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At first I thought it was an above average remix, but the past couple days I've been finding myself humming/singing it at work. Can't get it outta my head now =P


I just downloaded that song that DJ Crono used in his Terra/French rap... and well, that song alone is - interesting to say the least. How he saw a connection between the two peices of music is amazing.


DJ Crono you made a excellent remix, worthy of best of the class on OCR. As for some of the people who thought that you took the lyrics from someone else(though you explained yourself well), for them I am disappointed. This site is about remixing, and these people accused you quickly without any facts from you. Though one did apologize, it still is not right to make accusations without some facts. The Reviews for the songs were coming in great until someone said, on the assuption that you were doing something wrong. I believe those who didn't apologize to you already should do so. Thats all I have to say, and DJ Crono keep the great mixes comin in.


Everyone quickly hide!!


I have a very mixed opinion- rap literally disgusts me, so I am inable to like this song.


With personal bias/opinion set aside, it is a great track. The arrangement and concept is original and unique, and I commend the remixer for such a bold change of pace from the usual run-of-the-mill techno remixes that we all know and love.


Really Seraphim? But then what is OC Remix about? It's about taking things that are already copyrighten and mixing them anyways. So was DJ Pretzel wrong for redoing Lunar's Original main theme, and even singing it, same copyrigthen lyrics and everything? No, it's all fun. There's no money involved. He didn't claim it as his own, and neither did I. So don't worry, OCR.com is is no trouble.


First let me state that I absolutely hate the french language (Mostly cause of being forced to learn it in school) And I don't really like Rap..

But even then I still think this song godman kicks soo much ass! The Lyrics probably sound better in french than in english, (Like how some japanese songs in games and Anime sound stupid after being translated)

Anyway Props man you kick ass!


Crono you are not doing anything wrong here. For one almost all good DJ's use samples of other songs and almost always, eastcoast style mostly, use other songs as their chorus. Don't let people badgering you here bother you. You did a great song, other people's lyrics or not. You are right, this is a remixing site and thats what you did. Just keep on doing what you do and don't let this deter your style. This last song was done magnificently and I would like to hear more songs in this style. So I hope that the peopler here have not changed your ideas too much. Great song, Its definatly my favorite on OCR and VG and one of my favorite songs period right now. Keep up the good work and good luck.

P.S. If you need some original lyrics Ill give ya some. :D


This song has to be one of the best Final Fantasy mixes of its kind. DJ Crono,you have done nothing wrong, the only thing you would be doing is not posting this remix. It has a smooth, clean tone to it and I personally like the rap idea. You are a master of mixing Crono, and I certainly hope that you post some more enjoyable remixes here, because Eres Des Points was the work of a master! Brilliant!


I hear Game-Music because I want not hear something in this style! It was not easy to make so a remix, of course, but I don't like the kind of music. Sorry!

3/10 (1=worst; 10=best)


Hamu-Sumo, uhhh, okay, but then why did you post? Just to tell me you didn't like it, and only like midi videogame music? Okay, I guess.But you at least could of been more constructive. But maybe that's just me, anyways, see ya'll, I've submittied my next song to DJ Pretzel, and he should ne posting it anytime now, you'll just have to wait and see what it is, I hope you all like it, I put a lot of hard work and effort into this song. Peace!!!!!!!!

-DJ Crono "Jovette Rivera" 2002

  • 2 weeks later...

A risky peice, and I could not have expected such success with this gambit! Alot of skill went into this peice, and its not like any other remix on this site that I have heard. The french rap is a funny and catchy vocal backround that meshes well with the changes you made to the original. It doesnt really matter that this peice is a favorite amoung mixers as you established your claim to it VERY well Chrono. Highly recommended


One word, BLEAH!

I listened to this song and swore I would convulse.

1. The actual melody is almost completely drowned out.

2. The scratches get annoying really really fast.

3. MOANING! Every time I hear it, my hair stands on end. Is that supposed to be Terra or something? Yech!

In closing, it seems more like Rap with Terra's Theme played in the background. Further, it doesn't get points for being the first, I saw another one like it done to the Magitech Factory Theme somewhere else.


Interesting piece, very original! The remix was rather smooth, and it's indeed surprising how well the music and the rapping goes together. One wonders where the ReMixer got his inspiration?

The song gets stronger towards the ending, in my humble opinion; the ending I liked best of all, because the tension was building in an excellent way.

Thanks for sharing!

  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, I was also suprised by the great sound this track has. As soon as I heard it was sung in French, I got a bit worried myself.. But lately, I've been looking into all sorts of music, even those that aren't in languages I understand. Because music is a language everyone can speak throughout the world that everyone can understand, and this is one sweet track. Nice work DJ Crono! Like your name too, Crono ruled. :lol:

One word, BLEAH!

