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nintendo shuld sue peta cuz peta is bad and i dont liek them and their all full of hippys and their are ghey and nintendo is awesome and i got a ninetndo wii cuz its awesmoe and beats ps3 and xb0x360 by farrr




I love you guys.


I'm no expert about chicken raising, but the game points out that KFC de-beaks their chickens. Isn't this so they don't peck each other to death?

I don't like PETA either, but I like Nintendo being reasonable about lawyer-ing more, so I can't say I wish that Ninty'd sue them. But I'd be great if PETA just... disappeared one day. Or at least stood back and re-evaluated their stances. But yeah, that's gonna happen. :|

So the real point is that people enjoy making shitty flash games but don't like having original ideas. They also like making political statements. I like that people are actively taking stances in political issues (voter apathy is silly - I like seeing people at the polls), but I guess it has to come at the cost of everyone spouting off their beliefs whenever they open their mouth. It's becoming more and more common to see people who can't talk without injecting something political in conversation. D: It bothers me, sometimes.

So, totally offtopic post? NO. But close.


Well, it personally doesn't make a lot of sense to me that they say KFC is breaking any bones on thier chickens, given the fact that we eat chicken legs and wings from KFC all the time. They don't look broken to me.

I could give a shit less about PETA, although myself i hate to see animals suffer. I also could care less, and pardon me if this sounds cruel, how happy the chickens are prior to being slaughtered so I can eat their parts. These are not going to be chickens raised on sunlight and rainbows, they are a food source.

As for Nintendo taking legal action, i think it would be highly warranted but probably unlikely. It's true that PETA is using the Mario bros in a very unbecoming manner, and featuring them in a game that may not agree with the views of Mr. Miyamoto and Co. Examples such as them being beaten up by PETA members also make a strong case against this game continuing to be displayed. But, I don't think Nintendo will do much as we are talking about the internet here. What is gone from one site one day will simply re-surface on another site later that day.

I got to the fourth level, and thought the game is amazingly well put together (for being what it is, mind you), it just seemed so damn boring after a while. That too and what the hell does a jungle have anything to do with KFC?


The way I see it.. a Lion comes across a Gazelle in the wild.. Now.. do you think this Lion allows the thing to live a long, happy life before eating it? Nope.. it's survived this long on it's own. A Lion shows no mercy.. it's brutal. Would the Lion show us courtesy? No.. it would rip any of us to shreds were it hungry. Now.. being human.. we too are animals.. and we are supposed to show some huge courtesy that the very animals the PETA won't give other animals.. let alone us?

This whole issue truely proves the ignorance of people. They talk like KFC has a torture chamber in back of every restaurant manually doing this stuff.. wtf? They get their chicken from the same corporations Walmart, Krogers, and other large chain Grocers get from.. and they get the chicken all from the same farmers.. to complain about KFC.. you might as well complain about yourself going to the grocery, and buying a chicken to fry up at home.


Nintendo should have basis for at least a C&D, if not a suit, because PETA is clearly using Nintendo's characters to advertise against its own products. I mean, come on--Mario and Luigi can't do anything because they hurt themselves, Yoshi joins a PETA-like "stop the cruelty" cause and abandons Mario because he's mean to "turtles"? A parody involving similar characters would be one thing, but this smacks of libel or something to me, even if that's not the main objective.


This game sucks. The controls are clunky, the story is weak and underdeveloped, the character development is laughable, and there's no gameplay variety. Replay value isn't even worth mentioning. No online co-op? This is 2007. You'd think they'd at least have some downloadable content planned; in this generation, post-release support is downright expected.

Not recommended/10.

This game sucks. The controls are clunky, the story is weak and underdeveloped, the character development is laughable, and there's no gameplay variety. Replay value isn't even worth mentioning. No online co-op? This is 2007. You'd think they'd at least have some downloadable content planned; in this generation, post-release support is downright expected.

Not recommended/10.

Holy shit, it's IGN!


It is a rather amusing coincidence though.

(Irony would be a PETA member dying mauled by a lion in a zoo the PETA member was trying to convince people to set free.)

It'd also be irony if this game raised KFC's sales by putting people in the mood for some Kentucky Fried Goodness.

Which seems to be the case for me.

Nintendo should have basis for at least a C&D, if not a suit, because PETA is clearly using Nintendo's characters to advertise against its own products. I mean, come on--Mario and Luigi can't do anything because they hurt themselves, Yoshi joins a PETA-like "stop the cruelty" cause and abandons Mario because he's mean to "turtles"? A parody involving similar characters would be one thing, but this smacks of libel or something to me, even if that's not the main objective.


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