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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Remixer name: the_montonegro Game arreanged: Megaman 3 Name of Song: My MOSFETs are blue too! Comments: This is my first submission. I used FL Studio 8 to arrange everything, a Washburn CS780 guitar, Cakewalk Studio Instruments plugin for bass, Drumkit From Hell sampledisk for drums, and a few other VSTs to make everything stick together. The remix is quite faithful to the original I belive, but in a heavy metal fashion. I would like to receive feedback especially on the production/mastering/mixing of the song. I always liked this song, and i would turn on my NES as a kid, and leave it on just to listen to it. I tried to focus on it's epicness overall, wich is what inspired me the most to remix the song. Hope you enjoy it. Regards ------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/9115 - Track 1 ("Title") The snare drunm tone doesn't quite fit the overall texture, and the patterns were bland. The arrangement has a lot of personality for a cover, but little structural variation from the original or development of an interpretive arrangement. I liked the soloing at the end, but you've gotta develop the arrangement more substantially and get more interpretive with the theme if you want it posted here. It's still a cool cover regardless, so no hate, but even then it's too short. NO
  2. Nah, that's the exact opposite of my rationale. I count held notes. I just don't count silence.
  3. Andrew Raisborough razezar@hotmail.com User ID: 28878 Name of Game Arranged: Terranigma (1996, Super Nintendo, Quintet/Enix) Name of Song Arranged: 'Resurrection Theme' Original Composer(s): Masonori Hikichi, Miyoko Kobayashi Comments: I am aware there a few remixes of this song in circulation out there already, but I thought I would give this one a spin myself. I have always wanted to arrange this song, especially ever since way back in 2003 when I wanted to get an idea of how it would sound - So I went to play the song at the point in the game it would occur, meanwhile playing a beat from an old 80's Roland drum machine through a guitar amp, and painstakingly trying to keep the beat in sync / tempo with the music! Hope you like it. - Raze http://www.angelfire.com/alt/terranigmasite http://www.youtube.com/TerranigmaYT ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ts - "Open the Door" (ts-09.spc) Source usage: :00-:51, 1:42.25-2:08, 2:33-2:46, 3:24-4:41 That's 54.31% of a 5:07-long mix, i.e. kosher with the source usage. I hear how you were trying to use the four sustained note countermelody of the original as part of the arrangement, but there were times it deviated from the notes which wouldn't count as usage of the source IMO (e.g. 2:59-3:12 was an example). In any case, I thought the dynamics weren't bad, but beyond a certain point, the core arrangement ideas sounded too similar. Even though the source melody's short, you can figure out more ways to create variation in the arrangement (e.g. tempo, rhythm), and you'd have something that could be fully realized. The rigid piano sequencing would have to be worked on as well. Good stuff so far, Andrew, but you've gotta tweak this so it rests a cut above groove bias and has a more developed voice. NO (resubmit)
  4. Remixer Name: MeteoXavier Real Name: Email: MeteoX9999@aol.com Website: myspace.com/zillyzygote Submission Information Name of Game(s) arranged: Super Metroid, Metroid Prime Name of Individual Song: Brinstar 1 (lack of a better title), and a small melody from Chozo Ruins of Metroid Prime My Own Comments: Some of you know me personally by now, so maybe you can appreciate the story that will serve as my opening comments. For a couple years now, I've been trying desperately to recapture the overall sound of the Metroid Prime games. I've been grossly fascinated by its sound structure and some of the individual instruments, and for two years I've tried and failed repeatedly to capture anything that sounds remotely like it. So imagine the irony I experience as I learned, today, that I've been secretly sitting on the same fucking instruments Kenji Yamamoto used in ALL three games the whole fucking time. So I spent today, April 16th, and in almost record time, this mix came about. Very few obstacles. It was amazing. I had the wild idea of using this newfound tool to sonically imagine what the most well-tread yet surprisingly overlooked song in Metroid's catalog (everyone remixes Brinstar 1, yet I've never heard it in the Primes) would sound like in Phendrana or Tallon. As with my last mix, I made this with specific ideas in mind and in trying to replicate a highly respected J-Composer (Kenji)'s sound. I tried to keep the very, very freeform, eccentric, productionally sparse sound and sterile feel that occupies much of the Prime OSTs. I wanted this to sound like background music and genuinely confuse listeners as to whether or not Kenji made it or not. Frankly, I'd like to see someone take a Metroid Prime gameplay video and use this song instead for effect, but I'm jumping way ahead, and coming off Pretentious. Thank you again for this opportunity. P.S. Also, v13 is the z3ta preset file I've overlooked for years that contains the pad and sine lead that Metroid Prime uses. ----------------------------------------------------------- Seems like there may have been some other Prime theme cameos in there, but what I heard was substantial enough that I didn't need to investigate. