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That soundtrack would have been awesome, and the controller would be cool too.

What would have made me jealous beyond all reason would be if the snes controller had been wireless. I am talking about learning Japanese, flying over there, and buying enough Nintendo-related shit to get my club points or whatever just to get said wireless snes controller.

Luckily, it isn't wireless.

  GeckoYamori said:
I never quite understood what's so exceptional about the SNES pad. It had a tendency of giving me sore thumbs, especially when playing MMX and the likes. Any other pad works just fine.

The SNES pad is godly. Perhaps you cannot fully utilize it's awesome-ousity.


I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

  phantomINTELLECT said:
I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

oh stop. nothing special? xbox controller is better? man, in trying to sound better than everyone else you did quite the opposite.

  phantomINTELLECT said:
I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

why are you here

  phantomINTELLECT said:
I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

Have you even heard any of the pieces from Super Mario Galaxy?


Those look like really awsome gifts.

Specially the soundtrack. From what I read this soundtrack has alot more music than the normal one that will come, alot of specially arranged stuff. I hope it will be possible to buy this one at some point.


I take it you didn't hear any of the music from SMG, obviously since you probably think it's Sunshine standard. SMG has a huge amount of awsome Orchestrated music.

Listen to this for example -

(video from the recording session)
  The Coop said:
That must make the Genesis 6-button pad, and the Saturn pad, whatever "beyond godly" is then ;-)

Though the d-pad and buttons are more responsive than the SNES controller, I disliked the ergonomics of the Saturn/Genesis controller. That's just me though. (Also, I didn't like the PS's d-pad because it's only the discrete arrows, no corners.)

Getting an SNES pad for Wii is just for nostalgia's sake, but it's really cool that they're doing this. The big deal is the OST. Come on, I think we all want this thing (the controller is only a welcomed freebie). But it's really a shame that we can't get in on the action. :(

  The Coop said:
That must make the Genesis 6-button pad, and the Saturn pad, whatever "beyond godly" is then ;-)

I never went back after the genesis 6-button. It was the most bestest controller ever. Plus it made MK2 so much easier.


Do not feed the trolls people.

I have heard a few songs from the galaxy soundtrack and I must say it's pretty awesome they finally decided to go the orchestrated route. Although it borderlines on starfox feel, it fits the space theme of the game, and the arrangements are very well done.

Can't wait to torrent this, since nintendo isn't giving us any club nintendo love.

  phantomINTELLECT said:
I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd.

So, why are you on this site then? Do you ever look at the name of the site or the front page. It's about video game music, that's why people come here, to hear remixes of video game music/soundtracks. Music based on games, that we play with controllers, that often happen to be Super Nintendo controllers. Do you see a pattern here?

  phantomINTELLECT said:
I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

PS Analog sucked! Sure it was good but I went through 6 of them. They were always breaking for no reason. Chords falling out, rumble system failing.

As for the 360 controller. Hate it. I hate it when it fucks up on me when I'm playing online. Hitting the trigger and nothing happening. Controller is a good design but it has so many problems. Same with my piece of shit XBOX.

Damn you Microsoft.

  phantomINTELLECT said:
I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

you are such a fucking horrible troll


Personally, I liked the SNES pad. And yeah, nostalgia plays a big part. Never really got into the 6-button on the genesis; I used to blister my knuckles breaking diamond in Mortal Kombat

  GeckoYamori said:
It had a tendency of giving me sore thumbs, especially when playing MMX and the likes.

Yeah, holding down the Y-button to charge while dash-jumping with A and B was somewhat uncomfortable. In the PS MMX games I just mapped one of the buttons to R1. The SNES controller on the whole was pretty good for the games it played, and a lot better than the N64 controller.

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