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Could someone hurry up and finish reading the book so they can tell me what happens? I've never been interested enough to do it myself.

I read the jpeg scans a few days ago, which are the legitimate ones, so here you go.


Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny All live.

Almost all deaths are of minor and supporting characters; e.g. Dobby the house elf, Mad-Eye, and Fred (or was it George :P). Only major death was Snape.

R.A.B is who everyone expected him to be. Nothing really exciting about it.

Snape and Dumbledore both mutally intended for Dumbledore to die at the hands of Snape in book 6. In Snape's youth he was obsessed with Lilly (Harry's mother), but also detested James Potter, which explains his conflict towards Harry. However, ultimately he was on Dumbledore's and Harry's side and acted as a spy in their favour. His primary motivation is to protect his memory of Lily, who voldemort killed. He then dies at the hands of voldemort near the end, see details regarding deathly hollows.

The Deathly Hollow are three items given to mankind by death. When combined the owner becomes the master of death. First item is the Invisibility Cloak, which harry already has. Second is the resurrection stone, which summons the souls of the dead, which is stone set in the ring that held the first horcrux, thus harry already has. The third is the elder wand, which is a kicks ass wand that pwns everything. The power of the wand is pasted on via murdering its previous owner. Dumbledore just happens to be the current owner. Voldemort takes the Elder wand from Dumbledore's grave, but finds its an ordinary wand as he did not directly kill Dumbledore. He then kills Snape thinking he is the new owner, but he is mistaken. As Dumbledore consented to Snape killing him the ownership passes onto Malfoy's wand, which is what Snape used to kill Dumbledore (yeah, apparently wands can own stuff). Near the end of the book Harry defeats Malfoy and takes his wand, thus the ownership transfers to Harry. In the final duel between Voldemort and Harry the Elder wand backfires on Voldemort as Harry is the true owner.

In terms of horcruxs, Harry and co find and destroy each horcrux. When attempting to kill harry as a baby Voldemort accidentally made Harry the seventh horcrux, which explains the prophecy "neither can live while the other survives". Just before the final duel Voldemort uses the killing curse, but instead of killing Harry he destroys the Horcrux, apparently because harry didn't fight back or some crap like that.

Voldemort is dead

Then there is the final chapter, which should be basically titled "there is no sequel", unless its to be called "Harry Potter and the Parental Responsibilities". Ron and Hermione marry, and so do Ginny and Harry.They have many children, each named after fallen friends.

Nevile is a Herbology Professor.


I loved the book and am happy with how it all turned out.

Except that danged epilogue. For whatever reason, the main characters never grow up. They're 36 and still acting like they're in their teens. And seeing Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione end up together and happy and married seemed more like fan service than anything.

just finished

an hour ago when i swore i thought harry was going to snuff it, i was really depressed

but at the same time knew that it would kind of make him be the perfect hero in a sense

now that i've finished, and he's not dead, i'm not sure what to think

either way

i'm totally depressed

cos i've been reading this series since i was eight

and now there's nothing left

oh well, back to my depeche mode cds and partypoker.net i suppose

Then there is the final chapter, which should be basically titled "there is no sequel"

I dunno about that. If she wanted to, Rowling could write three or four books about what happened to the other characters during the course of that seventh year.

For example, I'd think a book from Ginny's perspective at Hogwarts would be pretty interesting.

But I imagine that the only way I'd get that perspective is if I had the stomach to ingest some Harry Potter fanfiction. And I'm too afraid of accidentally stumbling across Harry/Draco slash to do that.


Overall, the book did a fantastic job of tying up all the loose ends. But otherwise, it simply wasn't as good as the rest of the series in my opinion. Too many people die too frequently, so there's no real shock or sadness when they do. Mad-Eye's death seemed like it had no particular purpose other than to say "hey kiddies, wizarding is now serious fucking business."

Sirius's death was a mild shock. Dumbledor's death was a huge shock. Mad-Eye's was not a shock, though it seemed like it's sole purpose was to shock.

I can see an entire theater cheering when Dobby dies in movie # 7 when it comes out.

The stuff filling in about Snape at the end was excellent. Rowling did a brilliant job of giving us the final word on who he really was.

