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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Great round (last week), many high scores in my list here's my reviews, and again, sorry for the late voting/reviewing: KingTiger - Es-cop-ay: The transition from the heavy reverb sfx to the very clear vocals is not perfectly smooth. On the other hand: very clear vocals! I hear the Crescent Grizzly bits here and the piano chords mimick the Gauntlet theme. Some words feel a bit unnaturally streched, but otherwise: well done man! The part at 0:55 with the double vocals works very well and gives a nice change in dynamics. At 2:25, things are getting a bit repetitive. The birdge at 2:45 is a good change in dynamics and is well executed, a bit short though. Nice work man! Creating such a song in a week; kudos! Crescent Grizzly is sparse, but it's there and it's blended together with Sigma Palace. 8/10 Cam3 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Maverick: Cool mood; militaristic with a touch of funk. Snare sample isn't that good though. Gauntlet source is very clear. Transition to an adapted version of Neon Tiger works very well. Transition part at 1:45 is very well done, I love the high disonnant piano at the end. In the part afterwards, the Sigma Palace chord progression is very recognizable. Awww.. it's already over? Too bad man, it felt a bit cut short. Awesome stuff, great adaptations and nice vibe (especially a transition from genres). Too bad it feels cut-off (or too short at least) 7.5/10 Eino Keskitalo feat. Jorito & Tuberz McGee - Subtle Haystack Tibulation: Intro feels like the boss introduction theme, since it completely falls silent (which isn't a good or bad thing, just reminded me of it ). Guitars are a bit buried. Combination of instruments is interesting but doesn't always work imo. Middle-section is nice, with the weird rythm. But I have a real trouble of recognizing the sources. I hear Frost Walrus in the middle section, but I couldn't indentify the Sigma Palace theme. Part at the 3-minute mark is cool, but feels disconnected due to the completely different sound. Nice mix, nothing too extraordinary though imo. Can't hear much of the gauntlet source, guitars are a bit buried and not every instrument works well in the soudscape. Ending feels a bit disconnected. 7/10 Garpocalypse - Straight Outta RAGE: Good intro of setting the vibe and the groove. Altered Flame Stag theme kicks in, creative writing! Oh I like the choirs in the background at 1;20 and I like the female vocal samples. The part at the 3-minute mark is a good change of pace; percussion is nice as well. The transition at the 4-minute mark also works well. The mix doesn't drag on due to the different dynamics despite it's lenght, well done! I've tried to hear the Sigma Palace theme, but I couldn't hear it unfortunatly. Great vibe, excellent creative writing on the Flame Stag theme and nice dynamics keep the mix interesting. Couldn't make out the Gauntlet theme, sadly. 8/10 WillRock feat. Jason Covenant & Ghetto Lee Lewis: Also a very militaristic feel. Guitars fit nicely with the heavy reverb. Nice dramatic adaptation of the Guantlet theme with the choirs and organ. Don't like the sound of that brass too much; although a fine adaptation of the Maverick theme. I like the choir part more (with the same-ish adaptation). Birdge at 2:30 is nice, but doesn't change the dynamics too much. 3:09 part is a good change of dynamics, nice Maverick source usage. Still don't like the brass sound though. Accompanying instruments are very good otherwise though. Wailing guitars for more dramatic effect: check. Harp and piano (and later choir) section? Really? Really cliche, but works well Good feel, creative writing and good blending of themes. I thinks the dynamics should've been changed a little sooner, but the following parts are really well executed 8.5/10 Amphibious - Chiral: Piano intro plays the Sigma Theme chords (well one note of them anyway). Shit got electronic at 0:35. Not too fond of the synths used, since their delay causes every note to be hit just after the beats. Lead synth enters at 1:10; don't hear much of the Maverick or Gauntlet theme here. Transition back to the "intro" works fine. "Fade in"-transition works well as well. Nothing much happening from 2:39 though; the change in dynamics in the part at 2:45 feel a bit too sparse for me, especially for an ending. Mix is nice, vibe is good. Not much going on the the themes though. Not much going on at all actually, especially after the bridge. 