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CONFIRMED: OC ReMixer Reuben Kee, 23, killed in boating accident (1984-2007)

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Wow, I'm late posting. I can't believe that Reu died. At first I wasn't sure who he was, then I listened to the songs that he submitted to OCR and my eyes started tearing up. His music was one of the first that I listened to when I heard abouth this site. Such talent. R.I.P. Reu.

What ever we deside to do for Kee's family, I will try to help as much as possible.


I would just feel safer if there was oversight to make sure something innapropriate didn't get through. Just opening up Direct floodgates between a greiving family and everyone who has access to this site doesn't seem very smart to me.

Ah. Well, I don't see any particular reason to make this an OCR-branded effort...we're not doing this for publicity or anything. But I guess if it makes things easier, that'd be a reasonable way to do it.

I think he's just referring to the OCR side of it, and not that the whole thing will be a focused OCR-centric effort.

Although, perhaps having one site handle the mailing for the other sites involved like Anime Remix and such might not be a bad idea... or rather, have one person handle the mailing. I'm sure the Kee family doesn't want their address posted on multiple websites, so perhaps if one or two people had the address in private, it might be better. I mean, with the talk of individual tributes and such, bombarding the Kees might not be the best idea. As DragonFireKai mentioned, they're going to be in grieving for quite a while. So maybe having one concentrated package/letter might be more considerate than a regularly recurring flood of them.

Anyway, just a thought.


Oh man. This truly is a tragedy. I can only imagine the possibilities this young man had, and the contributions to society that he made. I'll hold him and his family and those of the other families in my thoughts and prayers.


I had just logged on to OCR before going to bed to check for new mixes when this thread caught my interest on the front page. It struck me as a very familiar name...

Then someone posted a link saying that the song on that link seemed fitting, I clicked it and it was a song that had just finished playing in iTunes on my computer, Shenmue - Reflections, which has been one of my favorite remixes on this site for a few years now.

Aside from a bad case of goosebumps, it deeply saddened me to read this story.

As has been said in the thread several times, our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Kee, his family and friends and his fellows lost in the waters with him as well as their family and friends.

A very sad event indeed.



I haven't been very active in this community lately. I didn't really know too much about Reuben Kee, other than that he was active here and he made some good tunes. I liked his stuff.

I didn't really know the guy, so I guess this news doesn't affect me on a very personal level, but I am genuinely sad to see someone really unique, talented, happy, and youthful pass on in such a tragic way. It gets me sick to my stomach every time I read about something like this happening, and more so now because he was part of our little corner of the internet.

I guess that's the way the world works though. RIP Reuben.


Go lohken, illa nagodin jahkkit.

Reuben gii lei ceahppi ja hutkai.

Son boahta alo leat min jurdagin, juohkehave go su musihkka cuojaha.

Savan aht min jurdagat veahkehit din morrasis.

Dearvuodat Jorehis, Samis ja Norggas.

When I read the news, I hardly believed it.

Reuben who was such a great talent.

But he'll always be in our thoughts, everytime he's music plays.

I hope out thoughts will help you through your grief.

Yours truly,

Yawret, Sapmi and Norway.

If you wouldn't mind putting that on the tribute, what ever it will become.


Wow.....this is nuts, I found about his death not here but through a Mugen (2-D fighter maker engine)thread on another site. I know some of you know that he made characters for this engine, but the way he was honored and loved here, it was the same in the Mugen community. The Video game remixing community and the Mugen community lost a great and talented man. The man was so talented in both communities and was considered to be part of the best in both communities, it should tell you right there what kind of man he was. I had only kinda talked to him once on a mugen forum....when I found it he was Reu the remixer in the OC Remixes. I couldn't believe how one guy could so talented and be well known in two huge communities and the fact the guy was a athlete. He will be miss by many. Hate to see such a talented and creative soul like him go. I am kinda depressed by the news, what a downer.


You know, it's strange. I loved this guy's Legend of the Snake, played it to death, and never realized he was from my country all this time. D: Kind of odd to suddenly pick up a newspaper and see his name plastered there.

I haven't visited OCR in a while, but when I read about it, I kind of wondered if you guys would know about this, and I'm glad to see that he is, at least, remembered by others.


This is why I don't bother with water sports. The open waters can be so dangerous even with mundane tasks as rowing to shore.

I'm sorry to hear about all this. I'm bamboozled just reading about it.

It's sad to lose a remixer that we loved without ever being able to tell him.

I loved his music, and it seems many people here did, but how many of us actually told him?

Sadly, not enough until now. I, for one, am guilty of not appreciating nor expressing my appreciation to Reuben until now. It seems that we really can never know what we have until it's gone.

Rest In Peace, Good Soul. You will be missed.


I'm lucky enough to have spoken with him here on ocr. I did write a review or two on his songs, and even sent him a pm telling him how great his stuff was. He even responded.

This isn't going to be as long as your message but thanks man.

Rest in peace.


The papers today did a feature on him, as well as the other five, on his love for music and remixing. We didn't get mentioned, but that's not the point. I'll type it out when I can find the papers, my mom has them somewhere.

Two days ago I was reading his MySpace page, and all the replies to the people who didn't know they'd already found his body; all the hopes and prayers that he'd come back safely; one of his friends even posting that she wanted him to play at her wedding.



I didn't know Reuben, but I liked his music very much and I'm listening to it right now. He was a great talent and I'm sad to see him go. I hope his family has some idea how many lives he touched, and I hope they can take some small measure of comfort in that.


A shock to me when I learn about his death. His remixes are great! One of my favourite remix done by him are Metal Gear Solid Legend of the Snake.

He has a website at http://www.reubenkee.com/httpdocs/pathos2f.html

You can download all of his remixes and some original soundtracks from there. Such a waste he's gone now. I guess his website will become still and silent from now on. He'll definitely be missed.

RIP Reuben Kee


One thing to consider doing is to set up a a memorial page on the site, nt only for Reuben, but for Avien and Charles Blachly, and any other prominent member of the community who passes away. You could include a link to the obit, then a rundown on the contributions that they made to the site, a link to their work if they were a remixer.

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