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Very interesting, some of that opening creepiness reminded me of "The Ring" and the video therein. Then from the forge comes some cool distortion and the lead which is a great sample. Then the sweet guitar comes in. K Praslowicz has obviously touched up in areas, as I can think of some of his previous things being slightly off key, but no hint of that here. Then we're back into that good lead, which feels a tad repetitive, but then busts into a chiptuney kind of drumbeat, which made me turn it down a bit. Then after a while, back into the dark and ominous ambience where it trails off. Creepy.

Overall, a really good song, as I would expect from the collaboration of three musicians here that I like.


Intro was annoying after a while =|, but then it burst out as one of the coolest metroid remixes! The synth theme is awesome and the guitar is lovely.. brilliant, but the intro could've been made a litte more ...how should I put it... not so high and stretched. I play all songs on my two 500W speakers and the sound pierced through my skull like swords.


This is how Metroid 6 should begin. I totally agree about the flashback/dream thing. This is my favorite Metroid mix yet.

This is starting to sound like a series.

Maridia DrownedinExile

Brinstar DreamsinRed

Zebes SulphuricOceanMix or something along the lines of it?


the drums arent on beat with the gee-tar...no just kidding..im still thinking of how to fix my x2 remix...Lol, i horribly disgraced myself as a mmx music fan...oh well...i actually burnt it to a disc, and im gonna try my best to remember how i play it on drums and fix it on fruityloops...WAIT..about this mix, lol..sorry..

GooooD stuff..like a belated x-mas present? i kinda dont get the extra synthy trippy feel around 5:42 and so on..the mix is kinda..obese? i dont know..its good..just...gives me this weird thought of..that was it? too short and fat if you ask me..overdone with synth etc...but still worth the download...


The intro actually did its job excellently. With most intros, I find myself bored immediately and waiting for the main chorus. However, this time I was sucked into the intro, and sucked into the song itself; completely immersed and writhing in anticipation for the chrous. And the chorus blew me away. I am a sucker for guitar. I like guitars. K Pras is amazing. Hooray.


Wow. What a great way to end the year! This is an awsome mix. It's very professional sounding. The intro, while still amazing, drug on a little too long, and got a little too repetitive. But that's about the only complaint I have with this fantastic remix. Great guitar, great sounding synths, great overall atmosphere. I love it!


Holy fuck, what an awesome song.

I have to agree that K. Pras is getting exponentially better at wringing good sounds out of his geetar with every mix. The wall of sound reverb wash in this mix fits perfectly.

COTMM's ambient stylings continue to give me the creeps, as they should.

I'm guessing the tightly controlled breakbeaty sound that comes in at 3:36 is Beatdrop's doing. Again, great stuff.

There's nothing about this mix that I don't like. Nice work.



not my personal taste but its still done very very well and the sounds used are fuckin amazing :D I really liked this one time, but with its legth of intro i can only handle it so many times before i find myself skipping the beginning, enjoying the middle and changing songs before it finishes.

Excellent work, i wish i could do something like this, but its really not my style and sorry but this was extremely repetitive, and i only say extremely a couple times a day. lol.


I'm not too into the ambient scene so I pretty much knew I wasn't going to absolutley love it when I clicked it. I dig the guitars, and the Cotmm wierd noises bring back memories of Pink Floyd. Otherwise, it's too repetitive, and I have trouble waiting through 2 and a half minutes for something to happen.


!... this is everything a metroid mix of this style should be in that it makes me think "creepy and otherworldly". its a little repetitive but since its good stuff thats not really a bad thing.

I'm not really into the "ambient" stuff either as others have said, but I still find every second of this worth listening to.


:D Finally someone remixes the OTHER Brinstar song. You know how tired I am of the green one? Very.

Song is good, it's got everything I like about each artist in here. CotMM's yea scarily sounds, Praslowicz's screaming guitar, and Beatdrop's beats.

Heh, yea scarily... gotta write that down :D

Edit: Did I mention that I'm the biggest CotMM and Praslowicz fanboy evar? This remix was like a dream come true!


This collaboration was entirely my idea... I was originally planning on working with Pras on something else, namely a U.N. Squadron remix, but since I couldn't pull myself to get anywhere on it, that idea went kaput. But then after playing more Super Metroid and hearing this song again, a million ideas flashed through my head and CotMM popped in there at the top of the list. So I proposed it to him, and he mentioned he had already started work on a remix of this song. Whether or not any of the material from his solo-mix got used in here, I don't know. But then I dropped the idea on Pras, and he was more than happy to collaborate, and thus a threesome was born-- er... something like that.

