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  1. Yep. It's that time of year and you know what that means... CHRISTMAS MUSIC! This year, we've got 14 songs that cover quite the spectrum of genres. Taking traditional carols and songs from various games, 13 artists have given them a Christmasy makeover. You can grab them all right here (the songs, not the artists), along with the previous 11 albums... http://www.williammichael.info/aocc/index.htm As always, a big thanks to everyone who took part this year and to Dyne for once again hosting this album. Merry Christmas, folks
    4 points
  2. OC ReMix presents Arcadia Legends! December 21, 2018 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 69th free community arrangement album, Arcadia Legends. Featuring 36 tracks from 45 artists, Arcadia Legends pays tribute to the classic - yet currently overlooked - Sega RPG Skies of Arcadia, and is led by first-time director Darkflamewolf along with assistant director Zach "Modus" Long. The album is available for free download at http://arcadia.ocremix.org. ‌Winding down the 15th anniversary year of SoA's GameCube edition (Skies of Arcadia Legends), Arcadia Legends pulls together a deep lineup of veteran and newcomer musicians interpreting Tatsuyuki Maeda & Yutaka Minobe's score in a variety of styles across 2 3/4 hours of creative arrangements. Arcadia Legends was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Sega; all images, characters, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "Amidst all the dark, dreary, depressing, emo RPGs that spawned as a result of the uber-popular Final Fantasy VII, this RPG flew completely under the radar with its expertly used cliche storm and upbeat & happy characters," noted album director Darkflamewolf in praising the original game. "It was a breath of fresh air in a sea of RPG copycats." The album's artwork was designed by Georgia illustrator and SCAD graduate Patricia "Pat Dag" Daguisan, as well as album assistant director Modus, and UK artist Davy "Odai" Owen. "It has been a wild adventure and a crazy trip for my first time directing an OC ReMix album and quite an ambitious one at that! Every single remixer did a fantastic job bringing their unique individuality to the album!" Darkflamewolf offered. "This was an album I felt the world needed and I dedicate this to all the fans of this beloved, cult classic game." With the release of Arcadia Legends, Skies of Arcadia becomes the third Sega franchise to receive an OC ReMix's arrangement album, following a plethora of Sonic the Hedgehog series tributes, along with 2011's NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming honoring NiGHTS into dreams.... About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. OC ReMix operates under the umbrella and sponsorship of Game Music Initiative, Inc, a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization (EIN: 81-4140676). ### Preview it: http://youtu.be/Kz1G5YjJYV8 Download it: http://arcadia.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Arcadia_Legends.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/47841/
    3 points
  3. This track had a huge, varied history throughout this album. It was claimed quite quickly, within weeks of launching the project by @Garpocalypse and it went through many iterations before the final product. Sometimes we'd go for months without contact from the artist, but he'd always come back with some impressive addition or revamp to the overall track. In the end, he had this grand idea of having a huge swath of folks who helped work on the album provide background vocals as sort of a collaborative feel to the entire piece. Unfortunately, the call to arms was never truly answered and ultimately, I stepped up to the plate and recorded my own 'Wubba Wubbas' in varying tones and pitches and sent them his way. Using them to great effect, you can hear my small, but crucial (of course! lol) contribution to the track! It took close to 3 years, off and on, to finally receive the final unmastered wav from @Garpocalypse. Even after that, he'd message back and said he made a few tweaks, he was never quite done with it until I had to do a 'knock it off' and call it final! Now, after the dust has settled, it is one of my favorite tracks on the album and I am super hyped it is now officially released!
    3 points
  4. Yet another remixer that was found by @Modus. This was where a small communication gaff occurred. I was searching for a remixer for the Credits theme just as @Modus was looking for a remixer for the same track! I had found @Chadlee, while he had found @Juke. It was a horrible blunder and I felt completely awful about it. I had suggested that perhaps they could collab on it and work together on the Staff Roll. However, @Juke had a vision and was on a mission. Within a short span of what I think was a week, he completed the entire remix, dropped the mic and sent us the unmastered wav. At this point, after hearing the finished track, I knew that there was no point to include @Chadlee since it was a completely realized arrangement. So I rolled @Chadlee into another track he was interested in: The Little Jack. I feel this worked out for the best since that melody synced up well with his arranging abilities and I think the album is better off for the unique tracks both remixers took! So what started off as a big goof ended up being a great boon for the entire album! Thanks to both remixers for being good sports about it!
