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It was good until the rapping and overuse of scratching.

This is one of the very few rap pieces I will listen to and like. The scratching is perfect, not over used so, you're wrong. If you are suggesting this piece is bad because you don't like the scratching then you shouldn't have even commented. Personally this wouldn't normally be in my normal list of songs i would listen to, but it is excellent, innovative, and creative all at the same time. Three qualities that I vaule immensely, in my work and others. So there. Download it, even if you don't like hip hop, video game music, rap, french people, final fantasy, or the terra theme.

edit*** The scratching is not perfect because its my opinion, it just is. Its a fact.


Well, in addition to Evil's Remix, I'm trying to help it out. For his Oh yeah! Part, yes, "Oh, Yeah" is the correct phrase from what I'm hearing. And the third different line, "J'ai ce qu'il faut dans les veines pour...[i have absolutly no idea] " I can't understand what's directly after pour, but I hear "C'est à toi, Baby!" (It's your turn, Baby!) At the end of the phrase. Perhaps someone can fill in the other word? Anyway, as for the second incomprehendable part, I'm as clueless as Evil on it. Other than that, I'm hearing what's written...once again, great mix, my favorite so far!


Hi! Well I was CRAZY surprised when I heard french!:) I live in Quebec (Canada anyone?:) and I'm french all the way so I was really... touched!:) Altought it's sounds like France french not Quebec french I personaly find it better for rap. Reminded me of Manau (Mano?) (great group!!! La legende de manau---> hot hot hot!)

If you could post the lyrics in french it would be nice (along with the translated ones). Also, going back to the France/Quebec accent, I'm very interested in knowing more about you! Anyhow, it's always cool to find some french speaking people on the web especially when they make us proud of our culture with great songs like this one!!!

Il y a beaucoup d'autre personnes qui parlent français ici? Hehe une phrase complete sans faute et avec des accents!:) Avec tout les chat, j'ai perdu l'habitude d'ecrire sans fautes... (c peut-etre pour ca que j'ai couler mon francais 101 a la derniere session!:) entk, j'espere avoir la joie d'entendre d'autre merveille de ta part DJ Crono!!! merci encore!


I found the real lyrics. The song is called "Sans parrain ni mac" by KDD.

A lot of french (from France) slang I'm unfamiliar with so some of the words may lose their original meanings when translated.

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

Chacune des épreuves c'est des points qui comptent à chaque score.

Every challenge gives points that count on evey score.

J'ai ce qu'il faut dans les veines. Force extrême, haine. Seul dans le froid, plein de peine.

I have what it takes in my veins. Extreme force, hate. Alone in the cold, full of sorrow.

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

Fort et fier, je dépends de personne ici-bas avec moi. [something I can't fin the lyrics for].

Strong and proud, I don't need anyone down here with me. [missing lyrics].

Pas de garant, pas de carence. Pas de parrain ni mac*. Carré ou à l'arrache.

No safety net, no lack of anything. No godfather or friend. Square or torn off.**

Briser des montagnes de barrières sans être une centaine. S'imposer ici. Être libre, sans barreaux ni chaînes.

Break through tons of barriers without being hundreds. Assert ourselves here. Being free, without bars or chains.

Pas de portes ouvertes, pas de bonnes places à dégoter, rien dès le départ, mais tout à faire sur ce chantier.

No opened doors, no good spot to find, nothing from the start but everything to do on this construction site.

Pas de main sur mon épaule, pas de succès assuré, pas de voix qui me dit : "rap petit, ton chemin est tracé"

No hand on my shoulder, no assured success, no voice telling me "Rap kid, your path is traced."

Pas de boss sur mon dos, pas de mac* à mes côtés, pas de portes ouvertes, pas de bonnes places à dégoter, rien dès le départ, mais tout à faire sur ce chantier.

No boss on my back, no guy next to me, no opened doors, no good spot to find, nothing from the start but everything to do on this construction site

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

Chacune des épreuves c'est des points qui comptent à chaque score.

Every challenge gives points that count on evey score.

J'ai ce qu'il faut dans les veines. Force extrême, haine. Seul dans le froid, plein de peine.