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Overgrown with Vegetation Area" (sm-19.spc) Metroid Prime & Fusion Original Soundtracks - Not to be condescending, but I don't think anyone with a good set of ears would confuse this for Kenji Yamamoto the second that boring, flimsy, cruise-controlled clap groove came in at :25. You're gonna have to do more with that so it doesn't just sound thrown on top. The sequencing also felt a bit too rigid; stuff like the vox in particular sounded awkward, though it wasn't horrible. From 2:56-on, though there were some new part combinations, I felt like the arrangement ideas were basically rehashing. The flat dynamic curve dragged things down, as what's in place right now isn't engaging enough. Not a bad base, but underdeveloped; needs some work though. NO (resubmit) EDIT (9/3): Replying to progressive complaining about my vote being non-constructive, as well as unfair toward the track, I thought the additional comments should be added here.
  5. Need to nail down exactly what version of SSF2T this source is from, if the PC has its own remixed soundtrack, but good stuff - LT Nutritious Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com http://NutritiousMultimedia.googlepages.com 16520 Super Street Fighter II Vega's Stage Theme This remix was created for the Street Fighter II remix competition at trackitdown.net. It was one of those mixes for me that just clicked very quickly - I think I ended up finishing it in 3-4 days. My intention was to keep a lot of the Spanish flavor from the original in the use of solo trumpet, acoustic guitar, and some auxiliary percussion; but also bring it to a more cinematic breakbeat-type style with orchestra and... er.... beats. I tried to get enough realism from the guitar and trumpet (both sample based) to be passable for a Spanish feel, since those tend to be prominent instruments in the genre. The guitar especially took some work to get both sustained strums and quick solo playing to the point I felt comfortable keeping them. The competition did require original samples to be included in the remix, which I know is frowned upon here, but I tried to keep them to a minimum. Most of the usage is at the very beginning and end of the mix from the OST vega stage theme (SSF2 Dos version I believe), but if this is too much original sampling, I can cut back pretty easily. Enjoy, Nutritious EDIT (5/15): It's actually a good thing cause I'd made some changes (after some input from Avaris) and kept forgetting to send you updated version. By the way, I'm not entirely sure which version of street fighter this version of vega's theme comes from. I found a version of it on youtube ( ) which has it under Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo PC Version. I think this is the correct OST.------------------------------------------------------------- I thought the drums didn't quite work the whole way, but what was there was solid enough. Mixing also could have been a bit cleaner, but totally not a big deal. A minute's worth (:00-:31 & 3:51-4:21) of sampling for a 4:21-long track though is above what I'd call acceptable direct audio sampling, even if it's bookending the track. Since this isn't trackitdown, trimitdown to something much much smaller so it's more in line with limited direct sampling. YES (conditional)
  6. Remixer Name - Gario Real Name - Greg Nourse E-mail address - Clay_nourse@yahoo.com Website - (None) Forum User ID - 22898 Game Arranged - Megaman 3 Song Arranged - Sparkman Composer - Yasuaki Fujita (Bunbun) Source - Arrangement - Arrangement Name - Megavolt! Comments... This is my second take on this theme (I submitted my first over a year ago - it wasn't even evaluated further. I knew it sucked, though, so I'm alright with it). I know that the Megaman series is one of the most overly remixed series on this site (second to none other than the Final Fantasy series), but I've always been bugged that there's no rendition of Sparkman's theme on here (JD Harding took his version off some time ago). It's a great source (in fact, one of my personal favorites on the game), so I figured I'd give it a fair shot. This is not only a remix for this site, though. It is also the tool that I've used for the past five months to refine my production techniques greatly. Five