    2 points
  5. Preview Arcadia Legends: http://youtu.be/Kz1G5YjJYV8 Download Arcadia Legends: http://arcadia.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Arcadia_Legends.torrent I never owned a Dreamcast, being a Nintendo fanboy at heart. However, I did own a Nintendo GameCube and I was intrigued by the game Skies of Arcadia Legends after it was advertised in my Nintendo Power subscription. It was an enhanced port with more content for the GameCube and, since I was on a huge RPG binge at the time, this looked right up my alley. What I played would changed my young adult life. Amidst all the dark, dreary, depressing, emo RPGs that spawned as a result of the uber-popular Final Fantasy VII, this RPG flew completely under the radar with its expertly used cliche storm and upbeat & happy characters. There was a sense of daring-do, brave exploration, and an overall message of doing what's right when everything else tells you no. It was a breath of fresh air in a sea of RPG copycats. The gameplay and story weren't the only things that lingered long after I had finished playing the game; the music left an indelible mark on my psyche. To this day, I can't get the fantastic tunes and songs out of my head. So when I looked around to see what OC ReMix albums were out there, I was shocked and disappointed that there wasn't one for Skies of Arcadia. Reading up on the rules and regulations about such albums, I saw no restriction that I couldn't start one myself. So, a little over three years ago, a virtual nobody in the OC ReMix community, I decided to start my own album to bringing this music to Arcadia and video game music fans everywhere! What floored me was how unknown this game was. Even though it has its rabid fans and devotees, the game was largely unheard of. Almost every remixer I polled either had not heard of the game, had not played it or simply wasn't interested in arranging a track for a game they were not familiar with. It was disheartening for the first year trying to gather a huge array of remixers to arrange for what basically amounted to an "underdog album." This was not the sort of album that people were clamouring for, but it would definitely be appreciated by those who enjoyed the game and its music. So, I pressed onward, gaining both a co-director and art director in the form of Modus when I pinged him to remix a track. He had long since left the remixing scene, but was delighted to lend his talents in other capacities and has proven beyond useful in all respects. I could not have done this project without him. And only just a year ago, we got our sound director in the form of Rotten Eggplant whom pinged us with samples of his work after stumbling across our album project. After that, we became a trio that pushed onward to see this to completion. Some major shoutouts to several remixers who went above and beyond the call of duty to provide either one or more tracks and assist other remixers in the creation of other tracks: Deedubs and Jorito! But every single remixer did a fantastic job bringing their unique individuality to the album! Over the three years, I have experienced great highs and quite a few lows with regards to project tempo, progress, outlook, and more. It has been a wild adventure and a crazy trip for my first time directing an OC ReMix album and quite an ambitious one at that! I wouldn't trade that experience for the world and if I had to do it all over again, I'd probably pick a smaller project! Regardless, this was an album I felt the world needed and I dedicate this to all the fans of this beloved, cult classic game. And remember: "Impossible is just a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit." I'm glad I didn't quit this! Enjoy the music, everyone! - Darkflamewolf
    1 point
  6. This album was a very rough, underdog type album. We went uphill pretty much most of the way, considering most remixers had not even heard of the game, let alone played it to have any fond memories of it. When I first started in October, 2015, I was supremely hopeful for the entire project since it seemed I was getting track claims left and right. I even had a few early full track submissions turned in from a few remixers like Deedubs. All things were looking up. Then over the course of the first year, a bunch of remixers dropped out, lost interest and disappeared or went dormant. I managed to get just above 1 disc worth of music by the end of year 1. We then got into year 2, or what could be better known as the 'year of despair.' There were months of no progress and very little gains on the track claiming and completion. However, we still managed to push onward and get a second disc done by the end of the year. We had 12 tracks left to go by the start of the third year and some were in varying stages of completion or just not even claimed as a track. It was looking tight indeed to make the 15th anniversary deadline. Year 3 was definitely a slow start. We received nothing for a few months and managed to snag the last few remaining tracks on the list. It didn't really start coming together until the summer where the majority of the final disc worth of music was completed and turned in. We were then waiting on the last 2-3 tracks all the way until the very end in October where we were running up against the final deadline of album turn-in at the start of November. Thankfully, everyone came through and we were able to sneak the album release just before the 15th year anniversary ended! HUZZAH! Now I hope you all enjoy the music while the rest of us get a nice nap. EDIT: For those interested: For the reasons why I chose the album track order I did, some might be curious why I didn't frontload the entire album with hard-pulse pounding beats and heavy hitters, etc. I chose the order I did on two key principles - The order of the storyline and the rough placement of 'when' you'd hear the tracks as you played through the game and of course how one song flowed into the other from finish to start. Between these two key factors, I crafted the entire album structure. The first disc was a way to ease listeners into the soundtrack and feel like the start of an adventure. The second disc was where the album really travels and gets explorative with its themes and styles, as if traveling to new lands. The third disc is all about the conflict and the crisis to the world and finishing strong in true pirate style. I hope you enjoy this crafted listening experience and agree that the order is pretty damn good.