I have what it takes in my veins. Extreme force, hate. Alone in the cold, full of sorrow.

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

[repeat mixed parts of the lyrics]

Complete lyrics to the song: http://www.scripts-web.net/purple_az/FR/KDD/sans_kdd.html

*Note: I am unsure of the meaning of "mac", I'll use it as if it was a loos meaning for "mec" or "ami", but if someone knows the real meaning, feel free to correct my mistake.

**I have absolutly no idea of the meaning of this sentence. If someone knows...

Edit pour YoshMaster: Québec power ici aussi!


I really enjoyed all the replies, it made my day to hear such wonderful critisism, for better or worse. As far as the translation, I'll give DJ Pretzel the "go" to use Evil's posted translation, it's about as close as it gets. I really was trying to go for something fresh and new, but don't get me wrong, I don't always do hip-hop.

So is that you rapping? Or did you just scratch and mix. Kickin' scratching.


"Sans parrain ni mac" par K.D.D. (version FF6:Eres des points).

"Without a godfather or a pimp" [or "Without anyone from the french musical industry":) ] b y K.D.D. (FF6:Eres des points Remix)

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks/in order to start

Chacune des épreuves, c'est des points qui compte à chaque score

Every challenge gives points that count on every score.

J'ai ce qu'il faut dans les veines. Force extrême, haine. Seul dans le froid, plein de peine

I have what it takes in my veins. Extreme force, hate. Alone in the cold, full of sorrow.

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks/to start

Fort et fier, je dépends de personne, ici-bas. Avec moi: kappa, deux fois delta

Strong and proud, I don't need anyone down here with me. With me: K, double Delta [KDD=Kartel Double Détente , this group]

Frappe fort sur le beat comme un bassiste qui slappe fort.

Hit hard on the beat like a bassist who slap hard.

Pas de garant, pas de carence.

No one to give guarantees, no lack.

Nuit et jour pour faire mal

Night and day to make suffer [slang: to success]

Pas de garant, pas de carence

No one to give guarantees, no lack.

Sans parrain ni mac. Carré ou à l'arrache

Without a godfather or a pimp. With my friends or alone. [19th century criminal slang]

Briser des montagnes de barrières sans être une centaine

To destroy mountains of barriers without being a hundred

S'imposer ici, être libre sans barreaux ni chaînes

to be respected, to be free without any hindrance [literally: without guardrails nor chains] .

Pas de portes ouvertes, pas de bonnes places à dégoter

No easiness, no status to win

Rien dès le départ. Mais tout à faire sur ce chantier

Nothing from the beginning. But everything to do for this task.

[instrumental break]

Pas de main sur mon épaule, pas de succès assuré, pas de voix qui me dit : "rap petit, ton chemin est tracé"

No hand on my shoulder, no guaranteed success, no voice to say: "Make some rap music, child. Your future is already draw.

Pas de boss sur mon dos

No boss on your back

Pas de mac à mes côtés

No pimp at your side

[repeat mixed parts of the lyrics]

KDD is a french group from Toulouse: http://perso.club-internet.fr/fernould/kdd.html




I haven't been as surprised by a remix since I first heard McVaffe's Cutman Sonata. I love it when one of you moves in a sudden direction from the original and turns it into something else completely. Very well executed remix, kudos to DJ Crono

I give it a nine, because the guitar in the end kinda overtakes everything else, but otherwise it's one of the best remixes to date.


Fist off, the music was good.. the rythym was sweet. I just don't like songs with words. (In general, not just this song). I do hope to see an instrumental version of this sometime


Okay, first off, I don't mind if a song has words or not. I don't care at all about lyrics, just how it sounds. That being said, this is perhaps my favorite piece from OC Remix. True, I may be a bit (a.k.a a WHOLE FREAKING LOT) biased, given that the Terra Theme is probably my all-time favorite piece of VG music, but I really like this piece. The rapping really fits well, and the Frech accent and pacing makes it feel, I dunno, more right for the song. DJ Crono could've released it without the rap, and it would've been okay (but a bit plain), but the rap was what pushed it over the edge. I truly look forward to seeing more of DJ Crono's work.


