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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2016 in all areas

  1. I have 14 seconds down and I like it.
    2 points
  2. The big eevee pillow is now on our couch as a throw pillow.
    1 point
  3. @HoboKa Sorry I didn't send you the MP3 or respond to the thread, I've been away from home the past few days. This is why I made it downloadable in case I wasn't around lol. I'm assuming my track isn't a bonus though by the looks of your post and the compo page on thasauce. In the process of getting my vote it and I'll be all set Edit: just saw your PM, my b lol thanks so much!
    1 point
  4. It's an original, fake RPG song by that person Liontamer linked, M.S. As the animation says at the bottom, the title is just "An Encounter." Archived download: http://web.archive.org/web/20051226105149/http://sgd.sakura.ne.jp/mus/ms_88_enc.mp3
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Um, hey! I'm new here (to OCR, not the world of choral music), and I'm super interested in this project. I've been searching for a way to improve my vocal skills in a community, and this looks really fun! I can fit into the Alto or Soprano position; my range goes (comfortably) from the F below middle C, up to D two octaves higher than middle C (I'm not quite up to the "A" you've listed as the preferred soprano range, though). I can read sheet music and I'm flexible with filling parts if needed.
    1 point
  7. Voted. You all did such a great job. I mean it when I say that this was a hard decision figuring out where to rank everyone!
    1 point
  8. My friend chose to go with an Acer 3.0 GHz dual-core laptop, with 8GB RAM and a 2TB 7200RPM HDD from Best Buy - final price, about $750. He is also looking at buying an external audio interface in the somewhat-near future. Thank you everyone who replied. All the advice was much appreciated. Special thanks to @Esperado for the Apple plug. My friend liked this response, even though he eventually ended up with another PC.
    1 point
  9. I'm not a multi instrumentalist anymore. I used to play actively Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute, some piano, Bass, and guitar, although I have performed on virtually every wind instrument at some point or another. My process went something like this: Started horn in 6th grade band, was very bored with it because horn players don't play real music until high school. Since I was bored, I got a trumpet and started learning that. Stuck with both trumpet and horn for a few years, then I learned trombones. I kind of took a shortcut, doing the British thing and learning treble clef Bb trombone. Trumpet and trombone use mostly the same positions/valves, so the learning curve was nonexistent. Just had to learn where the slide positions were. Later that turned to treble clef euphonium and tuba, which all use the same fingerings as trumpet. This whole time, I also cheated and used the same embouchure for all the brass instruments. I didn't sound like a professional, but I was in high school and sounded good enough on horn which was my primary instrument. Total time spent learning all the brass instruments? Not very long. I never actually practiced euphonium or tuba, I could just pick them up and play them because of how similar they are to the other brasses. While this was happening, I got a guitar and a keyboard for different Christmases. This meant I had two guitars now and an electric keyboard. One of the guitars I already had, it was a family instrument. So I used the new guitar to actually learn the instrument, and the old guitar I tuned down an octave and played it like a bass. I learned both at the same time. The piano I learned to read chord changes, but not actual piano sheet music. For what I was doing that was perfectly fine, since I played in a Christian praise team that only read chord changes. That was the extent of those instruments, and I haven't really ever gone back. I can read guitar and bass music, but never have any times where I actually need to play them anymore, since nobody asks me (there are real guitar and bass players out there). Piano I occasionally play in jazz combos and at churches, so it's a viable source of playing experience and income. The woodwinds I learned over the course of years. I learned saxophone and flute at the same time because of a long story I won't get into here where I couldn't play brass instruments for 6 months. I borrowed a flute and alto sax and learned those somewhat proficiently, and the rest of the woodwinds were easy enough to learn because the fingerings are similar. Except oboe and bassoon. Those instruments make sense in a very different way. I haven't played the woodwinds in a performance in years. Again, there are real players of those instruments everywhere. I did play them a lot while teaching, and that was to model a good sound and technique for the kids. But if I had to pick up a flute or clarinet for a performance, I am reasonably certain I can still do it, because I've kept fresh on fingerings while composing and teaching and the sound will come back with a little