6.5/10 Anorax - Beached Whale in Miami: Intro is nice, not too fond of the vocal samples. Oh wow, brass... works well. Choirs come in for the Sigma Palaca. Things feel a bit empty at the 1-minute mark when the Bubble Cr... eh.. Tidal Makkoeen part sets in. And it's over. Yeah, this one isn't finished by far. However, the setting of the mood was good; this could really become something awesome 4/10 Usa - Requiem for a Reploid: Brass and strings open for a calm, but grand and ominous feeling. Oh, the choirs and harp are a nice addition. Damn, really dramatic openening (which is good)! Sigma Palace theme kicks in at 0:50. Oh the Maverick theme in the pizzicato strings is a nice, but the 1:09 - 1:13 doesn't work that well; perhaps you should've rewritten that. THings beomce a bit more hopeful at 1:17. Part at 1:35 is nice, reminds me a bit of Secret of Mana/SD3. This gets more and more soothing and bright. Playful even at 2:20; gets a bit Danny Elfman here. More Shield Sheldon, which works better in this vibe. Brass hits at 3:01 are a bit thin. Transition to 3:08 is very nice, excellent building up, but I feel the volume should be a bit higher here (especiallyy in contrast with the previous part). Gets more and more intense, but I'm missing an great climax; the transition to the piano (which begins in a different chord) doesnt work too well. Ending is nice though. Great song, excellent "story"/build-up/dynamics! I'm missing a bit of a climax, the second-to-last part could be more intense (choirs or volume), the last transition didn't work too well and there was not very much of the Gauntlet theme throughout 8/10 Cash - Victory at the Palace of Rejects: Hmm... intro sounds a bit empty. Percussion sounds a bit weak, perhaps with a fuller drumkit (or one with mroe punch), this could be better. Background and bass synths are also a bit thin; or perhaps should last a bit longer. And the new synths at 0:42 are completely the opposite Part starting at 1:12 is better: soundscape is a fuller here, a bit more going on. Part at the 2-minute mark is dull; the song is going nowhere at this point imo. The variation at 2:13 is nice, but lacks the full changes in dynamic; a different beat or bassline (or perhaps feel) would be better. Mix drags a bit on around 2:50. Not too much variation afterwards. And I couldn't hear the Gauntlet theme very well The mix feels a bit empty; mostly due to the drums and the thin bass and background synths. Didn;t make out Sigma Palace and the mix lacks dynamics; it drags on a bit around the 3-minute mark 5/10 Ivan Hakštok - Leap of Faith: Epic intro! It's a bit strange that the intro has more power than the part afterwards though. Nice guitar playing. Drums could use some more crunch. Alternating guitar action is nice. Can't make out much of the Gauntlet theme though. Accoustic part is nice, transition to it works well although I hoping for some melodic changes here aswell. Timing of the guitar is loose at parts. Double guitar action is always awesome. Wow sudden ending Sounds good, but lacks a bit of a punch. Couldn't hear the Gauntlet theme and the ending was too sudden. 7/10
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. C'mon, it's not D Fb F G G* Bb B#? Don't crush my spirit, Darkesword.
    2 points
  4. You didn't list the F chromatic scale. What you listed only covers tonal music and doesn't include modulations or chromatic melodies. FYI though the song is in D minor with quite a lot of chromatic stuff going on.
    2 points
  5. Cyber Core Maze reminds me of Touhou music. This is reflected with the direction of my entry. Ironically, I discovered after making my entry that this actually IS touhou music. This is too meta for me
    1 point
  6. hah! I hadn't noticed that until you said something, but the opening drum hits are reminiscent of the Battle Theme and the Cyber Maze melody A reminds me a bit of the main melody in Zed's theme.
    1 point
  7. Its good to see someone trying to fix up what is already a good remix so that its even better. I like that, means you want to keep improving. Keep that positive attitude dude.
    1 point
  8. Getting pretty excited for this now, my body is ready. Is yours?
    1 point
  9. This is exactly why music confuses me sometimes.
    1 point
  10. tamayto, tomahto, potayto, potahto. Please don't diminish my spirit guys. I'm a sharp guy. I can take a hint when you be ragging on me.
    1 point
  11. this makes me mildly angry. stahp Although, there are a few exceptions to the rule darkesword pointed out regarding sharps and flats: some keys (e.g. g harmonic minor; G A Bb C D Eb F# G) will use sharps and flats in practice, but not in the key signature (g harmonic minor will still have the same key signature as g natural minor and Bb Major).