months seem like a long time, but I was virtually starting from scratch so this is quite the jump for me. The production has been extremely refined, and I figure that if it can get through the harsh process known as Judging then it'll be a sign of how far I've gotten. The samples are weak, but that's because I wanted to see exactly how far I could take the samples that come out of the box of Reason 3.0, and I'm reasonably satisfied with them. Onto the remix itself, It's a pretty straightforward electronic/hard techno mix. The beginning material (0:00 - 0:31) is more or less an ambient introduction that comes before the real beginning of the piece. I've been told (by Liontamer, no less) that it doesn't really hold up to the rest of the mix, but that wasn't my intention, either. I was hoping that the listeners would feel that 0:31 on would be the real beginning of the piece, preceeded by some cool effects that set up the 'electrifying' mood; the end also ties into the beginning a bit in it's light mood, so it gives the song some sense of framing, as well. I'm not going to lie, this mix is very straightforward and in-your-face; I wasn't going for any subtlety at all. I've been told that it is a very 'High Energy' mix by some... I don't think the pun was intended, but it sure does fit! Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14304 - Track 8 ("Sparkman Stage") Intro was a little weak, but I liked the melodic lead at :31 and the airy quality of the production on it. :54 was a bit flimsy with the spartan beats. Same at 1:17 & 1:28, the percussion was extremely simplistic/boring and left the textures empty. The percussion needed to properly drive the song along. Lead at 1:34 could be perceived as a bit whiny, but I liked it. Thought the beats were still plain jane, the overall arrangement was at least an interesting take. melodically, it could have stood to be more interpretive, but then after the first iteration, there were some changes that showed some decent interpretation. 3:11-3:34 got super crowded and could have been separated a bit more while still retaining the dense feel you went for. Honestly, I thought this was pretty decent for what it was. The synth design was a little vanilla, and the arrangement was a bit conservative for the genre and didn't set the world on fire, but it got things done where I'm basically OK with that. What really held back the whole package from clicking was the simplistic percussion patterns. You spice 'em up, it'll be fully clicking, IMO. Good potential here, Greg; see if you can pick the ball back up. NO (resubmit)
  7. Sent Brian a copy of the thread from earlier, with just myself and Vinnie. Thanks for being a good sport about it, Brian. Basically just confirmed what I heard. My benefit of the doubt basically extended to "I didn't NO it outright." NO You'll also see why I'm not as, IMO, lenient on arrangement as some of y'all. It's means a lot that I can make overt A-to-B connections. No hate, but some of us are now in the habit of giving too much credit to VERY scant chord connections, even sometimes to wholly original writing just because it pieces together seamlessly with the source. It's not inherently difficult to incorporate 50+% VGM source material in there, guys.
  8. 1. Got missed back when I did the renaming effort for OCR01000. I'm still hoping to move forward with updating every individual ReMix re: tags, so that's fixed in my copy and will eventually be fixed. 2. Fixed. Gracias.
  9. Once you start charging for the animations, no, you can't use OC ReMixes as the background music or invoke the site in the credits. Even if it a paid bundle of the content featured exclusive animations not using OC ReMixes, because you'd still be asking people to pay for media with the community's music on it. But you could always try to contact individual ReMixers whose styles you enjoy and attempt to license some original works of theirs. They would likely give you some reasonable terms, perhaps even terms similar to ours, i.e. free as long as you provide explicit credits/links.
  10. I'll be glad to recheck this one, but as always the onus is on the submitting artist to actually state everything being arranged. Since he only gave 1 source tune and that's all I recognized, that's what I was looking for. We can't possibly know every source tune, which is why it's important that you state everything you're using in the sub letter.
  11. Looking forward to seeing some peeps there, and hopefully getting a chance to play some HD Remix!
  12. To cover the other stuff Jonas mention, inbox takes a lot of work and spare time and there's a lot of organization involved. That's why we don't have 3 or 4 people doing it.
  13. No one else is particularly active enough to do the inbox except Palpable, and he'll be taking over some inbox stuff as well next week, which we've already been planning to do. Then, profit.
