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there is a myspace link in his profile, and a msn/hotmail adress in his myspace page. :)!!:mrgreen:


Anybody remember when that one dude was posing the SF2 collab as his own? That was awesome, I still have the PM's from him.

A third second. Plz post kthx.

What makes me laugh is when people steal crappy works of art and pass them as their own. I have this terrible Zelda fanfic that's been plagiarized twice already. Some people... >.<


My Names Alex Ive been playing The Final Fantasy Series for 10 years and in them 10 years ive loved the music.. it fits with the game so well.. so i edited the "Your Not Alone" Theme and changed it.. i am making approx 50 new themes on youtube. if anyone needs a fave theme done contact me


Is his life so devoid of purpose that he'd spend his waking hours bragging about non-existant talents to a bunch of strangers, using works of other people, who had the talent and spent the time to make, calling them his own? I hate people like him. Not to mention the horrible grammar in this description.

My name is Alex, and I've been playing the Final Fantasy series for about 10 years, and in this time, I've never gotten tired of the music of any of its titles, for, amongst other reasons, they all fit their situations and events in their games so well... So, understandably, when I heard the song 'You're Not Alone' from Final Fantasy IX, I finally decided to try my hand at remixing, starting with this song. Now, I have made or am in the process of making close to 50 new remixes for entry into YouTube. If you, or anyone you might know, would like to have another theme remixed, please don't refrain from contacting me by one of the means listed on this page.

I'll be seeing his description changing about 2 days from now, with no credit to me... I think I'll look into having a vacation at Australia this year... With a chainsaw. n_n

Effing plagiarist.

My Names Alex Ive been playing The Final Fantasy Series for 10 years and in them 10 years ive loved the music.. it fits with the game so well.. so i edited the "Your Not Alone" Theme and changed it.. i am making approx 50 new themes on youtube. if anyone needs a fave theme done contact me


Is his life so devoid of purpose that he'd spend his waking hours bragging about non-existant talents to a bunch of strangers, using works of other people, who had the talent and spent the time to make, calling them his own? I hate people like him. Not to mention the horrible grammar in this description.

My name is Alex, and I've been playing the Final Fantasy series for about 10 years, and in this time, I've never gotten tired of the music of any of its titles, for, amongst other reasons, they all fit their situations and events in their games so well... So, understandably, when I heard the song 'You're Not Alone' from Final Fantasy IX, I finally decided to try my hand at remixing, starting with this song. Now, I have made or am in the process of making close to 50 new remixes for entry into YouTube. If you, or anyone you might know, would like to have another theme remixed, please don't refrain from contacting me by one of the means listed on this page.

I'll be seeing his description changing about 2 days from now, with no credit to me... I think I'll look into having a vacation at Australia this year... With a chainsaw. n_n

Effing plagiarist.

Breathe in...breathe out....breathe in...breathe out...

And sorry for cutting this short. :( Next time I'll bait him along.


By popular demand... my exchange with marcelstf

joefu12 wrote:

Do you like to take things and not give credit to the people who made it?

From: marcelstf

I am not stealing nothing.

Why are u fucking bullshitting me ?

Stop this ! Who asks, I say NO I DID NOT MAKE THIS FUCKING THING.

Whats the problem ?


sf.remix.blahblahblah is there. I am here using Youtube. Thats for my friends who do not know much english and then they juzz use this link. Stop jerk me around, dumb.

joefu12 wrote:

Is it hard to just give your friends the link to the site? Not much english is required to just download the songs from there...

From: marcelstf

fUCK u.

STFU. Go borow another guy ok ?

C ya.

joefu12 wrote:

Why the hell did you put your name on the piano mix of you didn't make it?

Are you that retarded?

It seems talking to you is like talking to a retarded 4 year old that only knows cuss words. I have no idea why I'm even wasting my time writing you this message.

From: marcelstf

Suck my dick and smell my balls.


I don't know, man. Suck his dick AND smell his balls? I'm not saying he could stump AD, but I certainly wouldn't want to get into a debate with this guy. He's obviously pretty good at formulating sound arguments.

Keep us posted

Will do. A few emails so far:

Me: Hey, what happened to all the music on your youtube account? It was amazing.

Alex: u liked it that much =\

Me: Yeah, it was great. I love FF music. Why'd you take it down?

Alex: people were spamming it alot, also saying it wasn't my peice of art :P

Haha. This guy can't possibly be 18 (which is what his myspace profile said)...though he does have a picture...which may or may not be him...

Well, whatever age he is, he's still an idiot.

Is his life so devoid of purpose that he'd spend his waking hours bragging about non-existant talents to a bunch of strangers, using works of other people, who had the talent and spent the time to make, calling them his own?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots like that out there. I've had people take my drawings and post them elsewhere as their own, going so far as to make up little stories about how/when/why they drew them. Why these people try to enjoy pride and praise in something they had no hand in creating is beyond me.

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