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Now, in FF6, when Celes tried to commit suicide after Cid's death, I definitely cried. That was a brilliantly executed scene (ignoring the obvious soften-the-blow ploy with the Cid quote right before she jumps), at just the right point of the game, and it really drove home that feeling of dispair that was so appropriate for that part of the game. And of course, the fact that Celes was a great character all along (and had a heart-breakingly beautiful themesong) made it that much more powerful.

That's about the only time I can think of where a videogame has left me in tears.

Definitely an amazing scene. As for my favorite, see sig.


I honestly don't think any Squaresoft game has ever invoked anything resembling emotion for me. I have played them all and none of them truly have any sort of personal touch to them. I don't know if it's because they are too "kiddy" or that they just don't draw you in at a personal level. Whenever playing a FF game I feel like I'm playing a movie.

Anyway, who cares about FF7, it's 2007 and there are and have been much better games made. FF12 for instance, in my opinion, is the best one. They finally changed the formula for once. Still nothing emotional though.

I would say my last moral effect from a video game came from BIOSHOCK. If you haven't played, then stop reading...

I'm not talking about either saving or harvesting the girls either, I'm talking about the part where Andrew Ryan meets his demise. It was a brutal scene and really made you feel helpless.

"A man decides, and a slave obeys!"

For others games that caused a response look no farther then the Silent Hill Series.

Anyway, who cares about FF7, it's 2007 and there are and have been much better games made.

yeah like final fantasy 3 (THE REAL 3 NOT 6, AND NOT THE ONE FOR GBA).

i dont know, i felt kinda sad in blaster master. you saw the poor kids frog run away, and you immediately knew you were gonna have to kill it.

so sad.


Okay, I'll lay off of FF7. It was a good game, although I think it is a wee bit overrated.

Now, Final Fantasy 4 evoked some emotion in me when I was a kid. Not just sadness, but all kinds. The prologue near the beginning, that shows the two moons and Baron castle with the Star Wars text scrolling, combined with that awesome music - It really hit me in the chest. It really put me in the game and I thought "Wow, this is incredible".

And the ending, which was so happy and sad at the same time, that really hit me. I'd say that game has effected me more emotionally than any other game. I was 9 or 10 tens old. I was impressed.

When Final Fantasy 7 came out, I had quit playing games, and I missed that bus. I borrowed it from my brother, and I was quite impressed with the game. I got the game back, and I never finished it. I guess my Final Fantasy 7 was Final Fantasy 4.

And, about the Tifa thing, yes she is quite attractive for a video game character. Fortunately, I've had a real girlfriend for many years.


I didn't cry when Aeris died, I was pissed. When I first played FF7, I was like "Why should I kill Sephiroth? He's getting rid of Shinra executives, clearing the swamps of large and dangerous snakes, and he's obviously a badass." Then he killed Aeris, and because I'm an ass, the first thought that ran through my head was FUCK THAT! I JUST SPENT 14000 GIL ON A NEW STAFF FOR HER! But right after that I was all sad because she really was awesome and I actually yelled at my TV for the first time ever. My battlecry of "It's ON now, you bastard!!!" could be heard down the street.

But I didn't cry.

Final Fantasy X now, I cried like a baby at the end of that one.

Great. <_<

Oh well, now I'll NEVER ever play it lol.

Drama is a GOOD thing in RPGs, especially JRPGs where gameplay is really in the background. I don't agree that drama is a bad connotation for RPGs. I see it as imperative.

I dunno, Aeris never cut it for me. She was not a very inspired character. In fact she had about as much personality as Palom and Porom combined; she just got the same fate.

She felt like a disposable character from the start.

I'll have to disagree then. She IS inspired for a FACT because Sakaguchi's mother died years prior to FF7's development and he has said in numerous interviews that the theme of FF7 was the heavy emphasis of motherly characters. Jenova, Aeris and Aeris's own mother were those figures. Not to forget other motherly figures such as the doting Tifa and Lucrecia, the biological mother of Sephiroth.

Also, do we HAVE to compare characters and put them down to elevate the other? Other FF games had great characters too, but I don't see why you have to put down FF7's just to make a point. That is just disingenuous.

I honestly don't think any Squaresoft game has ever invoked anything resembling emotion for me. I have played them all and none of them truly have any sort of personal touch to them. I don't know if it's because they are too "kiddy" or that they just don't draw you in at a personal level. Whenever playing a FF game I feel like I'm playing a movie.

I find that hard to swallow since FF games have put a lot more effort into the story more so than any singular franchise out there. I agree the premise is basic for the most part but there's character types for just about everyone. And it playing like a movie is basically its own point. If you want a true open ended epic, go play Ultima. Or maybe even Baldur's Gate.

Anyway, who cares about FF7, it's 2007 and there are and have been much better games made. FF12 for instance, in my opinion, is the best one. They finally changed the formula for once. Still nothing emotional though.

