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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2016 in all areas

  1. First of all, sorry if it is the wrong place to post. I know there's Bahamut's post in R&C but it is rarely updated. Mods, feel free to delete this if it doesn't belong here. I wanted to see what could be done with the various projects. And since anyone can direct a project, I think it's for the best if everyone can talk about it, suggest solutions, and even step up to help. It'd be a shame to have some cool music not released anytime soon because of minor issues. This is also the place to find possible music claims if you want to help a project. So yeah, help an existing project end before starting too many new ones! Please note my analysis is only based on public projects, official projects (not unofficial ones in R&C) and on what I know -- I will not spoil or say anything related to private projects or other stuff I may know. Here we go! ACTIVE/RECRUITING CastleMania -- Started a few days ago after Shariq proposed the idea à la Super Cartography Bros. Should be an OCRI album as SCB. Still in recruitment, go and claim tracks here. Final Fantasy VIII -- Started this year. Still recruiting. Brandon will most likely finish FF3 before working full force on this one. Secret of Mana -- Restarted in February 2016. Bahamut will probably work hard on this one. Some tracks remain to be claimed, so go ahead! Paper Mario -- Started a few years ago (around 2011-2012 IIRC). RECKENEFIN wants to complete it, the album recently got official. Some tracks remain to be claimed -- a co-drector/assistant may be welcome as well. Hometown Heroes -- Restarted in March 2016. Aiming for OCRA quality. Recruiting. 25 Years of Fire Emblem -- Started last year, and recently got its official status (congrats!). A smaller tracklist, with almost-finished tracks and advanced WiPs. I don't think it will be released anytime soon this year (maybe mid/end of next year) as it's still looking for more people (remixers, artists, etc.) Hopefully its official status will contribute to its development! Final Fantasy III -- Started in 2013. Quite active, Brandon really pushes to get this one completed. I'd say it's halfway through its development, but Brandon handles things quite well. It could be released by the end of next year or early 2018 if everything goes well. Super Mario RPG: Window of the Stars -- Started in 2013. Close to completion (lots of finished tracks), as the final deadline (Feb 16, 2016) was reached recently. Art seems to be done (or at least started). A few tracks seem to be still open for claims. ToN isn't very active, but DaMonz (project assistant) is, so your best bet is to contact him about it. Pretty sure this one can be completed and released by next year without too much trouble if the staff gets a little more active. Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies -- Started in 2014. Most of the album is close to completion, and Timaeus seems to be quite active about it. Art will be needed in the future. This one can be completed this year (next deadline in April). Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors -- Started in 2010. Volume II (Water) is done according to Shariq. Production for Volume III (Fire) will mostly start soon-ish. Shariq will handle the rest of the production (and I trust him not to wait until 2020 to release Fire lol). Lufia II: Of Gods and Men -- Started in 2010 (v2?). Apparently, half of it is done, and Wesley recently said he would finish it this year after a long absence. I trust the man, this one could be out by the end of the year or in early 2017. LIMBO/INACTIVE Dragon Warrior / Children of Erdrick -- Started in 2009 (6-7 years ago already -- I had the time to produce the whole VV trilogy by that time lol). No public update for almost two years, despite the will to start it again. Apparently there are already some finished tracks plus a few claims. As it seems the project staff doesn't seem to be active (at least in a public way), it'd be interesting to see someone either take back the reins actively to complete all the music (as Kyle suggested) or simply release a short EP/OCRI album with the finished music. VROOM: The Best of SEGA Racing -- Started in 2013. Last year, Stevo proposed to release it as a smaller OCRI EP, and that's a perfect suggestion, as there is enough music (and almost finished music) to create something very cool. I don't know how this went this last year. Art is probably a priority for this project now, so step up if you are interested or know someone would could be interested. It shouldn't be too hard to complete that one, and the concept is too excellent to let it go. Tim Follin: Dirge of the Follin -- Started in 2007 (10th anniversary next year lol? -- It started before I registered I think xD). No real update for quite some time, except comments from Brandon about the project's age. I don't know what Larry intends to do with this project, but releasing a smaller OCRI album would be the easier solution. Stuff like art will probably be needed in the future. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -- Started in 2012. On hold. As djp said in the last post, the project staff was "more of less okay" on the fact it could be revived under new management. The project is currently in development hell, with no one to direct it. Except if Emunator or Theophany come back, I'd suggest someone (with the project and OCR staff's agreement) takes this project's management. OoT is a BIG name in the VG community, and the line-up so far is quite excellent -- it'd be a shame to see this one die due to inactivity. A lot of work awaits the person(s) who will tackle this one. FINISHED/RELEASED/SOON-TO-BE OUT BadAss: Volume III -- The album will be released soon (if you trust djp's cryptic post in the Project thread -- but maybe he's lying because he's badass and evil? ;)). Chronology: a Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger -- Almost complete. Based on what I saw in some MagFest video, it should be released soon-ish this year. Seiken Densentsu III -- Started in 2008. Apparently, Meteo Xavier and the staff have reached a consensus on the end of its production so it should be out this year if everything goes well. TL;DR: Google Sheet