Wow, I didn't think I'd like it, but turns out I did. It deserves caps, therefore, I will type it with caps at the begining of each word: Eres Des Points.

Now if only I knew how to say that Pas de mac à mes côtés... That could be a useful phrase :D


Hello again. I'm quite appreciative of all of you who took time out of your busy schedules to look up the lyrics for me. Mainly Nyarlathotep and Evil. Yes, this is from K.D.D., but the rest is mine to know. The remixes will keep coming, but like "Linkin Park", I think I put out my best first, so it's gonna be hard to keep up a good name with all you guys. But, I definitely will try to keep the quality at maximum and do my best in every song. Please fell free to email me at Jovette456@cs.com with any questions or comments you may have, I'm open to all suggestions. Thank you again, and I hope to keep you all on your toes. Peace out-

-DJ Crono "Jovette Rivera" 2002


I really like this mix, just like everyone else, but I'm a little concerned about the lyrics not being original. I'm not going to go so far as to say that it was wrong to use someone else's lyrics, but you should have given credit to KDD right off, in the ID3 and in your e-mail to DJ Pretzel. Otherwise, it's plagerism. I don't mean to sound hostile, but this is really not an issue to be taken lightly... I have nothing against derivative works (obviously, everything on this site is a derivative work of some sort) as long as credit is given where credit is due.


Well, I was really excited about this mix.

I’m a fan of every genre (excluding country. Sorry country fans) and there are some excellent rap songs out there (current fav: Nas – One Mic).

The samples, scratching and rapping are all top notch. The guitar at the end is an excellent surprise and carries the song to an excellent finish.

But I will say this, it bothers me tremendously that DJ Crono did not give credit where credit is due. When people were attempting to translate the lyrics, DJ Crono backed away, neither providing lyrics himself, nor informing us who originally wrote them.

It seems kinda shady and disrespectful. It can easily be seen as infringing copyright on another artist’s material and calling it your own.

While I applaud the effort and the attempt to venture into new musical territory here at OCR, I do wonder if any steps should be taken regarding crediting the proper people and/or whether any reprimands should be made on DJ Crono for trying to take credit for someone else’s work.

Yes, all the ReMixes here play with other people’s work, but credit is given where credit is due and no one attempts to pass off the original songs as their own.

This is not original material, and it bothers me that DJ Crono tried to pass it off as such.

What do the rest of you think? I’ll be posting this in the ReView thread as well as General Discussion so it can reach a wider audience.

I do hope djpretzel responds because I’m curious to know his opinion in the matter.



*shakes head*

Really, you'd think people would have fucking learned by now that YOU'RE GOING TO GET CAUGHT IF YOU USE SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK AND DON'T MENTION IT!

Don't walk down the same path other people have taken and try to do it again. I give everyone two chances. Not that you probably give a shit, but I really hope NOT to be disappointed like this again. Looking forward to original work from you.



I can understand why DJ Chrono may have felt afraid to mention that the lyrics weren't original... it may very well have resulted in the mix being rejected. Not that that is an excuse, but I understand. I don't know if there are any official rules about this (I don't submit, I just listen), but if not there should be... Personally I don't think it would be a big deal to allow parts of a mix to be taken from other sources, provided those sources are credited and most of the piece is original. This particular case might be pushing it, though, even if credit were given...


About the lyrics. Sorry everyone for making you mad. I really should've included K.D.D. in the original I.D. Tag, but you see, honestly, the way I got them was from a royalty free sample collection, and was infringing on no copyrights, so I saw no reason to include them in the credits. I would never do that, as I would hate for someone to plagerise my own work. I apologize, and meant no harm. I was just making a song. Remember, all my clips from KDD were royalty-free, meaning, they were copyright free for the taking for ANYONE. Thank you.

-DJ Crono "Jovette Rivera" 2002


Interesting, but definatly not my cup of tea. The scratching gets a little

annoying to me, not that I dont like scratching, but that it's the same

sample just being retriggered. The rap is a neat change in style, but

still it just doesn't do anything for me. It's a very well put together track,

I'm just not jumping up and down over it. Neat though.

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