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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Why are you guys fighting? Silly.
    2 points
  2. OverClocked ReMix is 16 years old today! Like I said today on Twitter: "OC ReMix is 16 years old today. Older than YouTube, older than iPods, older than a lot of things on the internet. And we're not done yet." What are some of your favorite memories of OCR throughout the years? How has OC ReMix improved your life?
    1 point
  3. The ocremix community is amazing, let me start with that. I found out about this site 5 years ago through my brother. I was a huge fan of VGM, so I was super exited to find a website that offered FREE amazing remixes off all the nostalgic tunes I used to hear as a child. Still blows my mind. As a musician for 14 years, my goal was always to make a remix accepted by the site. Back in 2012 I submitted 2 different remixes and they were both rejected by the panel, with great feedback to improve. I continued to study and better myself using the WIP forums and other youtube tutorial videos. I carefully studied other remixers I admired such as halc and Joshua Morse to better myself. I also participated in a lot of ocremix competitions for even more self-improvement. Fast forward to a few months ago, where I got my first remix accepted, which was a Resub. I was ecstatic when I found out, all the hard-work payed off. And it wasn't really hard work, since music is my passion and everyone here at ocremix is always open to help you. I then participated in the SFRG compo, and was really happy to make a mix that got second in votes for that round. Special thanks to Timaeus222 for really helping me with the Mario bros 2 remix, and Geofferey Taucer, who gave me some great tips in the Remixing with the Stars competition. Best community ever!
    1 point
  4. That one thing that happened was OK
    1 point
  5. Happy birthday, OCR! So I was in my sophomore year in high school, so 2006-2007 range, and I was a very prolific regular on the Sega of America forums at the time. Someone had posted a link to Project Chaos in the Sonic subforum, and that's what got me into OCR at the time. But at the time, music wasn't nearly as important to me as it is now, so I basically became a hardcore listener of the site in 2011, which was the time where music took over my life and my free time (thanks, Vocaloid. Thanks, deadmau5. Thanks, Pendulum). A year or so later I began "collecting" video game music to play while programming and also playing Skyrim for hours, which just made my appreciation grow. Happy memories...honestly I'm kind of embarrassed now at some of the stuff I posted early on, and even some of the sad stuff I post in the chat sometimes. It's easier for me to look back on my past self (whether that's a few years or......two weeks ago) as "wow, my brain was totally down and irrational", and while I wouldn't consider myself 100% sane or well-adjusted, it is rather important to me that I got positive feedback when I did at the time. So thank you! Still haven't really made any tunes myself, but now that my life sucks less, I'll have the ability to...
    1 point
  6. I think the chordal components are too quiet relative to the lead and drums, and as a result, it's a bit harder than I'd like to hear chord changes. I somewhat agree about the lead at about 0:30, but I think it can be helped by changing it to legato mode and lowering the mix level on the pitch LFO. At 0:59, I don't get why the lead suddenly dropped out. I was expecting one more runthrough of the melody. At 1:14, the decision to drop the drums was kind of odd, since you then decided to bring them back 3 seconds later, only to drop them again at 1:25, and bring them back again at 1:28. Maybe try muting the drums at 1:14 - 1:43 and rethinking the drum patterns there. At 1:46 - 2:15, I guess I'm kinda getting tired of the same lead synth playing the same pattern. The new drums help, but I think you should at least change the chords underneath the lead to make the lead sound less repetitive. It would have been nice to have the amount of effort you put into 2:20 - 3:00 put into a section sometime earlier than that. That kind of change helps your cause in showing dynamic contrast, and that is the best part in this ReMix. The overcompression on the drums are another story, but yeah, that's there. Try lowering the volume on the drums overall, and then raising the volume of everything up by the same amount (on each individual mixer track, not the master track). You could also boost the click on the kick near 4000 Hz some more because I don't hear any; instead it sounds thumpy, and so it feels dull/muffled.
