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It's been a while since I've visited this thread. But yeah, hello and welcome to all new members, including those who are registering as we speak. Do stay a while and never forget to write reviews for the mixes that you have listened to, it's what I started doing when I first became a member, as a way to give back to the OCR community.

Oh yeah, and aside from musical talents, you have plenty of oppurtunities to show off your other artistic talents as well via Rate that Sig and Fanart Competitions.

Have fun and in the words of Arek, happy posting! See you on the forums!


Hello everyone.

I've known about OCR for a long time, but I never registered. The reason is, I've been composing and arranging for a couple years, but until this past summer I knew absolutely nothing about electronic sampling and production, et cetera. I'm still studying up on mastering skills, so when I feel confident enough to do so (and maybe when I get a VST pack) I'll start busting out remixes of my own. :)



Heh. Don't worry about that at all.

Most of us on the boards, it seems, that can't mix at all, myself included. If I'm making an incorrect generallization here, correct me, by all means.

Heh. Don't worry about that at all.

Most of us on the boards, it seems, that can't mix at all, myself included. If I'm making an incorrect generallization here, correct me, by all means.

I think thats a fair statement. I, for one, can't play a single instrument, and wouldn't know where to start in making a mix. The one thing people in common have on the boards is an interest in video games, and music. Not necessarily in making music.


Hi all! I'm new here.


No, really. I haven't been on these forums for what, two, three years perhaps? Can anyone tell me what's happened since way back when? I left roughly around the time Spram's mind snapped. :roll:


Hello There, cc2k here, at your service. I have known this website for a few months now and decided to join up. So here I am. I love playing my PS2, especially MGS! But I also make movie tributes, very simple ones, using Windows Movie Maker, so I am always on the lookout for new music, and moght I say, you have some great songs here. I am also here to at least try and make my own mixes, although progberly failing badly, and also commenting on every bit of music I download. Thank you and goodnight.


Hello everybody, Im new here, I have been a fan of this site for a long time. I though tonight would be a good time to delurk myself and become somewhat active.

Im from MN. I have been a dj many years ago and somewhat put that behind me to produce music. I am working on some stuff and I hope to have some video game remixing for everyone to hear real soon.

Hi all! I'm new here.


No, really. I haven't been on these forums for what, two, three years perhaps? Can anyone tell me what's happened since way back when? I left roughly around the time Spram's mind snapped. :roll:

... Wow. Who's Spram?


Ah...I'm not good at these things people like to call "introductions". I'm just an average boy obsessed with anything and everything videogames or music (hey, whadda ya know?)

I've been a fan of this site for a long time, ever since I discovered a correlation between the remixes I'd found on dogpile a year or two ago. I'm trying to become a composer, but I've yet to figure out what I'm doing (I got Fruity Loops about a week ago, and I'm starting to get the hang of it)

Beyond this tinkering, I go to school, work at Wendy's, march, and play WoW.


Hey, re-introducing myself. I'm link89. I've been a member of JZForums for 2 years and a listener to OCRemixes for about 5. I'm a sucker for anything Zelda or Final Fantasy. I was at Video Games Live in Seattle last year, it was the best night of my life. I've decided to become slightly more active on the OCRemix forums beacuse I want to maybe become a submitter someday. I've recieved good imput and plan on sharing more of my Sax solo's to OCRemixes here in the hopes of getting good enough to start writing chords. You can hear one of my solos here, http://www.zshare.net/audio/a-storm-in-the-desert-solo-mp3.html

Thanks, I hope I can be an active and valuble contributer to the forums.



Im new here.... I only really discovered this site about a month ago, and I suppose that the vast number and variety of songs on this site really influenced me to try doing my own remixes.

Hi all! I'm new here.


No, really. I haven't been on these forums for what, two, three years perhaps? Can anyone tell me what's happened since way back when? I left roughly around the time Spram's mind snapped. :roll:

I see.

If I was able to sing, I would provide a song, but for now, think: We didn't start the fire...

Spram Snapped, he left the forum

Vortex became a stripper

Mahaboo's a pimp lesbian

Sex-ed thread, orgy thread

Hi thread Bacon Thread:

We didn't start the flame war, it was going on, ever since the place's been live.

Ghost of Dave thomas, Force of light,

Someone died, Unmod RPG delight

Anime Remix, Guy's wife's pics

New titles, more banning and an all out board war!

We didn't start the flame war, it was going on, ever since the place's been live.

