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  3. Such an unexpected approach... but fits super well! Really well done!
  4. I'm not super familiar with either series and I've got a few events happening in July, but I'm happy to fill in for either team. Let's get mashin'!
  5. Since I was in GSM2 and had some success (my team ended up winning), why not join this one. I'm unfamiliar with both series but I'd like to try anyway. Only problem is that I'm going to be out of town for a weekend in July (due to my birthday).
  6. So good I had to review twice. The buildup at 3:18 is pure ear candy and the drop at 3:44 is what dreams are made of. This is music. This is art.
  7. Last week
  8. I had lyrics ready for this, but feel free to drop some bars over this and post it here.
  9. I actually got the original sample (without the bitcrush) from a post on Sonic Retro. There's a big search for all of the source samples in Sonic 3, and most of them have been found.
  10. Thanks, @paradiddlesjosh. Man, that was an even more detailed in-depth answer than I had expected. And somehow it triggered a sense of déjà vu in me, as if we'd had a similar conversation some time ago. It would certainly be more interesting to see to what extent such plug-in settings in delay and reverb can be used to acoustically recreate even more complex room structures, different types of surfaces or even temperature differences. But my main concern was how to set primarily the stereo delay in such a way that it has a realistic effect in terms of panorama and depth. ... So let's say you have the stereo filter delay settings as in my picture in the main post - the activated stereo delay with the 250 ms delay on the left and the 500 ms delay on the right (as well as the other parameters in this filter delay). Is this basically a stereo delay setting that would be panned rather to the left or right side in the panorama (so that it would conform to the laws of physics and not come across as unnatural)? And how would you change all the parameters in the stereo delay accordingly if you then moved the signal to the other side of the panorama in mirror image (for the same room reverb, of course)? Or how would you change the parameters in the stereo delay if you wanted to move the sound source more into the foreground or more into the background of the room (I'm not quite sure whether you can work with the integrated low-cut and high-cut filter in the stereo delay in the same way as with the reverb, or whether the psychoacoustic effect would be different in a pure delay plug-in)? ... I mainly ask these questions because I often use similar stereo delay settings with similar parameters without really considering the panorama (panned more to the left or more to the right side) or the depth level (sound source put more in the front or more in the back of the room) of the sound source. And I guess that's not the way to use a stereo delay in the best possible and most effective way (especially not if you want to create a realistic and natural room ambiance).
  11. I was wondering if I could incorporate the battle theme for that chapter in Dragon Warrior 4. Chapter 4 is the only one where the characters have a different battle theme as well as overworld theme. I could possibly squeeze an ambient break in the middle of this remix that uses that battle theme. Battle theme linked below. https://youtu.be/9iR9Is3SBcw?si=Qjs6fBoxHMnrVqmD
  12. Thank you to everyone who replied here for the useful feedback on this track! I haven't had much spare time lately, but I did get around to working on this a little bit. Here's an update. Sand Trap (Revival).mp3
  13. Ok, here's the edit with only 'Underground zone' parts, but some voice clips from Sonic Unleashed too (which original remix was choke full of): https://app.box.com/s/qgweqg79zhxstq9ue13xwixid3ds4to3 Btw, if you're interested in checking all the amazing mash-ups that came out of that compo, the album is here: http://www.darkesword.com/sonic/music/szrc-complete.zip
  14. You never know what kind of gold you'll find in that AM wilderness out there! Truly unique remix that is still on my playlist. The intro is a lovely (tiny) portion of early OCR.
  15. Strong Blue rendition! Hey funny synchronicity; In track #10 from by track dump, i think i used the same "CMON" Sample, and it's a Genny track as well - funny!
