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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2015 in all areas

  1. I experimented with lots of new ways of recording guitars throughout this competition. Also learned mixing stuff to do with drums. However, the most crucial thing I learned from my teammates was that any riff can be converted to 15/16 time. A valuable lesson indeed.
    3 points
  2. If you missed the first episode of Season 13 of the new podcast (which aired right before MAGClassic) converted from my similarly styled FM radio show, as part of my continued support of Video Game Music and OverClocked ReMix I will be sending Beatdrop to ‪MAGFest 2016‬!!
    2 points
  3. Thanks, all! THe drum mixing situation was kind of a mess for a myriad of reasons, one of which was that the overheads were off for the whole session and we had to use the camera audio (oh god) and it made all of the drums sounds a bit...unique. Do you hear the same stuff with other videos, because we may have used a different kick drum placement on that session and I'm curious if it was that or maybe just in the mixing. Also, I bet our sax player will get a kick out of the Windfish comment. That's totally his jam!
    2 points
  4. IPS 4.X is responsive, so the need for a separate mobile skin goes away. We'll be upgrading this year, and it will provide the foundation for many exciting new features that we've been promising for years, so I'm pretty psyched. You can preview how it looks, more or less, @ https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/217868-the-world-cup-2006-thread/ You'll notice that on phones, you still get first / prev / next / last, BUT you can also click on the "Page X of X" and go directly to a specific page. After we upgrade the forums, we'll also be upgrading the whole site to be responsive... that should also be this year, so it's going to be a very busy fourth quarter for yours truly!
    2 points
  5. So, back during the SFRG I thought that we would be getting to remix more than 1 track, So I started remixing all my draft selection picks, it was only like week 2-3 that I came to realize I had to make 3 remixes of only 1 draft selection...sooooo I had all these WIPS of my top 5 choices and short-story-long I made more remixes than I was required to do so....and here's one of them Remix- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B80H6SsEW90wVFlpeXc0aWdCUkU/view?pli=1 Original
    1 point
  6. Holy balls this is awesome.
    1 point
  7. When the tempo slowed and the sax started (repeated partially in the outro) I thought for sure Ballad of the Windfish was going to make an appearance. Not the type of music I listen to, however still an impressive performance and arrangement. Mixing sounded great (though I'm inclined to agree with Impluo about the kick drum) and the playing sounded very professional. Plus you guys looked like you were really getting into it during the video. Awesome stuff.
    1 point
  8. I'm just using Guitar Rig 5 but ReValver is great, as is TH-2.
    1 point
  9. If this does release on Halloween, that's gonna be a work night for me, so I can spend the night getting spooked by listening to it.
    1 point
  10. Exactly what this track needed. LOVE.
    1 point
  11. I had a lot of fun this competition as well. Personally, I struggle with arrangement and flow vs creativity. Either I have one or the other but never both in one song. Time constraints hurt too. I'll continue trying to improve and wanted to thank everyone who has offered help and feedback. We need a Zelda compo next with power, courage, and wisdom brackets .... Once everyone recovers from this.
    1 point
  12. Had a great time competing this year and was glad to see my remixes consistently perform better then they have in past compos. Over the course of the competition I found a few more EQ cuts I like and some different ways of parallel processing that i haven't tried before. Special thanks to Esperado and LadyWildfire who were up for joining me in this thing at the last second and gave some great feedback each week to help push the remixes forward.
    1 point
  13. Whoah, very nice vid! Great musicianship and a very nice, original arrangement.. what can I say, this is great. Sound is good, but if I may nitpick a bit: Mic'ing/recording a drum kit is an art form in its self, and you did a pretty good job. However the mix sounds a little bit muffled to me, it needs some more "air".. the kick is a bit wooly. Checking out your channel now.. Keep it up!
    1 point
  14. Waah. very nice. Your guys are boss.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, I spent extremely percious time on goddamn hihat patterns, that I should have used on recording another verse & actually putting some stuff on the bridge. edit: ditto on the busy man thing Tuberz said
    1 point
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