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OCR00872 - Final Fantasy IX "the battle of strings and a cellphone"


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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the guitar for this piece(I was really worried that it would be totaly awfull cause of the cellphone part!) I didn't notice the white noise in the background, untill I actualy listened for it I heard it, but just barely. But I listen to music to enjoy it, so meh. No mistakes musicaly or weird notes that just sounded wrong so bleh, awsome piece. Even with the cellphone.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, It ain't that But but it Ain't the SHarpest Kunai in the Puch Y'KNow... But still a Cool Remix, I enjoyed the Cellphone part LoL... Unlike some people who don't really Like it though but It's still Different. That Noise in the Backround was Kinda annoying after a while though... White Noise is REALLY Annoying... Oh well

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I must say this was one of my favorite remixes to Final Fantasy IX. It sounds like somethin my brother's best friend would play. You can almost see the rednecks playin their guitars on the porch with some cousin from the city usin his cell phone in parts of it...... sry, I got a wild imagination but this remix is awesome, keep up the good work!!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Wha? My cell phone is ringing...::procedes to take it out and answeres it:: Hello? ::battle music in the back ground:: Hello?! ::phone attacks my head:: AH!!!! ::throws the phone to the ground:: OH its on now! ::whips out his katana and whacking away at the demonic phone:: TAKE THAT! AND THAT!!! I always though that was a bad plan...A damn creative song, my friend. Tis indeed imaginitive. I enjoyed it. May i download it as a ringtone? HA...if only i had to fight my cell phone everytime someone called me...Keep up the great work...::steps on his phone and crushes it...::

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  • 6 months later...

Who said you needed remixing tools for hundreds of bucks? zid just make me laugh, I had listened to it in the past, but for now I remembered it and laughed and laughed...and laughed. His creativity blow all our minds, and it´s funny.

But it not all funny, that guitar is awesome, very skilled played, and with that bright Nokia tune, it just EYH! Rock´n Roll!

Well, maybe not that, but at least roll.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Freaking awesome! Not in a technical, artistic, Move-Over-Nobuo kind of way. More like a What-can-I-do-to-throw-people-for-a-loop way. I listened to it and at first I laughed-quite a bit in fact. But before I knew it I was bopping along with the tune and actually looking forward to the Nokia's next feature. Long story short, this song is now on my Ipod. It's just so damn catch-y!

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  • 8 months later...
Wha? My cell phone is ringing...::procedes to take it out and answeres it:: Hello? ::battle music in the back ground:: Hello?! ::phone attacks my head:: AH!!!! ::throws the phone to the ground:: OH its on now! ::whips out his katana and whacking away at the demonic phone:: TAKE THAT! AND THAT!!! I always though that was a bad plan...A damn creative song, my friend. Tis indeed imaginitive. I enjoyed it. May i download it as a ringtone? HA...if only i had to fight my cell phone everytime someone called me...Keep up the great work...::steps on his phone and crushes it...::

.... uhhhh wtf? :S

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  • 3 months later...

Oh man, this remix. It came up on the roulette and I instantly remembered it all.

It's funny and it's original and all that (CELLPHONE FTW), but MAN that sound quality is something awful. I'd like this mix a lot more if it didn't sound as bad as it does.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I love this mix because of the innovation; it's great to see people branching out from more conventional instruments and creating things that aren't just meritable on the basis that they're an arrangement of a video game track, but are true works of creativity. Who knows, maybe someday we'll hear a theremin or a didgeridoo in a ReMix.

(Er, if either of those {live} instruments already are in a ReMix, please let me know.)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ooh, I love this. Right up my alley. I don't mind the blaring on the guitar, it fits right in in my opinion. The imperfection of the recording is half the charm. The cellphone is a bit piercing, though. Never mind that. This isn't just a funny track, the arrangement is really good, rather beautiful in places.


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  • 6 months later...

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