  14. Well, the whole mangling of the quote was poor because Sam was discussing how, though some people go the difficult route, there are tools that make chiptune music creation easier and more accessible to musicians, specifically to the "Kind of Bloop" musicians. Thus, according to Suddath, making this chiptune game music style album was "laborious". Basically, she had a narrative in mind and tweaking Sam's quote fit what direction she wanted to take the story in. I'm not mad, but I think a more effective (not to mention, accurate) framing of the article would have been discussing how accessible chiptune music is now, both in creating it and its acceptance as legitimate music given that we now have a generation of adults who grew up on older games. [/shrug]
  15. Reader's Digest version, also edited into the first post: To summarize what happened for the first post, Sam's purported statement in the TIME article... ...was synthesized from this... ...in order for the article's author to form her narrative, and the synthesized quote distorted Sam's genuine POV. After banging his head though, Sam contacted the author, and eventually... Seems like Sam's satisfied with the article revision, but everything's still here for posterity.
  16. If you're too much of a dum-dum to post it in a constructive way, just leave it at that.
  17. My bad, I thought the format would be similar, and the idea was pitched way back when as reviving VGDJ. I'm a busy man, don't hurt.
  18. Don't renumber the series, IMO. It has a history and hosting changes haven't meant renumbering the shows. Looking forward to hearing what you got!
  19. Tweeting is cool! If you have not joined us yet, please do, i.e. join or die.
  20. Bah, you can't leave it like that. Also, what's this strange "OCRemix" some of you keep mentioning? I've heard of "OC ReMix". There's no such thing as "OCRemix".
  21. Looking forward to seeing you guys there!
  22. Now these prizes are burning holes in out hands, so it's FINALLY time to announce these winners and dole out some swag! Running it down, 3rd place receives... An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love! A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk! Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors! And the lucky winner for 3rd place's swag is mysterious German newcomer ko0x with a lengthy thumping club mix of the Reset Generation theme "Macro Boogie"! We're likely going to pay this this weekend during our music set at San Japan, so nice work giving us something to use! Next up is 2nd place, which earns the competition's runner-up spot. They walk away from the competition with... An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love! A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk! Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors! A limited physical edition of OC ReMix's Final Fantasy VII album, Voices of the Lifestream! 2nd place goes to OC ReMixer and British import Tepid (Philip Schwan)! His ReMix of 8 Bit Weapon's "Tricky Game" entitled "TRIX" showed off a lot of creative sound design as well as some old school hip-hop flavor. No word on if his entry was titled after the cereal, but great job nonetheless. The winner of winners receives the whole shebang courtesy of 8 Bit Weapon, Nokia and OC ReMix... The Nokia N81 phone (a US$399 value) with 8GB of memory and Reset Generation installed! An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love! A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk! Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors! Your choice of 1 more prize out of the OCR prize pool below! Cakewalk SONAR 7 Producer Edition (NFR) Sony ACID Pro 6 (NFR) Sony Sound Forge 9 (NFR) Novation V-Station Virtual Instrument SONiVOX Playa Hip-Hop Virtual Instrument A bundle of loops by M-Audio Project Gotham Racing (Microsoft, Xbox 360) Unreal Anthology (Midway, Windows) There can be only one winner, and for a contest partnered with chiptune enthusiasts 8 Bit Weapon, it's only fitting that our 1st place winner is VERY old school. He's been around since OCR's very beginning and he's also a Commodore scene junkie so he's got nothing but respect for the track "SID Vicious". Hayden Petrie, aka Rayza, holds the proverbial gold with a dynamic club-style piece entitled "Kid Malicious". It's got plenty of traditional Rayza sounds & techniques employed while still being something different from the rest of his OC ReMix, so you're gonna be loving it! As the winning track, "Kid Malicious" will be the first track from the contest to be posted to OCR, while we'll have several others we'll be adding as well! djp will have Rayza's mix up soon along with some congratulations! Props to everyone for putting their best into their entries! The scores (which we're keeping private) were CLOSE among the top half of the entries, and we judges (Seth & Michelle of 8 Bit Weapon, djpretzel, and Larry) had a difficult but fun time narrowing down the top finishers! We're planning on doing an organized OCR album release of the top 8 tracks, which we'll be getting into more once we finalize some things, so keep an eye out after this weekend for more news on that front. Congrats once again to all our big winners, to 8 Bit Weapon & Nokia for partnering with us with some amazing prizes, and to everyone for a great turnout of tracks that we'll be releasing soon!
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