    1 point
  12. FYI you wouldn't refer to the 6th note in D minor as A#. In D minor, A is natural, and B is flat. Yes, technically A# and Bb are enharmonics of each other, but that's not the point. Don't skip a letter when listing notes. Always list all letters from the note to the octave, and use either flats or sharps (never both) to adjust the notes to fit the type of scale you want. D minor is D E F G A Bb C
    1 point
  13. I have been trying to find this page again for months. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
    1 point
  14. Usually its easiest to focus on the bass. When I hum the beginning into a tuner I get a D. It could change after the intro though. Only way to really know is figure out all the notes though and look at the scales to see if all the transcribed notes fit for the section you are looking at. Here is a useful link. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scottd/chords_and_scales/music.html Do the notes fit on any of these scales (Since you think it is F)? PS: To all the veteran musicians. Is this good advice / terrible advice? Do I know what I'm doing? I don't want to steer people wrong but if my system is wrong or can be improved I'd love to be enlightened. F Major F G A A# C D E F natural minor F G G# A# C C# D# F harmonic minor F G G# A# C C# E F melodic minor F G G# A# C D E F major pentatonic F G A C D F minor pentatonic F G# A# C D# F blues F G# A# B C D# F minor blues F G G# A# B C C# D# F major blues F G G# A A# B C D D# F augmented F G A B C# D# F diminished F G G# A# B C# D E F Phrygian-Dominant F F# A A# C C# D# F Dorian F G G# A# C D D# F Phrygian F F# G# A# C C# D# F Lydian F G A B C D E F Mixolydian F G A A# C D D# F Locrian F F# G# A# B C# D# F jazz melodic minor F G G# A# C D E F Dorian b2 F F# G# A# C D D# F Lydian augmented F G A B C# D E F Lydian b7 F G A B C D D# F Mixolydian b13 F G A A# C C# D# F Locrian #2 F G G# A# B C# D# F super Locrian F F# G# A B C# D# F whole half diminished F G G# A# B C# D E F half whole diminished F F# G# A B C D D# F enigmatic F F# A B C# D# E F double harmonic F F# A A# C C# E F Hungarian minor F G G# B C C# E F Persian F F# A A# B C# E F Arabian F G A A# B C# D# F Japanese F F# A# C C# F Egyptian F G A# C D# F Hirajoshi F G G# C C#
    1 point
  15. This week's Sigma Theme is Sigma Fortress 2 from Mega Man X.
    1 point
  16. Some stay dry, while others feel the pain.
    1 point
  17. You know, I've managed to go my whole life so far avoiding that song. And now I've listened to it. And I wish I hadn't.
    1 point
  18. Will's track has that neo-nazi vibe going on lol. Try comparing it to Kamelot's March Of Mephisto off of The Black Halo
    1 point
  19. Quick impressions! Had to travel this week so I haven't had much time to listen to stuff. Es-cop-pay - Nice mood! Production values are good and the voice sounds super clear. If I'm getting the source usage right it's pretty creative. Arrangement feels very repetitive though. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Maverick - Nice intro, some of the samples seem of slightly low quality but I dig the vibe. Neon Tiger with the wah lead sounds cool. I like that you used most of the X8 theme in different parts of the arrangement. A tad short though. With more development I'd have definitely voted for this one. Subtle Haystack Tibulation - What the hell is this title haha. I like the use of guitars to give the source a rocking style. I think they could sound more powerful though. The rhytm in 1:21 is weird, seems like the drums and guitars are in different time measures and it sounds odd. In the 2:14 section I feel it gets way too crowded and notes start clashing way too much... Overall it has creative ideas but it seems you tried to cram way too much stuff in here. The moody Never Gonna Give You Up in the ending is amazing haha. Straight Outta RAGE - Not feeling the RAGE in the intro haha, but I dig the relaxing mood. E. Piano sounds sweet. Very creative use of the sources and definitely one of my faves so far. One thing I didn't enjoy that much were the crushing or whatever effects in the drums. They were nice at first but they get tiring fast. Awesome change to the piano break. Second half drags on a bit but the song is very good overall. Palace of the Beast - Nice! Feels like I'm playing a PS1 RPG here haha. Guitar kind of breaks that feeling a bit but the menacing mood is cool. Great use of Slash Beast with the brass, I like that you actually changed the melody to fit the chords (something that many people forget to do and end up with clashing notes). The song then continues with similar but awesome ideas. My favourite of the round probably, very creative use of both sources and great production. If forced to nitpick I feel the drums have too much reverb for the style you aimed for. Chiral - As usual, bringing the funk! The leads sound awesome. Production is clean and the arrangement is fun. However, and as much as I dig the song, I felt other entries used the sources better (maybe just by being longer songs haha), so this isn't getting one of my votes. Beached Whale in Miami - Nice staccato synths. Sadly, this is ridiculously short... I guess it could be a pretty cool song if finished. Requiem for a Reploid - Someone had to make a dramatic song eventually! At 0:23 I almost thought you were going to use Metal Gear Solid's theme haha. Orchestra sounds very nice and chords are very interesting. Mixing Shield Sheldon into such a dramatic mood is a bit hard though since that song is so happy sounding. It fits sometimes but other times it doesn't fit that much sadly. I really like how this sounds, production is clean and instrument selection is great. The usage of Sheldon's theme around 2:20 is very very nice. It reminds me of the PS1 Rayman game (the first one). For the outro I thought you'd go with a super crescendo using that last Sheldon melody so I was a bit disappointed with the calm finish haha. Victory at the Palace of Rejects - For some reasons all your songs sound very similar haha. Production is clean but the arrangement lacks some exciting. To put it bluntly I feel the percussion is very lacking and even boring. Actually I believe this is what usually puts me off about your songs. Leads are fine and have some interesting ideas but drums and bass tend to be slow and without much variation. You should experiment more with that to give your songs a more exciting edge. Leap of Faith - Bass is surprisingly low for your songs Brostock! Awesome rocking mood as always. Your lead playing has been getting better and better lately, especially your vibrattos. The intro riff and it's repetitions are very cool, maybe my favourite riff of the round haha. Overall this is classic Hakstock, nice guitars, cool bass, rocking mood and fun leads! I have to say production seems worse than in your other entry haha. The drums, to be specific, sound less powerful than I'd expect. Rise of the Sigma - Another dramatic song! Some nice chords here. Probably my fault but I barely hear Spark Mandrill. which is weird since it has some pretty recognizable melodies. I like how this sounds but I feel it's lacking in the source usage area. As usual, voting was rough.