    1 point
  7. turn based number simulators suck anyways
    1 point
  8. I admit I'd been lurking here for a while, but I finally joined after Heart of a Gamer's release. I listened to the album, and I have two words for you all: HOLY. CRAP. I am hooked like the Balloon Fight Fish. I especially appreciate that one of Iwata-san's lesser-known games (HECK YEAH ROLLERBALL) got some love too. Speaking as a mere fan, but speaking from the heart (required in an Iwata thread) - fantastic job, everyone. This will be a permanent addition to my Nintendo music playlist. #ThankYouIwata <3
    1 point
  9. I've been feeling edgy these days
    1 point
  10. I think I came across OCR in 2007. It started out as OCR just being a resource to find music (and then leave and come back later), and progressed to actually starting to write music in 2011, then coming back for the feedback later that year, then giving my own feedback in 2012~2015, and... yeah. I just got more and more involved and continually found the community more and more inviting. I think my experiences at OCR actually helped me refine my personal character within the context of society about as much as my musical skills, if not more. I've grown to respect each individual more---that everyone has started as a musical amateur at some point, that there will be some immature people here and there, and that having a thick skin about it, being patient, and structurally empathizing with the other is just about the best way to keep on good terms with the community as a whole and express gratitude for what they have done (or will do) for you. There's no other community quite like this! Probably one of my favorite memories was (yes, really) discussing pantheism vs. atheism (I think) with djp, and religion/philosophy in general, and really getting down into the nitty gritty. It's good to have a meaningful conversation like that every now and then, because it just humbles you to appreciate how the community is not just a bunch of people intent on making music---everyone has significance, intelligence, and capacity, among other things. Interests outside of music. Apparently, TheGuitahHeroe plays golf! Another cool moment was when I got my first mix accepted (Cloudhopping with Chimpazilla, which was posted after my first mixpost). I basically said, "wait, really? Wow, it wasn't as hard as I thought." After realizing that I had gotten to that point, that just motivated me to keep improving. It was on the day I finished my Black Belt test in Tae Kwon Do, too, so that was a great way to raise my spirits. And those random extreme critics are also fun to uh... rail on? I guess.
    1 point
  11. Let's see, Discovered the site in 2005 and by 2008 i was pretty much exclusively listening to OCRemixes on my 30gb (HDD) Creative Zen. This was the time I was starting my hero worship of various remixers who were a part of this VGM scene. The day Snowboarding Sonic got posted was the day I decided to commit to getting my own stuff on the site. Seriously, I didn't stop listening to this once i heard it for MONTHS. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01888 ..and it's been a rollercoaster of a musical trip since then but if it wasn't for OCR I probably never would have gotten into music recording/production as much as I have nor been driven to learn and improve my own engineering techniques. Not to mention that being a part of this community has led me to me being able to meet all of you in person at the annual MAGs which has been the best party of the year each year i've been there. The best memory though was squaring off with DJP, Level99 and others playing fighting games at MAG on Stevo's laptop the first time I went to the fest in 2013. I think Bushido Blade 2, Battle Arena Toshinden 3 and some others were covered and that was a pretty huge thing for me! Happy 16th!
    1 point
  12. 50 more reviews and I'll hit the 200 mark!!
    1 point
  13. Have you checked OCR's 'Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos' Album? Daniel Baranowsky actually did a pretty good remix out of these sources ('Caution: Echidnas May Eat Your Brain') ^^
    1 point
  14. I don't like the synth sound you have as your lead throughout most of the song, starting at ~0:30. I think it's too bright for my taste, and that delay/vibrato filter makes it sound slightly annoying to me. However I really like the bass and percussion throughout this. And I liked all of the quieter parts in this song.
    1 point
  15. Delighted to be a part of this, such an eclectic mix of sounds making a lovely tribute. Would have liked more time to work on the art, but that's always what I say. For such a quick turnaround the mini album has turned out really well. congrats to all the musicians involved, along with the project managers. It's awesome. I'm sure Big S would've loved this. EDIT: Thanks also for putting faith in me as an artist.
    1 point
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