  16. Dude! Great Feedback! I'm Happy you Like #2 (NPI), because i think it's the strongest of the brunch. Very simple composition, but i Simply havent Heard It B4. #7 i started same day as #6, and wrote a bit Fürther next day. A sorta 3 synths + Drums challenge Thing. Never played cave Story For more than One hour, but your "outer Wall" comment Sounds so mysteriös, i feel Like there's some serious MV quality i missed. Eh, mby this year! I honestly think Out of These 10 Trax #4 belonx in EB! I think the beautiful Thing you say about #10, like the warm coat, that's partly this wonderful MKII EP that i can't play over Here becaus CPU will Just die. New plugin. But the rest Is a beatsliced drumloop and a sega Genesis emu. Hm, i could actually run this here. I could do One single instance of a CPU chewing plug and do the rest lofi. But i tend to not do that 'cause when i set up a system, i try to give It the Instruments It can run easily. It's a bit OCD... You see i'm kinda techy minded RN. FL setup on new PC Is Always techy work!
  17. So cool, Shadow; i vaguely Remembered the same After my Last Post. And wasn't sure If i fantasized that! I think i First played Sonic 2 at my cousin's Place at mby Age 6, on her MS, and then properly played It on my GG Age 7. My dad was Always fascinated by new gizmos and that`s why i could enjoy that colorful, battery sucking gameboy. Yeah i mean the GG version. It was so cool, Like a "drop the bass" Moment in a club i Guess. Even though it's Not the greatest piece looked at in isolation, It fit the game 1000000% Give It a spin on emu It you havent! DJ M: sure!! Show me!
  18. You got It! Exactly. There's such good Plugin stuff from 15 years back, Just gotta make them Shine. And Samples don't rly age...Just gotta use the good soundfonts and, again, Mix em Till they sparkl ;) The Brass Is WIVI and that's really cool Age old physical modelling actually. Runs fine on any netbook today. You gotta do lots of velocity and modwheel microsequencing, but then It Sounds good and different. Glad you Like!
  19. Hey, i'm listening on my crappier €100 speakers again (80-2k Hz). It Sounds good! Good Sign. I Like the intro noise. Maybe a Harder crescendo and a sudden cutoff when the 4 hit would give It more Energy, but idk B4 i Hear It. U Happy with the length? I do feel this could easily be a ~4 min piece, and If you Go the extra Mile/minute with It, work on some Crazy extension whatever It Is...you might Cook up some truly EPIC cheeze. It could be a restructuring with 1 or 2 calmer parts in between mby, or a simple extension If you find a fitting One. It's good as It Is, but maybe you should Double down on this one and make It AWESOME. It's Wörth It!
  20. Airship theme with the intensity of Doom is pretty sick, as was giving the koopa kids fight a similar style treatment. Guitar work was dope and I'm happy to hear the drums at the beginning hit as hard as they should. This is awesome all around.
  21. Wow, this was something fun. It kinda felt like listening to the idea of concept of space and ocean colliding, so dimensional sounds about right. Trippy, weird, neat. I'd file it more under an experience and ambiance than song, but not bad at all considering the sources.
  22. Great remix from a great source, well selected! Still filling out the weirdly wonderful on my playlist.
  23. Well said, chill with intensity. An oldie but still a regular on my playlist for its ability to transport me with the soundscape
  24. dude! track two speaks to me in a very specific language that i don't understand but love to hear and track 7 makes me feel like i'm casually climbing to the top of the outer wall in cave story track 9 belongs in earthbound :] the manic energy in the last track feels like a warm coat on a cool autumn day i'm digging all of your recent work man
  25. So great. The lyrics are outstanding. Really captures this game's unique ability to get you into a "flow" state and reward you with the feeling that you're doing something impossible. Would make an amazing music video, maybe an underdog wizard at the game taking it to whatever its final stage looks like.
  26. Thank you all for the feedback! I hope to post later today an updated version. Changed a couple small things, and did a mastering pass. Edit. File uploaded. Lowered the bass slightly, added an additional part the second time through the A portion of the tune, a high pitched chime as one of the posters mentioned, and did a mastering pass using caustic mastering...8 think I got some more high end presence and clarity. Lowered one of the harmonics on the bass. Thanks! Edit: Oh, one more thing, the italo disco sounding song that I took some of my sound ideas from. https://youtu.be/8C35sdjc_cw?si=hU8Ss0qREsCgkvRe New version of my song below. TwistedSisterzReEQ'D 6 dash 12 .mp3
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