What was the point of killing Fred, Lupin, and Tonks, though? Like Mad-Eye's death, those three did not seem to die for any purpose other than a failed attempt to shock the reader.

The talk before the final showdown was a bit overblown; seemed like it would have worked ok had it been a movie, but it really didn't work in text.

And finally, the epilogue was fucking lame.

EDIT: Also, Rowling completely neglected one of my favorite characters in the epilogue: Luna. I really liked her, and I was sort of hoping Harry would ditch Ginny, who's a flat and boring character, and end up with Luna, who is a much more interesting character, and has brought a lot more to the series.


I don't care much for Harry Potter (never read the books, never watched the movies), but I did get some big lulz out of the launch night spoiler videos I watched. I liked these two in particular (SPOILER WARNING, obviously):


The one last year was unique. It was spontaneous, funny, sure. This year, I expected there to be some, and sure enough, here they are. Jackasses making themselves grin like idiots while ruining it for others who have been waiting for something like this, hoping and counting down until that moment arrived when they could figure things out for themselves.

Sorry if I sound overly bitter or angry, I'm just really ticked at how some people can just be asses over stuff like this.


It is pretty frustrating to me when people do that, especially considering that this event has been nearly a decade in the making. It was worth not getting it at midnight to steer clear of that nonsense.

I don't care much for Harry Potter (never read the books, never watched the movies), but I did get some big lulz out of the launch night spoiler videos I watched. I liked these two in particular (SPOILER WARNING, obviously):

If you got "big lulz" from that, you're pretty easily amused. No one even reacted that strongly; both videos were pretty much dumb.

As for me, I couldn't resist glancing at the YTMND spoilers a few days ago, but I think it's actually good that I know before hand how everything concludes, because it allows me to go through the book casually, enjoying the ride and calmly seeing how everything plays out to wind up the way I already know it does, rather than rushing frantically to the end just to see omg did he live did he live??



Well...it seems that my predictions in page 2 were correct. I really liked the fact that most of the book takes place outside of Hogwarts. Gives a different feeling to the series overall. Although, most of the humor seems to be gone. Sure, there were a few areas which made me laugh (like Ron's "Is that some type of illness?" comment on Muggle fairytales), but overall it isn't as funny as the previous books. A lot darker, but less funnier. I was particularly surprised by the dialogue at times, too...a couple of curses here and there, although judging by the 6th book, it would seem logical to head in that direction. Still though, using the word "Bitch" in a Harry Potter book surprised me.

Loved the twists toward the end. I also love how everything gets wrapped up. Mostly unexpected. Love the depthness in Snape's background. And call me crazy, but I'm a sucker for the "many years later" epilogues.

Overall, it was a gripping and suspenseful read. I really enjoyed the ride. Here's to the end of the Harry Potter era. Only thing I'm looking forward to is how in blue hell will they fit the 6th and 7th installments into movies? Also, the games should be interesting from here on out.

Can't wait to see what Rowling comes up with next.


I seriously almost cried when Dobby died. I loved that little house-elf.

I was so happy with Kreacher, though. The turnaround was amazing, and Harry seemed to finally understand why Hermione always tried to be nice to the elf.

Overall, an amazing modern epic of our time. That, plus the heavy Christian themes make me all warm inside.


Here's something interesting; there are exactly two wizards ever to have come in possession of all three Deathly Hallows: Dumbledore and Harry.

Dumbledore never actually had all three at once, though. Harry was, at one point, master of all three at once, though he did not actually have the Elder wand in his possession at the time.

I don't really like the story behind the Elder wand, though; it seems a bit far-fetched that no owner of the Elder wand has ever died a natural death, and even more far-fetched that Harry expects to live the rest of his life without ever being hit by a disarming spell, which evidently is enough to cause the Elder wand to change its allegiance.


Haven't read the latest book yet, but I'm looking foward to it. I'm pretty unhappy to say that I missed all the opening night madness on Friday~Sat., but it was so I could watch my sister and her band perform that evening, so I don't really regret my decision.

It is weird knowing that the series has finally come to an end, though. Those books have been around for most of my adolescence. I'm happy to report that the book smashed sales records despite the leaks that occured prior to release.

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