    1 point
  7. Now why in the Sam Hill would I yell at you?
    1 point
  8. Downloading now, just as excited for listening to this as I am for actual Christmas........
    1 point
  9. Prototype took one of the most difficult sources in the OST and gave it the essence of the Gigas: pure power and fear. The civilizations created six monstrosities as weapons of mass destruction, and you really feel it. At one point, I commented that I was addicted to the first section of the song, restarting it over and over. PR added a dope reprise at the end, to my surprise. Love the whole song but felt addicted to that first part. Now I can just play it on loop.
    1 point
  10. Bruckner Syndrome. Nothing is ever "done". During the time this album was being developed I had taken a job as a travelling therapist which means the last 2 years or so I've been able to complete almost nothing. Recently things have stabilized and i'm looking forward to getting some music pumped out. Really though I love the Horteka source tune and wanted to keep working at it until I was satisfied with what it ended up becoming. DFW's Zen-like patience as a director went greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  11. Having been through a remixer previously already on this song and lack of interest in the difficult source material, I wasn't sure if this was a track that was going to make the cut or if I had to replace it with one that was easier to digest and arrange for. However, I really held to my guns, because this was such an influential track for me when I was growing up and playing this game. The atmosphere it generated while facing off a Gigas was immense and terrifying and I truly wanted a remix that would honor the spirit of the track. So when @Modus said he knew @PrototypeRaptor and had his contact information, I was excited and asked if he could broach the subject with the possibility of him remixing for our album. After getting a response back, @PrototypeRaptor had selected, of all things, the Gigas' Theme! I was ecstatic! Not only was he one of my most favorite remixers on the site (I do believe I have every single remix he's ever done on my HD), but the fact he was doing the one song I really wanted done? This was like a dream come true. Within record time, over the course of a month or so, the track was finished, pushed forward with an unmastered wav and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. He turned what was an extremely minimal and difficult to arrange source and made it something truly terrifying and awesome! Definitely a standout in the album! And thanks to @Modus for putting us in contact! We wouldn't have had this track if not for him!
    1 point
  12. I submitted my entry and was surprised that I was the only one except TheVIdeoGamer. TheVideoGamer did a great job with his bonus entry and if it counted, I would've voted for it.
    1 point
  13. Thank you everyone! I should be seeding the torrent for a few days
    1 point
  14. Yay!! Always glad to help!
    1 point
  15. And that, good people, is that. No more submissions, as it's time for me to wrap this package up. And no, that's not a euphemism... maybe.
    1 point
  16. For those who want a special sneak peek before the album drops on three of the album's tracks and you missed @Rexy's podcast this past Friday, here is a recording for you! https://www.radiosega.net/content/podcasts/SEGA Mixer Drive/SEGA Mixer Drive - WF-2018 Special - 14 December 2018.m4a Skip ahead to block 3 if you want to skip straight to the preview! (but seriously though, also follow Rexy and her podcast too!
    1 point
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