All of the arrangement was done by CotMM, as well as everything except for the guitar (duh) 85% of the drums, and a singular synth line that I contributed. Personally, I think it rocks. *shrug*


maybe i lack appreciation for the fine arts but damn the first few minutes were kind of not interesting. it took a while to get to the point just like the silent hill 2 theme of laura remix (which didn't feature spooky static either, just pure ear-fucking, annoying static). at 2:33 the fun part comes in. then fades away. then comes back again, then fades away, and the remaining minutes are yet more kinda not interesting.

the main part is nice, though.


This song is definately one to top the orignal. All three artist performed really well here, and did what they do best. It has an ambient feel to it, but not too ambient so that it drowns out the melody; in fact K. Paras did a good job of making it stand out (his best work so far, IMO). Though I can't remember off the top of my head if this remix even goes through the complete melody, but since it didn't strike out at me, I don't mind. The samples here are all good, and it's got a rich feel. I don't like the minute of building noise at the beginning before the melody starts (30 sec would be okay, but a minute is too long). This isn't perfect, but it's damn good, and I knew this one was a keeper the first time through :D. Great job guys!

  • 2 weeks later...

This Remix is delightfully infectious, i will admit the first time i listened to it, it sucked. but it burrowed its way to my heart, and what can i say, its METROID! I actually like the lull in the opening and closing, its soothing in a sic way.


I'm not ashamed to admit I'm an OC Remix junkie. I'm addicted. I come to this site all the time, as often as possible. The talent of mixers everywhere is just astounding. And I appreciate the time and energy DJ Pretzel puts into his clear, concise reviews of every single remix uploaded here. So I can't possibly say it any better than he does, but I will say this: if Mr. Pretzel says it's "Recommended" or "Highly Recommended", your satisfaction's guaranteed. So download this. Or you're missing some very, very good ear candy. :D

  • 1 month later...

This song set out to be moody and dark and brooding and its a resounding success. there's absolutetly nothing to complain about. I'm a big COTMM fan, and its great to hear his talents merged with the talents of BD and KP's guitars. (i wouldnt mind laying down a guitar solo for COTMM myself :wink: ).

anyway, i went to puerto rico a few weeks ago and i listened to this song every night on the beach while i worked out. (karate).

great stuff.

  • 1 month later...

I read all replies and a lot of times 'repetitive' was mentioned. And that's a good thing. A Metroid mix should be repetitive, dark and creepy. Listening to this remix I found myself back on Zebes and it reminded me of the nights I spend exploring this planet. This mix rules big time, it's one of the bests i heard until now on the OC site...


I'm also glad that someone decided to create an arrangement of the second Brinstar theme. At one point, this was my favorite peice from the soundtrack.

The arrangement itself is interesting. As others have pointed out, the introduction almost turned my anticipation for the melody into a swift click of the "stop" button. I'm glad it didn't, however. The melody was very nicely done. Something about the vocal-like quality of a guitar, especially distorted and sustained, gives a simple melody new life. The only gripe I have with this peice is the lack of the bridge from the original track. The bridge is the part of the track that is played by the piano. This was always my favorite part of the track because it exemplified the somber, dark, ...lugubrious mood that I've always loved from the piano. The melody (of the bridge) itself is also extremely simple - it's just the black keys of the piano (yes, I believe it's in that key). I suppose recreating such a mood might be counter-productive with an upbeat rhythm and a distorted guitar.

If I could arrange, I would make the track into a piano concerto, or maybe just a peice for strings. Something to the extent of Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Strings." (I HIGHLY suggest listening to this peice if you like that sad, melancholy, gut wrenching feeling).

Well, for what it's worth, I thought this peice was above my initial expectations for the arrangement of this track. Thank you very much.

  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Extremely interesting arrangement. This is definitely a masterpiece and I would love to stick it into a modern arts museum. There's only one problem. I think I would have trouble keeping the waveforms in a frame. oh well... I guess I'll just have to listen and drool. The ripping guitar and combination of ambience and texture creates a mind-boggling array of intriguing-ness.... and.. I dunno. Pretty much this song is hella cool.

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