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OCR00872 - Final Fantasy IX "the battle of strings and a cellphone"


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Final Fantasy IX 'the battle of strings and a cell phone'

I'm a lot more serious about music then I realized up to this point. I don't have the same appreciation for a portion of a remix being played on a cell phone as some people seem to have. It all sounds like it took some serious talent to produce something like this, but due to the overall sound quality and the fact that one of the instruments is a not so great sounding piece of electronics, I wouldn't keep something like this. So great work, zid, I can't say that you aren't pleasing a crowd, just not me. :P Oh, and the world doesn't revolve around me, so no worries.

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Damn you! I was arranging this song for a metal remix! But nevertheless, this is resourceful as all hell. The cellphone was an interesting touch to the song, which had a very amateur feel to it. Not exactly the best as far as sound quality, and the guitar is played pretty decent. I recommend that anyone who is a fan of the Final Fantasy 9 battle theme to listen to this at least once. If not, I'd stray from this one.

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I thought it was great guitar interpretation. Then the phone thing would've suprised me if it wasn't mentioned in the summary. When I actually heard it, I thought "That's bad ass! I'm totally geting a cell phone now." ...It does it good because unlike the original track this is done purely in guitar. The phone gives you something more to listen to, though maybe anything other instrument than a phone could be better. But what the hell do I know

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Well, I used to play this a lot in Windows 98, and it soudned incredible, but now that I'm using XP Pro more and more (on a different partition), I have noticed that XP keeps bumping the Bass WAY too high for my speakers, or me ears' liking. But this song is really cool. I'd like to know how he the the cell phone to do that...Did he record them all separately, or did he somehow program it to do that live? And that line hum is slightly more noticeable in XP as well, especially the beginning. Otherwise, I loved this song. I haven't played IX yet, but when I do, I'll hear this song and start laughing.

mainva | aptigo | JTD out

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This song is utterly awesome. Its been a long time since I last posted, but eh. This is noteworthy of my taking a moment to stop and drop a line about it. I have the original version, and it plays pretty much perfectly in tune. Even if there is that fuzzy sound, I dont mind it in the slightest. I think it should be more or less overlooked, because it seems like thats what people are putting emphasis upon when they listen to the song and not the -song- itself.

The guitar work is very admirable. And the cell phone idea is insanely inventive. Kudos on that, and kudos again. I look forward to more of the like. Perhaps a full blown rendition of One Winged Angel with some Nokia cell beats thumping alongside the lyrics of the song?

Lol. Just an idea. Keep up the good work.


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I'm not laughing, I'm digging this immensely. This is one the best re-arrangements on the site, and absolutely the best FF9 battle remix I've heard. The strings and the guitar clearly steal the show, and the mobile phone tune provides interesting spice. It's not a battle between those elements, really, everything works very well together. The 'battle draw-in' sound at the beginning is a very nice touch, too, though its easy to miss on the first go. The style is very flamenco, right down to tapping the guitar (or that could be stomping the floor too). The sound is rugged, but so is life. The hiss is regrettable, but this is an awesome, original piece of music, deserving of much praise.

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I liked this one - and even though it was noticeably annoying, I don't mind the clipping any bit. It seems to give the remix sort of an underprocessed feeling, which I feel gives it character. It seems like there's a whole bunch of remixes here that have everything perfectly processed, but that eliminates any real feeling I can get from the music. It just makes it sound too...perfect, and music isn't perfect.

So yes, clipping IS annoying, but it's something you can get used to. The guitar playing is great, and the cell phone adds a great deal to this remix. Some good stuff....

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