Twisted and Sera, gorveg's alts

flame wars, Prot's banned,

Tragedy, comedy, and a sidebar that killed many!

We didn't start the flame war, it was going on, ever since the place's been live.

Unmod.org, Unmod wiki, Pixie tricks

New judge, new shirts, new podcast

More remix, and a new server!

We didn't start the flame war, it was going on, ever since the place's been live.

Obviously, I will never be a songwriter.


Greetings everyone, I've finally decided to join the forums instead of just lurking to find good remixes. I've been here a lot of times but never thought about what the forum is really used for aside from reviewing the remixes. Now that I finally joined the community I will hopefully be able to start learning these music terms spoken so much on these forums(I have no idea what SID/Bassline/synths to give a generalization of what I don't understand) The goal is to finally be able to remix music myself.

Hey, re-introducing myself. I'm link89. I've been a member of JZForums for 2 years and a listener to OCRemixes for about 5. I'm a sucker for anything Zelda or Final Fantasy. I was at Video Games Live in Seattle last year, it was the best night of my life. I've decided to become slightly more active on the OCRemix forums beacuse I want to maybe become a submitter someday. I've recieved good imput and plan on sharing more of my Sax solo's to OCRemixes here in the hopes of getting good enough to start writing chords. You can hear one of my solos here, http://www.zshare.net/audio/a-storm-in-the-desert-solo-mp3.html

Thanks, I hope I can be an active and valuble contributer to the forums.

Hello and nice to have you on the forums and I look forward to hearing your music.

I love your sig, btw!! Haha!


Hey, Wassap, I'm Hirosuke. Well, thats my alias. TimE, I have a strong suspicion that your name is Corey Bero, from my US History class.

About my personality: I'm cheeky and sarcastic. I don't have a problem with you untill you annoy me, wherein I will inform you that you have done so. Tell me if I piss you off, and I'll apologize, simple as that.

Anyway, I'm currently working on a Protoman mix in FL Studio demo 5.0, and it isn't going well :cry: . I could seriously use advice. AIM is Malkavian Crowt, and EMail is Jeranthehero@yahoo.com, I would appreciate if someone with some talent (READ: everyone but me :oops: ) had a listen to what I have so far and critiqued me.


Hey all, i'm NextGeneration (aka. Brethesen, Brethesen{FiN}, Most of the Time Dead Guy, MTDG{FiN}... Sunkku for friends, though) I'm a gameholic (or a game junkie, whichever you prefer :D ) since i was 4 years old, and i don't think i'll stop playing anytime soon 8O

My hobbies: playing games (like you WOULDN'T have figured that out already :wink: ), watching movies, farting, writing poems, playing paintball and hanging with my friends... :P

I can be quite sarcastic at some times (read: all the time) but i'll hope you people have enough patience to handle the gibberish which i type here, okay? :oops:


Yo. The name's Sovany Kong... but you can call me Nick... DJ Fury... Fury... Fried Rice... whatever you prefer...

I like a lot of things... and I hate a lot of things...

Heheh... Let me be a little more specific with this - I like a lot of things including music, martial arts, and anime (not a really big fan of it as I used to be...).

I'd like to post some of my works here, but they aren't remixes, so yeah~~~

Looking forward to meeting you all.

To the ladies of OCR: Hi there! XDD


hey there i have posted twice i rule!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

i like the remixes and im just checking the place out i hope you will accpet me for who i am dont judge u h8ers!! XDDDD

well i am single i hope all da laydeeez out there know how to have fun becuase i am one fun guy 8)

well i hope to get to kno u all better so ill c u around!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello! I'm new, as you can probably tell [:Glances at date joined >_>:]. I'm also.. slightly embarrased. I just now noticed that I mispelled my own name 8O (ManicOppressive*). Well, whatever. Nothing I can do about it now I guess XD. Bout time for me to wrap this up. I'll see you all around :P.

* Note: The extra "p". In italics. Italics look fancy :D.

Hello! I'm new, as you can probably tell [:Glances at date joined >_>:]. I'm also.. slightly embarrased. I just now noticed that I mispelled my own name 8O (ManicOppressive*). Well, whatever. Nothing I can do about it now I guess XD. Bout time for me to wrap this up. I'll see you all around :P.

* Note: The extra "p". In italics. Italics look fancy :D.

You are able to change your name, under 'Profile' you should be able to add your extra p

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