    1 point
  20. I believe I can shed some light on this, by providing a little bit of their backstory: The illegitimate offspring of a 12-person jury and a Dorito chip, Jorito spent much of his childhood convicting marijuana aficionados while simultaneously providing their sole source of nourishment. He had difficulty making friends as many people feigned interest in him solely to satisfy their munchies. But Fate had more in store for Jorito than simply staring out from jury boxes at white people with dreadlocks. Indeed, Fate Johnson introduced Jorito to Rick Astley changing his life and the world forever. Jorito wanted to be everything Rick Astley was--everything that everyone around Rick Astley was. He started hanging around schools in a tan trench coat and sunglasses, serving alcohol to empty auditoriums whenever school was out. For some reason, the police didn't like this very much and tried to arrest him. He attempted to wall-jump off a chain link fence to escape, but the police still captured him. The convicter became the convicted. The warden had it in for Jorito. Having lost his mother to unhealthy snacks, the warden took his chance at a bit of revenge placing Jorito in the same cell as the deranged killer, Tuberz McGee. Tuberz had a host of untreated mental illnesses, all of them contributing to his extreme violence. Perhaps most dangerous of all was the violent rage he entered at the sight of uninjured people. Jorito entered the cell cautiously. The heavily-muscled Tuberz appeared to be asleep. Jorito stepped as quietly as he was able, but a loud crunch sound resulted anyways. He cursed his Dorito heritage. Tuberz awoke to the noise and looked right at Jorito. "You look yummy. What's you? A 12-person jury or Dorito?" "Both, actually." "You mostly look like chip." Tuberz didn't enter a violent rage at the sight of Jorito, despite Jorito being uninjured. Jorito concluded McGee's rage must activate only when he sees pure-blooded uninjured humans. "So, uh, what're you in for?" "Man laughed at Tuberz. Man got tubed." "Oh, well that's uh...uh..." Jorito stammered. "Then jury convict Tuberz but Tuberz escape. Jury got tubed." "...An entire jury!?" "Then another jury convict Tuberz, but Tuberz escape again and tube them too!" McGee's anger seemed to grow with each word. His steady drool turned into a turbulent sputter. His veins bulged and his face reddened. "You know, I consider myself much more Dorito than the, uh, other half of my parentage..." Jorito hoped his quaking fear didn't show on his face. "TUUUUUUBE!" Tuberz punched a hole into the wall with steroid strength, ripping out a metal pipe with tremendous force. He proceeded to demonstrate violent "tubing" motions with it, reenacting his myriad murders. "Uh..." "Tuberz HATE JURIES," he shouted, unable to contain his rage, before his eyes glazed over and filled with tears, "and.....and juries hate Tuberz. Why they hate Tuberz?" "I don't know. I, for one, like you a lot." Tuberz paused his bawling. "You like Tuberz?" "Yes. I think you have a terrific personality." McGee appeared dumbfounded by Jorito's claim and stared at him blankly, ".....All of them!?" "All of wha--oooohhhh....yes, all of your personalities." "Tuberz like you too. Tuberz help you escape." "You can do that? How?" "Tube." Tuberz proceeded to break down the wall with his fists, revealing a chute, probably intended for laundry. Tuberz ripped a hole in it large enough for a person to fit through. "You go in now." "Hold on. Let's say this takes us outside. What will we do then? If we don't have a plan, we'll just be caught and jailed again." "We go see my friend, Evktalo. He help." "Ok, I just hope he knows we're coming." "He know. He wait for Tuberz," McGee said, before lowering his voice to a whisper, "But Tuberz must warn you something about Evktalo." "What's that?" "He completely insane." (To be continued in Part 2.)