    2 points
  2. I think I want to do something like what happened with Temporal Duality: one track was released on the game's anniversary, and the whole album was released a couple of moths later. In this case I'd like the remix of the most iconic tune to be released as a bithday present. If y'know what I mean
    2 points
  3. You might try double-tracking each rhythm part. Hard pan the doubled tracks as normal, but then reduce the level on one of them so you get the feeling of being panned left or right while retaining the fullness that double-tracking gives you. Adjust the balance between the doubled tracks so that when you switch which guitar is playing rhythm, the perceived panning changes enough to be noticeable but not enough to be distracting.
    2 points
  4. Introduction You've just completed your archaeology degree. You're about to take your experience into the field, where your daily life will include whipping living mummies, breaking ancient pottery, jumping out of airplanes, dodging spikes, and stealing priceless golden artifacts from Nazis before they can use them to take over the world. It's a dangerous job, but you live for thrills, fame, and riches (and, to a lesser extent, the study of past human civilization). Regardless, you're going to need some background music. Sources Definitely approved: La-Mulana, Tomb Raider, 1001 Spikes, Uncharted, Indiana Jones (no tunes from the movies). If you have a different idea, we’re open to other sources. The protagonist of the game needs to be an archaeologist or archaeology-related adventurer primarily; if the character often fills various other roles, their games are not currently eligible (i.e. Mario, who only occasionally appears as an archaeologist). If you’re wondering whether a certain game will be an appropriate choice, listen to the soundtracks listed above and see how well your idea fits in thematically. Check the tracklist or ask one of us for specific recommendations. Style Mysterious temples, heart-pounding action, and everything in between. World instruments and/or influences are highly recommended, but not required. You can be totally serious, you can be a little silly, just keep it in the theme of adventure, exploration, danger, wonder, etc... Deadlines On an individual basis, we'd like to hear from people once a month until they're done. That could mean an extra minute of arrangement, a tweaked snare, or an occasional "my whole family fell to the mummy's curse and I didn't get a chance to work on it." If you don't show any progress or cannot be contacted for three months in a row, we'll remove you from the claims list, though you can come back if your source is still open. We'll work out final deadlines once the project is well on its way; it's possible you'll never have to worry about it. Claims To claim a source, send Hylian Lemon or Mr. Bottle Rocket a private message describing how you plan to approach the arrangement. If you aren't a posted remixer, we'll need some recent examples of your work first. Make sure you're ready to get started on your track at the time of your claim. Goal Official OCR status Other Notes This project is headed by myself and Hylian Lemon, don't hesitate to contact us about any doubts or updates you may have! Tracklist View it through our Google Document.
    1 point
  5. Good afternoon, I humbly represent a new item of consumer interest bearing my name to my friends, associates, rivals and visitors to OCremix for your consideration as an addition to your private library. This here grimoire is my contribution to Southern folklore, 212 pages of "non-fiction" (in quotations for a reason) paranormal accounts throughout the histories of Tennessee, Kentucky, both Carolinas, Georgia and Alabama. This is a project I'd been working on and waiting on since September 2013, investing much time into perfecting a tome that met the high quality standards I had for it. Some of them are famous and are relatively tame to make for relaxing reading, and others are obscure, absolutely bonkers tales of supernal insanity. And unlike many peer titles in this genre, I took the time to research and provide skeptical analysis to many entries in here. Some simply amount to fun stories that couldn't have possibly happened in real life, but others are much more vague, and at least one of the weirdest items in this book is certified FACT - it really happened! Link of it is in the picture above but I'll post it here too: http://www.amazon.com/Phantoms-Fill-Southern-Skies-Lawhead/dp/1939306140/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456270075&sr=8-1&keywords=Phantoms+Fill+The+Southern+Skies I'm not yet sure if an e-book version is coming out, I'm waiting to hear back on it. I'll update this here post when I know for sure. Thank you and please enjoy.