bit of practice. The whole time I was in college, the horn professor begged me to stop playing the other instruments. I was playing both trombones in the jazz bands, as well as trumpet for gigs, bassoon and clarinet in the reading band, and horn everywhere else. Then one lesson at the start of a semester I played really badly on horn (I had just gotten done playing trumpet in the jazz band, and ran down the hall to my horn lesson). The lesson was over at that point, and in a very nice way I was told, either you can keep playing all the instruments and sucking at your primary, or you can focus your work and actually be a good horn player. I was threatened to be kicked out of the studio because I was actually getting worse at horn. I had my own horn, which was bout $10000, and I didn't want to waste all that since I couldn't afford to do anything else, so I stopped doing everything else after that semester. Tl;Dr You can be a multi instrumentalist and be good at it. Part of it is being efficient and practicing solid fundamentals that carry over to other instruments. You aren't going to have the same problems for all instruments. If you practice bass, your drumming isn't going to get worse for any other reason than you're not practicing your drumming. With brass instruments, like in my case, trumpet playing messes with horn playing because of not practicing horn and because of the difference in embouchure. You are right though, now is the best time for you to learn these things, since you have time and don't have to worry about money. But you also have to pace yourself. You're trying to do too much. You can't learn all the instruments to the level you want to learn them to at the same time. You will exhaust yourself. If you learn a few of them well, with solid fundamentals, then gradually add more to your arsenal, you'll have a much more pleasant experience.
    1 point
  10. I came up with a (rather violent) verse of my own. Dunno if I should save it for Ice Trap Zone or use it here. Here's some of it. "I like comedy But fuck nonsense I'm a psychopath Don't have a conscience I'll always remember What this one guy said That he would kill me But you know what I did I popped his eyes Right out the socket Yelled out fore Slapshot like hockey Broke both the knee caps But even more shocking I stabbed him in his ass Until he stopped sobbing" Take that however you want.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. i haven't heard anyone send me a wip for Forest of Illusion, so you're welcome to get me a wip (unless someone nabs it first!). don't worry about which disc it'd be on, just get me the music and i'll 'classify' it from there.
    1 point
  13. I need to modify our YouTube playlist viewer so that it can start off minimized, with just the transport controls showing, and then expand when a track is played. That, along with some minor GUI tweaks, could make this suggestion work, and I think it could be cool, too!
    1 point
  14. It's still broken, I cannot login and see the page. Hopefully it will work soon otherwise I'll find another way to run the compo. So pay attention to what I wrote in the first post: Based on the poll of the last round, I decided to drop the rule that you have to post the song to ThaSauce. You can upload the song anywhere you want, but I must have a download link. So if you use SoundCloud, don't forget to allow downloads, otherwise your song does not count as an entry or bonus mix. I will still use ThaSauce as a possible place to submit songs. Post the link in this thread or send it to me by PM. EDIT: ThaSauce is working again, so you can use ThaSauce. It's still allowed to upload it somewhere else as well, with a download link. I'm looking forward to the entries. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that there will be a song posted by myself as well. Merry Christmas
    1 point
  15. Really nice work, loved the 80ies inspired pop feel of it. Interesting to hear an organ piece could work well for that kind of stuff.
    1 point
  16. Umm, PS1 and N64 didn't really have generated/generic chip sounds/samples like the 8-bit/16-bit stuff did (that's the simple way of saying it, a more accurate and detailed assessment I'm not learned on). PS1 had everything from the Roland Sound Canvas to the sort of real studio music you can get in games today, and N64 also used a lot of Roland Sound Canvas-grade romplers for generating samples. I'd say if you're looking to get the "1998" sound or something, get you the Roland virtual Sound Canvas software (or the real thing, they're easily available) and the Korg Legacy M1 software since a lot of games even by the 32bit era were still using the M1. That will be more than a good starting place by then.
    1 point
  17. Put together a teaser of some of the music on the album. Check it!
    1 point
  18. YOOOO, WE'RE IN EVAAAAAL Tracks are 98% done, the art is PHENOMENAL, and everything at this point is on DaMonz, me, and staff. It's been a long road, friends, but WE'RE ALMOST THERE. Thanks for all your hard work everyone =)
    1 point
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