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Especially easy if you choose to abuse the alchemy formula that makes you invincible. Ridiculously easy if you stumble across the glitch that gives you infinite Bazooka ammo.

It's not even hard if you don't use those. I first pummeled him by using level 3 charged spear attacks.. then later I found a glitch where if you run to the upper let hand corner and turn to face the south end of the screen.. when he hits you he'll knock you back into a tile you can't move from.. he can't hit you.. but you can hit him all you want and he'll just sit infront of you and jump up and down.

Was just about to mention RE4 (but for the gamecube). Somehow turning into a *SPOILER* (the rest of my post contains spoilers too!) makes him EASIER to kill...? Why did he turn into it then? It looked so dumb and generic too, and had no speed, strength, or creepyness factor. All the other bosses had at least two of the above. I would've loved to fight him in his human form, where he has the ability to make Leon spontaneously cringe in pain, making him temporarily unable to aim. And he'd have all his crazy insane moves, and you'd have to riddle him with bullets until he's one giant bullet hole. THAT would've been epic. But the real final boss.... even the way he dies is completely underwhelming. And why'd you have to keep slashing him with a knife if you're just gonna blow him up anyway? And you barely get to aim the special rocket at him.... lame.

Actually, with the way the plot was building, I was guessing the final boss was either going to be Ashley (or a monster that emerges from her), or you're controlling Ashley and have to kill murderous heavily-armed zombie-Leon. That would've been brilliant. Well, the game didn't exactly have a great plot in the first place... Saddler's 3-sentence summary of his plan to take over the world was a total joke =P

RE4 SPOILERS: Right before you fight Saddler he TRIES to do the "cringe in pain/control" thing, but because Leon had his plaga removed, Saddler could no longer do that. Still, at the very least they could have had you fight him in his "human" form first, before going all anti-clamatic. Hell, even Mendez got to have two forms. I like your idea for ashley/leon being the final boss, that would've been awesome. Either way, you're right, the game wasn't really huge on plot throughout (Salazar...wtf. enough said), so I wasn't really expecting anything too grand at the end. Awesome gameplay and extra modes and missions are what made RE4 great.

Dark Samus at the very end of Metroid Prime 2, I think he was a joke compared to other bosses from that game.


But yeah... that fight was way to easy.

Jaffar in the original Prince of Persia is a pushover. By the time I was good enough at the game to beat it in the required hour, all of the sword-fighting had become so formulaic to me that it was just WHAM WHAM WHAM and he was dead.

Since you mention it, the final boss in Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was also ridiculously easy...

Omega Metroid.

I cannot say this with enough emphasis. Every single Metroid Fusion boss was harder than this guy.

I never even considered the Omega Metroid a boss, I just regarded it as a plot device...:-|

Omega Metroid.

I cannot say this with enough emphasis. Every single Metroid Fusion boss was harder than this guy.

Yeah, pretty easy, but I STILL think X-Samus (original and mutated) was just as easy. I agree to the remark that Omega Metroid was nothing more than a plot device, not a boss. Ultimately I thought that all of the bosses were a bit...easy so...

For underwhelming final boss battles I'd have to agree with the remarks about PoP:SoT. Perhaps I'd say the same for Tales of Symphonia, while it was a good fight, it wasn't anything remotely special, and it was probably easier than some of the other battles.

The Motherbrain in Super Metroid was somewhat underwhelming now that I think about it. Actually, a lot of final boss battles are pretty damn underwhelming; Zelda ones however are still pretty damn epic.

Since you mention it, the final boss in Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was also ridiculously easy...

Yes, but it follows the most grueling, unforgiving climb in the game. A battle against an elderly tuberculosis victim is pretty goddamned welcome at that point.


Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time. First there was the huge fight against that one thing, then an even huger fight against the bigger thing. Together those took like an hour or more. But then, following that, is that totally pointless fight against Bowser that takes like 2 minutes. That fight is easier than probably the first boss fight in the game, and it's the FINAL boss. It didn't feel right at all, like it was just kind of thrown in. Killed the mood after beating the huge guy.


Majora. Get mask then its just rape from then on out. He is actually pretty hard without the fierce deity mask.

I also pwned the first boss on that game with no effort mostly because I was doing jump attacks and when ever he tried escaping he got caught by my attack. He dealt me no dmg and it took 30 secs. he didn't even move.

Blubberman from Captain Novolin. You run past him and duck and he kills himself with his three bolts of his own electricity.

You actually played this game through to the end? What kind of sadomasochist are you, you sock monkey?


lulz. I attempted this thread back on the old forums, before the switch.

Jack of Blades from Fable. Easy to beat when you use multi-strike.

I have to agree with Bowser in SMB1.

The Rival in the Pokemon series. If you know the weaknesses, then its cake.

The Everyone in the Pokemon series. If you know their weaknesses, then they're cake.


Pokemon's only difficult when you go against unknown Pokemon, so you don't know what to bring to the battle or what to lead with.


The last boss on Starfox Adventures was the largest disappointment on almost any game I've ever played. Here's a game that got a 9.0 on IGN, yet as you're about to face the what appeared to be the main villain, he gets tossed aside in favor of a run-of-the-mill Andross face fight, under a simplified form of standard Starfox ship fighting. It wasn't so much that he was easy, it was as if they copped out what little story line they had in favor of a poor attempt at nostalgia. The only challenge it provided was the fact that it made me gawk at the screen long enough for it to get a few hits off on me...


The last boss in FFX2. It's been a while since I played it so I don't remember how long it took, but I remember it being less than 5 minutes for each form. A couple of forms went down in a few hits. I beat it several times just to show others how stupid it was!


RPGs don't really count, as most bosses can be made hellish or easy simply by leveling too little or too much. Though there have been a fair number of recent exceptions.


Ultima: Exodus on the NES. After some frustration, you get to fight nothing at the end except some invisible tile monsters. Then you put some cards on the altar and run. Lame "boss" to a rather tedious and time consuming game.

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