I don't see those putdowns as valid since millions still do care and even Square itself sees the potential to tap into the fanbase that is still very strong. I don't like making this distinction, but it is reminiscent of Evangelion for anime. Games typically come and go with the ages, but like Evangelion which inexplicably has an insane staying power and constant releases of the DVDs and spinoffs, FF7 is the same. Really, I think that all the drama they at least tried to inject into FF7 did strike a chord with a lot of mainstream gamers as well as some hardcore ones (like me). It's not to say that everyone must love it, but to say that 'oh, it's no big deal, who cares?' is not too valid.

Okay, I'll lay off of FF7. It was a good game, although I think it is a wee bit overrated.

Now, Final Fantasy 4 evoked some emotion in me when I was a kid. Not just sadness, but all kinds. The prologue near the beginning, that shows the two moons and Baron castle with the Star Wars text scrolling, combined with that awesome music - It really hit me in the chest. It really put me in the game and I thought "Wow, this is incredible".

FF4 was basically the first game that tried to turn a FF game into a true epic I thought. Dragon Quest and other games before it just went the rote path. FF4 actually TRIED with the story. Likewise, I think FF6 and FF7 had the same kind of response since first time gamers or even veteran gamers took that kind of effort and ran with it. FF8, FF9 and FFX were great in their own right too, but a lot of the plot just felt a bit too experimental for their own good, even for FF standards. Such as Ultemecia, that weird-crystal-boss-thinggy and the strange summons religion in FFX, it all deviated a bit from the simple but elaborate concept in FF4, 6 and 7 IMO.


Wow, I-N-J-I-N, I learned a lot from that post - that was really thoughtful :) I agree with a lot of things you said, especially regarding the influence of motherly characters in FF7; I never caught that, but it sure does make sense.

I think that in terms of FF8, FF9, and FFX, the story did seem experimental... well... very experimental, but after such a huge success as FF7, I'm not sure where else there would be to go, you know? FF6 was a moderate success internationally (huge in Japan and one of the best games ever created IMO) but it seems like they tried to push the envelope and experiment even more - the result being the mega-blockbuster called FF7.

Maybe they were trying to push further? FF8 was a bit of a stretch, but I still really loved it (though I found that a cumbersome inventory system got in the way of the story a bit). Then, as if that could've been too far, FF9 went back to the roots and wasn't as successful IMO. From there, Square decided to push EVEN further forward now with FFX and the very religious overtones (which could probably be a thread in itself), but it did the job and was really successful.

FFXII is really fun - great interface, great gameplay... but I think that it's strongest point is the writing and dialogue. Maybe it's the original script, maybe the translation... but man, some seriously awesome speeches and dialogue in that game.

PS: There was a little tear when Aeris died, lol.


To answer the original question...No. I felt a blood rage the likes of which only rivaled by my feelings on 9/12/01. At the time i was only 13 years old or so and i didnt know of that particular twist at the time. So when it happened it hit me stone cold omfg out of the blue. For about an hour after words about to the point i got to the snow village all i could think about was hunting down seph and sticking cloud's sword straight through his neck. I have grown since then and games no longer thankfully invoke that kind of intense response. At least from me. Real life can on occasion but not often.

Know that i am not comparing events. I am stating nothing more than how i felt. No twist no turn in any TV show game or movie before or since rivaled that one epic moment the first time. The only thing that surpassed what i felt then. Was what i felt on 9/12/01 when i began to realize what the hell had happened.

When a game evokes an emotional response due to its story you know its done something most just cant do. Those moments thankfully are few and far between as they should be.

What's a GenDisc?


General Leo death > Aeris Death


Hells yea. I was pissed!

When Aeris died, while I didn't 'cry', I was sad....(I just spent all that time leveling and she was my best healer...and etc.)

The only game that's hit a cord with me was this one part in the game "The Darkness". Why a FPS of all reasons? I dont have a clue.

Also the org Neverwinter Nights...or what about....what was that game?....oh yea. I cried when I lost the Super Bowl in Madden 08....does that count? >_>

Star Ocean 3? Sure it had a nice-ish ending but that was so over the top convoluted, I was more confused at how hard the writing fell off near the end than anything. Fate was good, then the rest.... video game nerd final boss....

Um. You're WRONG on that one. On almost all points. Fei was an emotional/moody kid for like 90% of the game, he barely had any goals and he was just being moody and running from place to place fighting enemies he sees in his dreams and flashbacks that have resurfaced in the present. In a way, he was similar to Cloud than being dissimilar. Cloud was far from being moody but more like his emotions were broken. And he had to fight to get his past back just the same. Cloud being whiny? Do people even remember these games anymore? And Cloud not showing emotions? But that was like the entire point of the entire story and his back story AND the connection to Jenova, etc etc yadda yadda. I don't want to bother elaborating the obvious.

Also, I don't understand why people are seemingly so miffed at imperfect heroes. I'd rather have the main character be an actual CHARACTER than a caricature who really does nothing but be goody two shoes for the entirety of the game.

Ya know, your right, I'm thinking about it now, that I am a lot more cognitive than I was when I wrote that last respone. Fei was pretty whiny too.

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