    1 point
  6. Congrats on the book release. I would poop emoji the hell out of your book and post if it was possible to do that in real life. Ain't nobody going to pay $18 for your paperback! I wouldn't even pay that much for a Dean Koontz or Stephen King or John Grisham or Whoever-wrote-50-shades-of-gray paperback. And I doubt your book is on the same level of eroticism as 50 shades of gray. Probably more like "a few shades of white", not to get too controversial, but to express the missionary position-esque excitement expressed by your book of scary tales. I dunno, I'm just being silly, because you're always silly. But I'll never be able to match your silliness. Post when the 99 cent Kindle Edition is released
    1 point
  7. OMG OMG OMG!!! Oh wait, I already knew that
    1 point
  8. Roger that, we'll keep a leather chair warm for you at the explorer's club.
    1 point
  9. I didn't talk about this earlier because I wanted to space out the critique, but probably the last thing I would look at now is the kick drum. I can hear the "click" (near 4000 Hz), but maybe see if you can get some more 40~100 Hz into it to help it to stand up to the bass. Try to do the EQ in context so you don't overdo it. Here's a reference so you know what I mean: It's pretty heavy, but it's just so you get the idea on the heaviness I might shoot for on the kick.
    1 point
  10. Added FFVIII. I forgot to put it there even if I thought about while typing my wall of text. I don't know what will happen to this thread but if it needs updating, then why not. I just want things to move because it's sad to see projects not advancing in their development simply because the staff of said projects is not active or too busy.
    1 point
  11. Yes, this is correct. Gold has only one mic position. I believe it's the main mics for strings and brass and the mid mics for woodwinds. Not sure about percussion.
    1 point
  12. Still wondering about this. If you're seeing DPC lag issues it might be result of NVidia's Powermizer messing with your audio; the symptoms are almost always clicking and popping in your audio. This is a known issue that sometimes crops up; just do a search for NVidia and DPC and you'll see a ton of people posting about this. There are tools available to disable Powermizer too.
    1 point
  13. If anything, I would not hard-pan guitars that alternate. I don't use Reaper, so I can't tell if you did that or not, but try about 30~50% L/R and I think that'll be less awkward. Also, since panned instruments stick out more than centered instruments, make sure that their EQs are approximately the same. You don't want a bunch of low-mids on one lead but little low-mids on the other lead (e.g. you might have some low-mids frequencies in the picking noise), because the "imbalance" in the frequency distribution will be more noticeable on those panned instruments.
    1 point
  14. Just realized I never posted this in here, but: I was on a flight a little while ago and I made a Post MAGFest Depression hotline for all of you to call. it's basically an anti depression SEGA hotline where you call a phone number and select a happy SEGA tune to listen to. Because who doesn't get cheered up after hearing some classic uplifting SEGA music? Try it out by calling (855) 635-SEGA (or 855-635-7342) Let me know if you have any SEGA-gestions (sorry for that extra pun).
    1 point
  15. way ahead of you on the ps4 front!! Ill gladly do some online sessions with people in tekken, or rocket league (despite my suckage). Im one of those dudes you go up against over in the compos section. As for where i was, i just never made if over to the OCR suite, assuming that you made it there yourself! go again next year and we can clank beers or something!
    1 point
  16. From the all the way in Atlanta? Perhaps vicarious MAGFlu, if that's a thing
    1 point
  17. We can promise *SOMETHING* related to BA3 on Monday... followed by something else, a week later. SO CRYPTIC. Larry's been sick and I'm wrapping up a grad class, but the evil... it is near.
    1 point
  18. There's still 2 days left in February! It can still happen! There'snotraileronlineyetbutthatneverstoppedanyone! BANKING ON THAT LEAP YEAR
    1 point
  19. Hi all, I've been reeled in as co-director. So if Odai isn't available to respond, or if you anyone needs some feedback and whatnot, be sure to throw me a line via PM. Terranigma is one of my favourite SNES games, so I'm heavily invested in getting this project done, equally as much as Odai is, no doubt. Thanks!