    1 point
  21. Lyrics! [Ok, there’s no way out, there’s gotta be a way out!] [Look, here’s something! “Es-cop-ay.” I wonder what that means? It’s funny, it’s spelled just like the word “escape.”] {chorus/hook} escape route hiding from the great unknown cause I am an actor and life’s a show don’t hate you but when the scene’s unscripted all your good, can you please restrict it? get straight through all I want is the end like being average is the trend create truth it’s easy to fail the test when you are so afraid of success {verse 1} complete the trial to the very end and you know it’s final, can’t be done again but I know I’ll lose it on the final test I’ll never prove myself on this quest what’s the point of even going through this open door I’ve been appointed to I’ll only fail and fail again hey look, the trail opens up ahead so now I’ve got something to decide try it, or throw away my life I don’t think I can handle the strife but the other way, well, it cuts like a knife through butter in my imagination guess I really should be patient until my confidence comes around and I really can’t let my family down I gather my strength and push on through it I hope I make it, I hope I do it but then I trip and stumble and fall *sigh* I knew I couldn’t do it at all you can try your best to encourage but it only serves to discourage I won’t throw myself in the bottomless pit but now you plainly see where we sit self-defeat is the name of the game cause it’s not so neat to fell ashamed cause there’s always the chance that I could fail so I’d just rather not set sail I’ll push it aside and get on with my days I’ve got too much pride so I’ll just stay the same and you know what’ll happen? Ill just forget and do it all again the next chance I get {verse 2} don’t know what I mean by “escape route”? well, give me a minute and I’ll show you gotta prepare, make sure I’m ready endless reparations for when I’m unsteady huh? what? I guess I can go now um, but, I really can’t show how great I am if you don’t give me time how spaced I am if you don’t give me mine think about driving your car in traffic think about how far there is havoc defensive driving 101, now always looking for the way out disaster’s right around the corner I’m passionate as a hoarder of all these moments that could go wrong count em all up, they’d be a googol strong anxiety runs high in this town you never know when it’ll come around if there’s chance I won’t succeed that’s when it will come and get me I can’t do it, see, I cannot be the man that you really need from me maybe something will cut through the noise maybe I should go play with my toys what? no, don’t call me a boy now let’s pretend it’s the fall of Troy if I try harder, it might happen sudden clarity, instead of trapped in a box I built myself, now strapped in safe and secure, try to free me - I’ll zap him {bridge} if I press on every day then maybe I will find a way and if you think you know then say how to make this thing go away I need to find some clarity but everywhere I look, I see chaos, confusion, and deceit who is there who can help me? need to find my confidence my faith in God never made sense because everywhere that I went I let others invent me but now I have to find time each day to put my foot down and I’ll say that I will stop being afraid of my mistakes I’m unashamed [Let’s go!] [Ah!] [Here’s Brucey!]
    1 point
  22. Ah yeah it looks like you did. Better to send a conversation (private message) than a profile message. Not sure if I get notifications of those. Jorito and zykO added.
    1 point
  23. Brandon, I can tell you now the arrangement will be done by tonight. Stand by on Facebook in a few hours!
    1 point
  24. Thank you!! haha I don't have a mouse (shame on me) but I found a way to do it Lesson learned!
    1 point
  25. Hey all! Obligatory 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF CHRONO TRIGGER'S NA RELEASE post While we had hoped to release the album in time for the 20th anniversary of Chrono Trigger's NA release, we have some exciting updates to share! -The album titled has been officially set as Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger -All but two tracks have been sent off for post production! We are getting very close to having the music finished. -Jorik Bergman (Bowlerhat) has signed on to play flute on a tune for the album. -djpretzel will be helping us to get a website up and going for the release! That's all for now folks! We hope to be getting a trailer out to you sometime in early autumn. Stay tuned!
    1 point
  26. I might be the only person this hasn't happened to, but that doesn't mean I'd be horrified if someone else did it beside me. Just own it, look at whoever might have heard it (if they're looking at you) and shrug. Bonus points if you say, "Sometimes the awesome just can't be contained."
    1 point
  27. It did record everything but in general the volume was too low so I was trying to raise the velocities of all the notes while keeping the "human" feel to it and I failed hahaha. So I'm just gonna re-humanize it all. I have manually adjusted for mostly everything that was offbeat so that part should be done hopefully. I really need to watch more tutorials on FL....
    1 point
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