I listened to this song and swore I would convulse.

1. The actual melody is almost completely drowned out.

2. The scratches get annoying really really fast.

3. MOANING! Every time I hear it, my hair stands on end. Is that supposed to be Terra or something? Yech!

In closing, it seems more like Rap with Terra's Theme played in the background. Further, it doesn't get points for being the first, I saw another one like it done to the Magitech Factory Theme somewhere else.

Ummm, let's try to be constructive here. This isn't a put-down review sheet okay. I put ALOT of work into this song, and it took a while. It's not just rap with Terra in the background, I made this song special, and THEN added the rap on top of the song, just for spice, K? I'm sorry you didn't find it to your liking, but let's not hate okay? Where's your remixes?


Ok, I did the whole registartion deal and what not just to tell walrusgumbo that he is 100% WRONG. I think that DJCrono did an excelent jod. The track was very tight, well put together, and overall a great song to listen to. It's one of my favorite tracks ever. I think that the song builds to the end beautifully and I can't speak french but I still find myself head bobbing to the lyrics because they fit with the rythym perfectly. Now, I'm not a remixer.. but I know many a friend who is and I know just how much effort goes into a remix, especially in a remix as busy as this one and for you, walrusgumbo, to take all of DJ Chrono's hard work and critize it as a horrible piece is just a travesty..... put a little more thougt beghind if a track sucks and why... but this track doesnt suck. The melody is all teh way there in the wailing guitar at the end as well and the acoustic-like sounds in the beginning. Not to mention that its a hip hop style remix... hip hop and scratches sound like they go together.

Mama Mia

Ummm, let's try to be constructive here. This isn't a put-down review sheet okay. I put ALOT of work into this song, and it took a while. It's not just rap with Terra in the background, I made this song special, and THEN added the rap on top of the song, just for spice, K? I'm sorry you didn't find it to your liking, but let's not hate okay? Where's your remixes?

DJ Crono - I have made many-a-remix, and I agree with the guy's comments. The song was not to his liking - he said so. That's what reviews are for.

We are allowed to not like your song, and we are allowed to express that.

  • 4 months later...

I know this remix has been here for a while, and I'm kinda late in giving a review, but I just found the lyrics here (since I was very interested in them), and I have to say, that just makes this song quite a bit better to me IMO.

Alright, well anyway, I love how original this is (as I am a fan of all genres, no exceptions), and by the standards of rap so far (at least in the US), this brings it up to another level - better than most of them out there today. The creativity blew me out of the water when I first heard this, and it imprinted a remixer to remember: DJ Crono (and not to mention, his subsequent two OCR remixes are really cool and continue in this same vein of originality). The only two things I can really critique on were the samples and the kinda repetitive nature of the lyrics.

Well, keep up the good work!

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I do like the quality of the music itself. The arrangement and effects are well done, and the theme is not a simple retread, but has more variation and is quite unique, to say the least. However, the rapping is questionable. When you don't understand the lyrics, there's not much point to them. Also, the rapper's voice is distinctly "white" (for lack of a better term) and does not sound like professional rap at all.

However, overall, this is an above average remix, even if you don't overlook the subpar rapping.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Well, let me start by saying that, thanks to DJ Chrono, I am now a KDD fan...

Overall, a well-executed mix. And getting me to say something good about rap is an accomplishment. That's about what I can say...

  • 2 weeks later...

Haha...i bet Crono is REALLY good with the ladies. I mean...im sure his music causes ears to have friggin orgasms...i know it happens with me :P!!!

Everytime i load up my OCR playlist and have listened to the 4 mixes by crono at least 5 times each...then i load up the site! Always checking if maybe he has anything new? I CRAVE for some new music by him...>_< its juuuusssttt sooooo goooooooood!!

Fuck, i think im gonna force my parents to buy me some keyboards and other equipment!

And btw...what exactly do you use to make your Purely Genius Orgasmic Remixes?

Maybe if i wanna get started i can get a good idea if i know what you use...sure i can always check the Remixing 101 section but id much rather want to know what the GOD OF REMIXES uses...

Thanx bro...it would be sweet if u replied to this...cause i really wanna know :P



*checks DJ Crono's list of remixes again*

P.S. DAMMIT WHERES HIS NEW MIXES? :cry::P jk...hopefully there'll be some new ones out soon eh! Its prob lots of hard work so u need to take ur time ;) but ill be here, waiting patiently (ya rite :P)

Peace bro!

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