    1 point
  20. Well first of all, things sound very out of tune. What's the tuning status and reference frequency (A4) of that piano? Has it been maintained at all? If it's not possible, I recommend trying slight pitch shifting until things jive better. Frequency clash from things being out of tune render things muddy as well, because things that usually just get absorbed into the same note/frequency are adjacent and dissonant (if I play A on a flute and C D A on a piano, the A's should vibrate at the same frequency and thus be perceived as basically one note, otherwise it's two separate microtones). Do that with ensemble harmonies, and you're bound for a mess. Very eye-opening, and a reminder that the best solutions to our problems can be the simplest ones.
    1 point
  21. Sorry for the long absence - it has been a long & busy past few years. I am back, and I am going to get this finished within the next 6 months!
    1 point
  22. Cause that jerk @Garpocalypse wasn't there to rally the crew.
    1 point
  23. Skrypnyk

    My stuff sounds muddy

    Muddy sounds are caused when too many instruments are taking up the same frequency. Think of it like you have an empty cup, but you're overflowing it with too much liquids. Panning the instruments are like having 2 empty cups and splitting the liquid between them, but again the cups can only hold so much. Attenuating the frequencies on instruments that don't need them as prominent as the instruments that do will help clean the overall sounds of your projects. In some cases a low shelf filter is good enough, in other a high pass filter does a better job.
    1 point
  24. Update! I've been using these libraries for a little while now. Hollywood Strings: Decent sound, patch format is horrendous. There are many specialty articulation patches (many) which is wonderful, but the master patches (which I opt for in libraries) are terrible. The keyswitches will change articulations, but don't have independent behavior like legato selection and CC response. Basically, the keyswitch patches have gimped functionality, and if you want it to feel better, you have to use the multi-patch workflow. I don't care for said workflow, so I will sadly not be downloading the rest of Hollywood Orchestra (especially because I already have much more functional Kontakt orchestral libraries, even if the features are not as expansive). I even find the old EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold more intuitively usable than Hollywood. C+ recommendation on sound alone. Quantum Leap Silk: Beautiful. Love every bit of it. Has some great plucks, winds, and bows. The articulation switching is nice and convenient, and the legato scripting is pretty great. They took many instruments from Ra and added legato, which is great too. I can see myself using Silk a lot in the future. A+ recommendation. Quantum Leap Ra: Ra would be just every bit as perfect as Silk (with a different range of instrumentation) if it had legato scripting in its winds. That Shakuhachi has a nice timbre, but it just can not connect notes (though, it is great for "accents" if you're just doing a couple shaku notes for flair). Still, the lack of legato scripting is outweighed by the fact that all the percussion and plucked instruments are really solid, with lots of articulations. B+ recommendation. Quantum Leap Solo Violin: This is a mixed bag, kind of like Hollywood Orchestra. If you like multi-patch workflow, it's great. If not, skip it. However, I do find the legato mod switch patch to be very useful; it'll switch legato types using mod as a selector. This is great for keyboarding nice violin parts, but it only has legato, and the rest of the articulations like sforzando will not be offered in the same place. Basically, the great sound and few useful patches make up for its lack of good keyswitching. B recommendation. Quantum Leap Gypsy: Amazing. Guitars have a nice timbre, though I can't shake the feeling there's some slight portamento in there. The accordions are well-sampled, and the violin is amazing, I'd say much better as an all-in-one instrument than the Solo Violin. It has glissandi, fast legato, bow change, etc. but with the addition of all the other necessary articulations such as pizzicato, staccato, sforzando, etc. The sound is not as "concert hall solo violin", but to me it's more useful, and more evenly humanizable as a result. A+ recommendation. Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs: This is actually a lot better than I expected it to be. Different ensemble types like adults and boys choirs, different syllables, all keyswitchable, really great sounding dynamic crossfade on the mod wheel. It's really easy to get nice choir backdrops for chorale or just block harmony. There's no legato, but it doesn't really matter. I find sample choir legato to be too exaggerated in most cases. As long as the notes bleed a little, it sounds great. A recommendation. Next on the list is to try Stormdrum 2 PRO, Voices of Passion, and Stormdrum 3!
    1 point
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