Trenthian Posted October 12, 2007 Posted October 12, 2007 I was wondering what musical achievements people, especially mixers here are most proud of. I would like to see only your personal achievements, not tales of notoriety, or how other people see you, but how YOU see you and are proud of. Ill start us off by saying, Today I woke up. I said I wanted to sing an Eb. I sang one and it was fantastic. I can give an Eb, B natural, A Natural, Bb and F on command now. I am still learning to associate other note names with thier tones. it is coming slowly, but its happening! I can feel the cosmos. Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted October 12, 2007 Posted October 12, 2007 I think for the first time in my life, I've recorded a song just as I imagined it in my head. I had always wanted to do this, but for one reason or another, I'd never really been able to before. It felt sweet. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 12, 2007 Posted October 12, 2007 Musically, it's all I got. Personal or otherwise. So I cling to it for dear life <3. Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 12, 2007 Posted October 12, 2007 my proudest achievements would be how vastly i've improved since i became serious about being a musician. seriously, listen to something of mine circa 2001 or 2002, compared to something i wrote today. it's fucking amazing. Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted October 12, 2007 Posted October 12, 2007 Today I woke up. I said I wanted to sing an Eb. I sang one and it was fantastic. I can give an Eb, B natural, A Natural, Bb and F on command now. I am still learning to associate other note names with thier tones. it is coming slowly, but its happening! I can feel the cosmos. When I was a music major in college everyone swore to me that perfect pitch can only be obtained at birth and cannot be learned, but I KNEW that it could be done! Thank you! I've got a few. -Actually learning to play guitar as brutally as I can today makes me happy. I just recently joined a melodic death metal cover band and we play some Arch Enemy songs and the leader expects us to be able to play all the solos note for note at full speed. The fast solo on Ravenous a good example of what I'm talking about. -I'm proud of my VERY first band a lot. It was in Okinawa. I wrote ALL the music and played guitar and sang for it. The band was called "Unrequited Lust" (If you wanna hear a live recording of it, let me know.) and we were a melodic death metal band. Every song was an epic 8 minute movement with like 10 riffs. Not your stupid, verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus type of songs yo. That's enough about me. Let's talk about you. Quote
Furilas Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 Well, I've come a ways since I did it, but I was pretty stoked when I figured out that blistering riff from "The Darkest of Winters" movement of Dream Theater's "Change Of Seasons" by ear. One riff down, eight albums and a bit to go. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 The past three years of my life have been my biggest musical achievement, as well as personal. It's still going on. Quote
Skrypnyk Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I'd say winning 250 bucks for remixing that gawd awful Valkyries song would be the highlight of my career so far. Quote
OverCoat Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 Getting a track on a compilation cd for Waerloga Records back in 2004 was my first big achievement. The CD is called "A Tribute to Uglakh Vol. 1" The next thing I'm rather proud of is an ansiform release. of course, it's an anonymous netlabel so I'm not telling you which one it is :3! Anime Chipdisk Vol. 1. I even got guest artists [tenemis, coda, nobuyuki] and coda wrote a cool player for the tunes [just because not everyone has XMPlay like they should]. Also, I'm pretty proud to have been involved in the Cave Story Remix Project, even though I don't like half the songs. That and having an OC remix got me a lot of exposure, even though it's not a very notable OCR release, it's my most listened to song according to I should also mention the long running #soundtempest OHCs [one hour compo], CompoSTs, that I've been hosting for a long time. Actually, I haven't had one in a while, but compos are one of my favorite things to participate in Quote
zircon Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 The biggest achievements of the past few years.. * The first time I got paid for my music ($40 for four custom songs written for a children's PC platformer, "The Adventures of Captain Genia") - 2004 * Receiving the physical copies of my first original album, taking it to my high school, and people actually BUYING it. * The release party for my second CD. A neighbor of mine turned his basement into a mini-club, invited dozens of people from my grade in high school (senior), put on a playlist of great dance music, and we all had a blast. After listening to the big mix of music, I did a 5 minute live improv set, then we played Impulse Prime straight through. Everyone loved it; such a great vibe. * My first three digit deal, for original radio station & advertisement music. * My first four digit deal, licensing Impulse Prime. * Winning "Best Techno Album" and "Best Techno Song" at the 2006 JPF music awards. Not exactly the Grammys but I still consider it to be a big achievement for myself. * Perhaps my greatest personal music achievement, and one I am most proud of, making five digits of income this year from music & sound related activities . Is it less than working even a minimum wage job? Yes. But I'm still really proud, as this was one of my New Year's resolutions, and the year isn't over yet. Quote
