EdgeCrusher Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 He really needs to take a break from this. I think he spread himself too thin trying to do this weekly and its killing his funny.
The Damned Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 His point about dickishness is accurate. Being evil because you're supposed to be evil is boring; being evil when you're supposed to be good is far more entertaining, even if it's only for a very small amount of time. Case in point: Left 4 Dead. You're supposed to be working together, but god damn it, sometimes it's just sooooo satisfying to turn your shotgun on your idiot teammates. The proper thing to do would be to help them out: revive them, give them cover so they can heal, etc... but idiots being blasted to shit by your own hand is just so damn enjoyable. The man is right: forced episodes of morality aren't fun. Stop making such bullshit examples of good and evil in games, and let us do that ourselves.
relyanCe Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 he really needs to just stop for a month. He's just not funny anymore...
Schwaltzvald Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 he really needs to just stop for a month. He's just not funny anymore... Shouldn't the focus be on his reviews (in this case Overlord 2) and the funny just a bonus..? Heck AVGN has moments where the "funny" garners cricket volume laughs at best yet still made his point on his reviews. Nonetheless, you got to be pretty damn depressed/jaded not to even utter a chuckle
Bleck Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 if you didn't think a butt on stilts on rollerskates was funny then there is something wrong with you
relyanCe Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 Shouldn't the focus be on his reviews (in this case Overlord 2) and the funny just a bonus..?Heck AVGN has moments where the "funny" garners cricket volume laughs at best yet still made his point on his reviews. Nonetheless, you got to be pretty damn depressed/jaded not to even utter a chuckle maybe I am just jaded, life's been kinda wacky for me this last few months. but yeah I only watch his stuff for the funnies because his actual reviews are usually too overbearing/cons-focused for me. And he likes to review games that were already considered sucky pre-launch and somehow wow us by pointing out how bad they are.
Gario Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 if you didn't think a butt on stilts on rollerskates was funny then there is something wrong with you This. C'mon, even if it IS terribly slapstick and cheap, it's gotta make you laugh at least a little...
SirChadlyOC Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 You're not supposed to go to Yahtzee JUST for LAWLS. It's supposed to be for reviewing insight that nobody else is going to mention, such as blank names in RPGs, gratuitous low walls to hide behind, and now the failure of "evil" games. I honestly think it's more entertaining and insightful than funny. He thinks about things in a way I am unable to think about otherwise. But I still don't base my video game purchases off his advice.
The Damned Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 Exactly, he's more entertainment than journalism... if you can really call reviewing games journalism. I mean, they offer opinions about a subject they are often supplied with before anyone else, whereas journalists are supposed to cover the facts about events and people. I can see why some people don't consider bloggers journalists now.
The Damned Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 I do. The original Red Faction started out as Descent 4, the lastest game in one of my favorite series. Then they ditched the whole Descent aspect, and turned it into a FPS with no spaceships, mines or robots. They completely ignored the Descent series, after which it fell into obscurity and eventually became one of those "oh yeah, I forgot about that game... what ever happened to it?" series. Thus, I am not happy with Red Faction. I don't hate it, but I am not happy with it.
Gario Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Wow, really? I always wondered what happened to the whole Descent series... It was a good series, too .
Sengin Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 If you guys happen to be looking to play the descent games: Descent I + II for $5.99: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/descent_1_descent_2 Descent III + EXpansion for $5.99: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/descent_3_expansion
Ramaniscence Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 I do.The original Red Faction started out as Descent 4, the lastest game in one of my favorite series. Then they ditched the whole Descent aspect, and turned it into a FPS with no spaceships, mines or robots. They completely ignored the Descent series, after which it fell into obscurity and eventually became one of those "oh yeah, I forgot about that game... what ever happened to it?" series. Thus, I am not happy with Red Faction. I don't hate it, but I am not happy with it. I hear the music is pretty terrible especially
The Damned Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 FUCKING FUCK FUCK! I JUST PAID $40 FOR EACH ONE OF THEM TEN TO FIFTEEN YEARS AGO! FUCK THIS!! I'M BOYCOTTING THE SERIES! THIS IS BULLSHIT AND so on and so on... Man, it really does sound stupid. Just replace some of "year ago" to "weeks ago" and you have the entire L4D2 boycott in a nutshell.
Triad Orion Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 FUCKING FUCK FUCK! I JUST PAID $40 FOR EACH ONE OF THEM TEN TO FIFTEEN YEARS AGO! FUCK THIS!! I'M BOYCOTTING THE SERIES! THIS IS BULLSHIT AND so on and so on...Man, it really does sound stupid. Just replace some of "year ago" to "weeks ago" and you have the entire L4D2 boycott in a nutshell. It's funny because it's true. XD
Schwaltzvald Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 Just replace some of "year ago" to "nine months ago" and you have the entire L4D2 boycott in a nutshell. Fixed for ya Also I never got into the red faction series so I can't comment on them appropriately.
Azure Prower Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 There was a rumour that Descent 4 was going to be in development a year or so ago. Heard nothing since. "On March 13, 2008 Interplay updated their website, inserting a background image highlighting some of the games in the company's roster. The picture included the trademarked blue shield orb known from the Descent series, offering further confirmation the Descent franchise is one of the IP's the company is focusing on. On September 22, 2008, the company re-opened their website. The site's discussion board includes the official Descent forum[6]. As of October 21, 2008, Interplay has re-registered the Descent trademark with the USPTO.[7]" -Wikipedia Probably another Duke Nukem Forever-esk let down.
KyleJCrb Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 I hear the music is pretty terrible especially ya man that vrit r badmen
Dj Mokram Posted July 29, 2009 Posted July 29, 2009 And as expected: it's a massacre! Hasn't been down the gym recently.
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