getting a piece as well.


Tits or GTFO.

I'm kidding, of course. Yeah, this is pretty weird and all, but I guarantee we'll be receiving a statement about the goat being a fake or dying from natural causes or something within the next few days.

I'll never understand advertising. Does a dead goat and topless girls actually convince undecided consumers to by a product?

They think so if you're a male.


I'll never understand advertising. Does a dead goat and topless girls actually convince undecided consumers to by a product?

In the context of the God of War series being partly based on Greece and Greek mythology, a goat sacrifice and topless girls with grapes don't seem too out of context. Not that I'm supporting Sony, but you know, ancient Greeks did that kind of stuff.

What's sad is that people don't seem to be offended that whores and animal sacrifices were features of Greek temples or Greek religious practice, but no, do this for a game promotion and people pretend like they've never heard of it before.


I figured it was blown up a bit, I mean it is the Daily Mail. But my thing is... dead goats? Goats? That are dead? It's just poor fucking taste. Really poor. It's kinda like if Blizzard used real piles of dead people at their press conferences to promote PvP in World of Warcraft.


Despite if the goat was already dead Animal activist are still gonna be on thier ass. I had to sit through a movie discussion last semester about animal violence in movies even though most of its fake and the response towards the report just made me wanna kill myself.

As for sony's advertising I thinks its working. They get your attention right?


Apparently it was the people sub-contracted to carry out the Greek Mythology theme of the event that lead to their being a dead goat there. Ini a certain sense, it isn't all that different from having a full pig roast present at a dinner--except in this instance it is not exactly cooked. This might seem a bit odd, but the more I think about the event the less of a problem it is to me. Perhaps there is something morbid about being at a party with a dead goat just sitting there, but only the guests should be complaining about that. And I've never trusted animal rights activists when they try to portray shocking events as cruelty (the goat was bought at a butcher's place, nothing cruel about that).

In the context of the God of War series being partly based on Greece and Greek mythology, a goat sacrifice and topless girls with grapes don't seem too out of context. Not that I'm supporting Sony, but you know, ancient Greeks did that kind of stuff.

What's sad is that people don't seem to be offended that whores and animal sacrifices were features of Greek temples or Greek religious practice, but no, do this for a game promotion and people pretend like they've never heard of it before.

We're talking about the promotion of a video game here though.

We're talking about the promotion of a video game here though.

True, which is why I don't think it's okay for Sony to do this.

I don't, however, think people are completely justified in jumping to the conclusion that an ancient Greek themed game promotion for a video game inspired by and based on ancient Greek mythology has complete, direct correlation to violence in video games. (I would blame the source of inspiration, ie. ancient Greece, as that makes more sense to me) It merely seemed like the article and a lot of responses to it fell in that line of thought.

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