anosou Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I'd say winning 250 bucks for remixing that gawd awful Valkyries song would be the highlight of my career so far. You did!? GRATZ! my best musical achievement? ._. urgh. Remixing wise it was when zircon invited me to the FFVII project as a fresh remixer. Otherwise I think it was when I performed a piano solo piece I composed at a school concert and everyone actually stood up to applaud it. I was 15 at the time. Quote
The Joker Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 When I actually started producing original music that other people liked, as opposed to me thinking it was the bees knees. you know, how even if you have an ugly baby, you think it's beautiful, but everyone else kinda snickers behind your back. Well, now I gots cute kids, & that's awesome. Quote
Skrypnyk Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 You're on it right now Your greatest music achievement is a chair? Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 I want those 3 minutes back. Quote
anosou Posted October 13, 2007 Posted October 13, 2007 You're on it right now Your greatest musical achievement is my girlfriend? NOT COOL! Quote
Brushfire Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 I don't think this one counts but I met Wierd Al in a Taco Bell one time. He is a very down to earth guy. If that doesn't count, then I made a song called Super Pikachu Mixdown: IIDX Red Bull Rave. Don't ask. Please don't ask..... u___u Quote
analoq Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 I want those 3 minutes back. my sincerest apologies to those of you without ADD or other developmental disorders. Quote
Trenthian Posted October 14, 2007 Author Posted October 14, 2007 I don't think this one counts but I met Wierd Al in a Taco Bell one time. He is a very down to earth guy. If that doesn't count, then I made a song called Super Pikachu Mixdown: IIDX Red Bull Rave. Don't ask. Please don't ask..... u___u link(gannon) or it didnt happen. my sincerest apologies to those of you without ADD or other developmental disorders. Oh, man... I dont know what to say, besides I still want to eat your children once they have been prepared. Quote
FiremanJoe Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 Preparing for and successfully completing my high school music exam. I play cello, and hated performing solo (more than anything in the world), but my music teachers encouraged me and helped me along the way- at first I was shaky, but I practised in front of junior classes and finally built up the strength to be confident in the real thing. I left that examination room with the biggest grin on my face- one of the best feelings ever. Quote
danimal cannon Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 Let's see. -Playing out for the first time with all original music I wrote, and having it actually be a good show. - Performing at Magfest - Being paid and given hotel rooms for multiple nights just to play a show - Winning a contest with a remix of mine at, even though they stiffed me on my prize. Watch how many songs I'll submit over there. - Winning the Dwelling of Duels contest, twice in a row. -People coming TO ME for recording advice. - Having Armcannon mentioned in an article in The Guardian newspaper. -And tomorrow, I will have performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Videogames Live. That's gonna be a notch on the old belt. Quote
Steffan Andrews Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 - I recently won the GCFC (Guild of Canadian Film Composers) apprenticeship competition for western Canada, which sponsors me to work with an established veteran film composer. - Writing music for a weekly cartoon series that airs on YTV and Nickelodeon. - Working on music preparation for a Disney feature film (among many others) - Doing music editing on a cartoon airing on Disney's Jetix. - Working on audio post for several MTV shows. - In the process of composing the score to a video game, being produced by former Electronic Arts development team PowerUp Studios - Doing what I love for a living and actually enjoying it Quote
DragonAvenger Posted October 16, 2007 Posted October 16, 2007 My first OCRemix. The top link is a 12 year old's swan song, the bottom is about anime lesbians. My second OCRemix. It's about all the dirty jokes in Banjo Kazooie. BUT, in all seriousness, I think my biggest achievement is getting through college with a music ed degree. Secondly would be actually being able to enjoy the music I create. So often things crumble under pressure, but I try really hard to keep the big picture in mind. Quote
griffith9 Posted October 16, 2007 Posted October 16, 2007 I can give myself a little credit for learning difficult fingerstyle songs on my acoustic. One time, I dedicated this one song to girl.. on a student talent night thingy, and I played it alright and it made her cry.. It's not some kind of achievement.. But it was an instrumental song, and people often don't even pay attention to a solo guitar player performing alone, esp. acoustic, with no singing at all. Of course, I give all the credit to the composer. I don't know.. looking back.. I'ven't achieved anything yet.. I guess I was trying to write down something to be proud of and failed. Hopefully I'll be like one of OCR's top remixers someday.. like Mcvaffe, and/or become an amazing fingerstyle player like Chet Atkins. That'll be so sweet. Quote
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