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OCR01586 - Shadow of the Colossus "Snowfall on Forbidden Lands"


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Is this the first time a husband and wife team have made a remix? Back to the Place I Once Knew by Prophecy and Prophetess is the closest I can think of.

Nice job making Shadow of the Colossus listenable, by the way. :)

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Aw man, it had been so long since I played Shadow of the Colossus I was curious to see if I could even recognize the source song. I'm not sure if I did or not, but it was a great mix anyway, and like you said Inimitable, Colossus is worthy of far more attention in every light...what a fantastic game.

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Is this the first time a husband and wife team have made a remix? Back to the Place I Once Knew by Prophecy and Prophetess is the closest I can think of.

Nice job making Shadow of the Colossus listenable, by the way. :)

There's a Stormlord mix by husband & wife team N-Joy and Simona. Also with vocals!

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There's a Stormlord mix by husband & wife team N-Joy and Simona. Also with vocals!

If you want to get technical, Claudio & Simona were only engaged at that point.

As for this mix, tre excellent. Thanks to zircon for hooking me up with the source tune. It made flagging this for DP all the more easy. The arrangement and production on this one were both top notch, and Carrie's vocals were very ethereal. I agree that this is Daniel's best work yet.

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Excellent mix. Enjoyed it a lot in my first listen.

The drumline seems to pay homage to Metal Gear Solid 2's style of composition (Harry Gregson-Williams). Overall though, this track reminds me of a previous mix...Darke's Torvus Clockwork from Metroid Prime 2. It uses a similar blend of orchestrated and electronic ambiance.

Speaking of drums, the bongo drums also really blend well with the orchestral sounds...it also adds a unique flare to the track.

Like the bongo drums, the vocals also make this mix stand out. I would've preferred them to be a bit higher than the overall mix, but this volume enables them to blend a lot better into the other sounds. You have a really cool voice, cieli. Reminds me of Enya somewhat. Sephire did a nice job of putting those production values on your voice, too...the volumes, reverb, how they pan though my headphones. If anyone listen to Motoi Sakuraba's stuff, you'll find that this track in addition to the vocals sound like Valkyrie Profile's "All is Twilight" somewhat, one of my favorites. Listen to the arranged one, though...not the original...

BTW...towards the end of the mix, you sound like you're singing something, cieli...I could only make out "the sounds of..."

Again, really nice job. :)

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Good ambient/vocal remixes don't come along too often. This is an absolutely awesome mix from SotC. The way the song sounds reminds me of the ice theme from Secret of Mana. And not to mix things up here too bad, but this track fits right in with my favorite tracks from The Wingless. The vocals are a definite welcome to a track such as this. The whole thing, put together, really gives you that "wow" feeling, as if you're looking at something (pardon the pun, please) colossal. Very majestic and very, VERY relaxing. Greatwork ceili and Sephfire. I tip my hat to the two of you.

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I love this style of music. I've had it on repeat since I downloaded it and have enjoyed every second of it. Shadow of the Colossus is an awesome game and as people have said, it needs more attention. I couldn't recognize the track that was being remixed either, even after listening through the soundtrack. However, I think saying the style is "a vague nod to Harry Gregson-Williams' relaxed film scores; the recent Narnia film, specifically." is a huge understatement. This piece sound more like the second half of "Evacuating London" from the Chronicles of Narnia movie, vocals and all than anything from SotC. It'd almost be better to say this was a remix of the Narnia track than whatever SotC song it's supposed to be. I do highly recommend this song though.

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I've never played Shadow of the Colossus, but even so...

This is a spectacular mix. Very few pieces of music make me drift to other places, but this one does. I especially love the vocals -- very fitting to this more ambient and environmental mix.

A keeper through and through. Nice job. :-)

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Such a fantastic song deserves constructive feedback. Hmmm... I can't really think of any ways to make it better though! Just different. Well, I can imagine that a viola or cello at the end could play up the vocals, and would contrast nicely with those phat beats.

I categorize songs into folders based on the kind of mood they give, and it speaks well for this song that it could easily go into the "Epic", "Soothing", "Got-Da-Beat", or "Stimulating" folders.

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This was one of my favorite PS2 games, and this mix really brought me back. I consider this to be one of the most beautiful looking PS2 games ever made, and the music that went with the game matched it very well. This mix really brings out the best in it. Top notch work.

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I love this mix, it's nice and cold. It really captures the snowfall.

It's been awhile since a good chill mix has been posted. This is a welcome change for all the hardcore mixes that have been posted in recent times.

That being said, this song feels like its missing something. I can't place it, but it feels like there is one more little thing that could make this song perfect.


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