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More background information please.

I personally had difficulty trying to figure out what this track was at first, due to the beginning up to about 1:14. I had to break my neck to find a source tune of Team Rocket's theme so that I didn't get totally confused. After listening to that tune, the remix became so much clearer. The added expansions are slick. Especially from 2:02 into 2:40.

What I was trying to imply (before the 404 got me) was, this was more than a shock to me (not in a bad way, either) since for a while I was wondering if Team Rocket's theme could ever be remixed. But I was thinking more of a metal theme, though.

There's going to be a fair amount of people who might turn their noses up to this remix, but I don't think there's going to anything that'll top this anytime soon. Nice.

(My bad, LT):oops:


Not bad. Good to finally see a Pokemon mix (someone do Mewtwo's stage theme from Pokemon Puzzle League!)-kinda reminds me of "Rokutsuto Den Ajuto" from disc 2 of the FireRed/LeafGreen soundtrack. Hopefully we'll hear more soon.

  • 4 weeks later...
Nah, I mean, what was the setting where all those people inquired about the mix? Were you guys at a party? What was going on, and what were some reactions to the track?

Well, I was at work originally when this remix was released and my co-workers are all into electronic music (in fact, that's all that we listen to collectively - - except for a few jazz and old-school hip-hop moments) and when I was taking a personal listen to this song, my co-workers stopped what they were doing (piles... of paperwork, mind you) to see who was it that made this mix.

The first question that came up was "Is there anything else by that artist? That was hella-good and I hope that's not his/her first one." The rest of the day pretty much entailed them listening to it off and on for the next 6 hours.

Then, when I brought it to their attention that it was a remix from a game, they just... did not... believe me. Got a chiptune of the original track and let them listen to it. Then I had them sit through the remix for at least 2-3 more times. On the level, they were seriously struck by the originality of this mix and have been frequently looking on the site for anything that they can remember. (gamewise)

Bear in mind, out of 79 people who work at my job, three people including myself avidly listen to game soundtracks considerably. The rest of them left video games behind with their childhood.

That was until my co-workers found OoT's "Prayer" by Pixietricks. I've heard it every other day from each of their ipods since the 6th of August.

Edit: I'm sitting in my office as I type and Teem.Rokit's playing upstairs... and it's not me.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

The Team Rocket theme was already fairly creepy, but this just takes it, polishes it, and makes it as it should be.

Listening to this reminds me why I sunk soooo many hours into these games and makes me want to go dig out some of my old Gameboy carts.

Ahhh, good times, good times. :grin:


I was a real avid Pokemon Red player back when it was that huge phenomenon, so I remember this theme pretty well. The Pokemon soundtrack is criminally underrated, I think mainly because of the backlash against the popularity of the Pokemon iconography that happened after the bubble burst. But I really urge you to sample some of the remixed tracks from Smash Bros. Brawl and see that there is some DYNAMITE source music to pull from. It's really complex, melodic stuff that is dying to be put to further creative use. I wish I had the talent.

Anyways, I wouldn't call the Team Rocket Headquarters theme DYNAMITE source music, however Tweek has transformed it into a really nice piece of electronic spasticity that I have a certain affinity for. The source can get pretty damn repetitive in the game, but never does in the mix. Handfuls at a time of different ideas and interesting variations and techniques are thrown in at no expense, which is most important when dealing with a source tune that isn't very captivating and more on the verge of just annoying. I especially love when the mix goes into rewind. It seems like its something that won't work for a lot of ears, but for mine, I really dug it.

Always good to see under-represented games in the spotlight, and hopefully this and the other Pokemon remix on OCR wakes a sleeping giant. Its 2009, where's that Pokemon Project Album already?

  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Darn Rockets! I couldn't determine if this was Silph Co. or the Rocket Hideout...but I think both of them frustrated me as a kid. I could've sworn I heard the beginning of Jynx's cry somewhere around 2:55. I think those subtle sounds you added were in fact very similar to the Pokémon cries. Awesome. Excellent work. :smile:


Prepare for trouble!.......oh wait, wrong Rockets. Anywho, this is pretty good for the Rocket theme and I love the rewind section at 2:43-2:53. Ten seconds and I was sold, but the other 4 minutes or so got me interested. Definantly sounds like a high tech evil lab and I think Team Rocket finally has a theme that's as evil as they are. But as much as I like puns......no DJP. Just no. :-P

  • 1 month later...

This is insane, TEAM ROCKET FTW. The best mix ever. I want to learn how to do this kind of thing, I can't improvise very well on a PC MIDI Synth, brings back some of my first gaming memories, I wish I knew where my yellow was, I really want to play again, my BLUE recently died sadly, but it is OK, you guys help me re-live the memories by letting me hear this stuff all over again.

  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01603 - Pokémon Red Version "TEEM.ROKIT"

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