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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2016 in all areas

  1. I feel that this album is going to be so good that I can almost taste it
    2 points
  2. Alright guys, next cover of our upcoming four track demo, hope you like it (can you guess which video game music related band inspired us the most? ). We are proud to bring bring you back this classic gem from the 80ies in all its 8-bit fuzziness: Check out our Facebook page to stay updated: http://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/
    1 point
  3. Hi so this is my first post here, I had wanted to submit to here for years but was way too intimidated before. Not entirely sure how to open this up really bug I do have a track that I'd love some feedback on that I was considering submitting - hopefully I didn't mess up anything in this since it's been ages since I've used a proper forum. So in the hype for the newest pokemon games this was made for a remix compilation that considering I haven't heard anything back from the person organizing it in like 2 months now, I'm pretty sure has fallen through - that being said, I really enjoy how it turned out and figured it would be good to try and take it elsewhere. I had been on a big eurobeat kick lately and considering I don't have Sun yet I revisited Black again and found I really liked the emotion piano thing and ended up wanting to turn it into a dance track. The final result ended up being a 6 minute long piece that starts out quiet and orchestral before building into something I'm guessing falls close to Happy Hardcore. Generally I'd say I'm way more confident with electronic textures than live instrument stuff so hopefully the production doesn't feel too lopsided in that regard. It's done in that I was satisfied when I originally submitted it for the compilation, but if anyone has any suggestions on it I'm fine taking them https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31297091/Music Stuff/finalized shared/Pokemon Black and White - Unwavering Emotions [Unfaltering Truth Mix] - 320.mp3 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31297091/Music Stuff/finalized shared/Pokemon Black and White - Unwavering Emotions [Unfaltering Truth Mix] - 192 kbps.mp3 Also I'm not exactly the best with naming things, if anyone has any ideas I'm more than open to them.
    1 point
  4. It's been quite a long time, eh? Anyway, while the album is still being evaluated, I'm gonna make a couple of sweet updates here: first of all, I've finally decided to add the tracklist with all the tracks divided into 3 discs (including a bonus one), and I think that's a nice thing to look at But most importantly, I'm proud to present a preview track from our album: "Never Fear the Fall" by Pl511! It was released over a year ago, and I wasn't even aware about it, lol. I didn't want anything to be released without my permission, but it's not such a huge problem, after all So anyway, enjoy the track (if you haven't done it yet, haha) and stay tuned for more updates!
    1 point
  5. I had received confirmation that Mr. Wayne's shipment had arrived. He sends his regards sir. And wait till you see what that letter opener looks like. You'll want to do not adult things with it.
    1 point
  6. Indeed. To be honest, I always find these aspirations to sound 100% like a 20 year old game soundtrack a little weird. I mean, even these modern Chiptunes that would be made with Super Audio Cart or something are generally of a quality only dreamed of during the time of its samples' sources.
    1 point
  7. Perhaps that level of perfectionism should be recognized as the very lofty goal it is and not pursued any further. You're NEVER going to get something to sound 100% like whatever it is you're trying to sound like. Best you can do is the best you can do with what's currently available. Additionally, I recommend getting the XV-5050 since it's a higher quality XV-5080 with even some Fantom sounds in it and can be found at half the cost of an XV-5080. The only real drawback is that it also has half the polyphony, but with a quality audio interface and some recording know-how, that problem can be worked out.
    1 point
  8. I think an N64 or PS1 *style* expansion (maybe SAC 2?) would be cool, much like how we approached SNES. Licensing is also more of a possibility given that the publishers involved in that era are more likely to be around. I get what you're talking about - sounds that are real-ish but still fake... kind of. It's charming! But in terms of immediate plans, retro PC systems are next in line
    1 point
  9. My first and last track of 2016, featuring a solo by Mr. Sixto Sounds. Really enjoyed making this and I couldn't be happier with how it came out. Here's to a music filled 2017.
    1 point
  10. In addition to Debussy, I also feel a bit of Bizet's slower pieces. Just a fantastic, fantastic OoT piece.
    1 point
  11. Okay, here we go! Thank you to @Siolfor the Jackal, @Starphoenix, and @M_Blacki for sending in WIPs for their tracks. @Ronald Poe, still waiting for that PM - if you need a little extra time, this is fine for this check-in, but we should discuss the details. Prominion has been busy with life lately but tells me he'll have SOMETHING ready soon. @Trev hasn't been in contact with me yet, but he is super-busy on a good day from what I understand - I hope he gets in touch with me soon. And has anyone seen that jerk @The Nikanoru? He won't respond to my PMs... Today I'm going to start setting up PMs to each remixer with feedback, probably at a rate of about 3-5/day. @DS394 and I will make comments on every WIP that we have; because @DaMonz is also very busy these days (I'm sensing a theme here), he may not be able to get to every WIP before New Years, so I'm going to start with folks who have complete or substantial WIPs first then work my way down the list - please be patient! Some folks have expressed concern over reviews on tracks they are not confident with yet; if you do not want your track reviewed at this time, please let me know ASAP so I can take you off the list. You can always contact me if you have any other questions or concerns. Also, just because the directors are reviewing doesn't mean you guys have to stop! I have posted some updates and new WIPs to the spreadsheet, including: 'Cornerian Hall of Fame' - @TheChargingRhino, @classic_gamer_76, @Pichu's Dad - update 'Clipped Wings' - @TheChargingRhino - update Sector Z remix - @Siolfor the Jackal Boss B remix - @Starphoenix I'd like to say here how impressed I am at all the work that has been done so far and how amazed I am at how far we've come in a short time. Thank you to everyone for their hard work this year - let's keep this momentum going!
    1 point
  12. The downloads slowing down is a browser/computer/ISP thing... Or possibly hard drive. Our servers are the same ones used by Steam (highwinds) so they SHOULD be pretty fast.
    1 point
  13. I'm fine with the long intro, sticking to tropes is not a requirement around here. I think your production is clear enough, though I would tone down the reverb just a tad. The percussive lead and the full section at around 1:30 seem a bit too busy and in need of balancing as I can hear the elements trying to fight for space and stepping in each other's toes. I also agree with Jorito about having more elements from the original represented would be nice, though it this is your artistic vision, it's not really necessary. I do think the track ends abruptly and could use some development towards the end. Overall this sounds like a very good start to me, really nice soundscape though in need of further polishing and developing if you're planning for an OCR sub. Another 30 seconds of development of the source wouldn't hurt as this track is only 3 mins long. Good luck!
    1 point
  14. And here I am still trying to get one alive. Damn pokémon team loves me so much, they keep critical hitting everything when I'm just trying to get it low enough to capture. Only two more TMs to get, and that's done.
    1 point
  15. It's just for admins right now, but PM me and lemme know what you need updated.
    1 point
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