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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. I think you may have overdone the MMX version a little. I mean the SNES only had so much polyphony. That being said, its pretty badass. and the cover is almost exactly like the original. So good job with that.
  2. Sure. I may have finals, but they will be easy peasy and I love you all. So count me in mama!
  3. Bahamut, for Dr. Light do you care if its mostly just a cover for filler? I think it would be kickass for string quartet that's all. Just straight up.
  4. AND THE CYRIL COMETH TO SCHOOL ON THE BASSAGE!!! (1) Okay, so my church isn't as big as yours, and I use more power than I ever need at my gigs, but I had an 80 watt amp that I used at bars and still only had to turn it up half way, and that was with the gain turned down! The funny thing about that peavey combo was that it was from 1979. Still did a decent job, didn't project for shit, but it was budget in the 80's. Bass tech has come a long way. SOooooo here are the "new prices" for a couple of my favorites. Fender Rumble 75 - $250 new from Zzounds Fender Rumble 150 - $350 new from Zzounds I like the Rumble series personally becuase they are pretty damn flexible for what they are. You can blend distorted and clean with them, and you have the Fender Bass tone, which is damn good I believe. I play through a modded Rumble 100 cab myself. Though I have strange set up. If you can find a Peavey TKO or TNT combo used for your price range, go for it. They sound pretty damn good. I used to use a TKO and it only had issues because it was old. I played through a newer TKO and it had a much better tone and a lot more options. Plus they generally come with 7-Band EQ for lulz. I think you could find that if you looked. I'm not good at the teaching without specifics but if you really only looking a=at small performance venues, then you really don't need more than 200 watts. With a sufficient cab, that's all you need. If you're playing anywhere else that's huger, try to go direct into the board and use your bass as a monitor. It gives great results. Also, if you have the opportunity to try it, try 4x10/2x10 speaker configs versus 1x15 speaker configs. They have their pros and cons. 1x15 cabs are generally not as punchy but have better low response where as the 10's give you better definition in exchange for some low (which could be probably pumped out of them anyway given EQ) Brands that can sound good but I have had bad experience with are SWR and Ibanez. SWR cabs tend to sound tinny, at least the ones in your price range, same with the Ibanez. If you can get your hands on a Marshall bass combo in your price range then do it. I have a MB|B 25 and its awesome. I use that for church, but my church is considerably smaller. Any more questions, please ask!
  5. aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. I need new ears. This song broke mine. You made it too good and now I can't listen to anything without this being in the background. WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOOONNNNNEEE!??!?!
  7. Hmm, second the two guys with substantial posts. I really like it though. From a mastering stand point it could be a little louder. I personally would like a phat bass line in there, but that's strictly personal.
  8. aHH..... aural creamation. Remixinator will get to this point someday, but for now. I shall sit back and enjoy the epic.
  9. NOOOB! Well if i had the time I am actually interested. But I still have over 9000 remixes and originals to complete. Oh yea, and I can rap. if you find someone to make a beat... .then I can just do the rapping
  10. Yea, save the Missles for the final form. I also used swords, fuck the Nemesis guns. Just use the Spur for everything else.
  11. Ah, man. Well it was fun, I enjoyed the fun. Now VGDJ will be back and I'll have to bring myself to get used to yet another crappy podcast.
  12. Needs more slap bass. Other than that, I am supremely happy that I can now just focus on doing original music instead of these remix things. I mean, sure I will once in awhile for some fun, but this really helps with a lot of the hard work and effort I had put into my remixing over the years. Absolution Comes in Dreams? Well, the dream finally came and so did I.
  13. Well, its far too liberal for OCR. At least as far as I can tell. I kinda like it, though it seems kinda directionless to me, though I think it would work perfectly like... in game. That distorted sound at the end is kinda meh IMO, but other than that I think this has some good production and ideas.. I think the breakdown is the best part. Just would need to be a little cohesive, so you're own personal opinion really is right. Its pretty good, just not THAT good. haha
  14. Good to hear, but also it wasn't really specifically directed at you. It was whoever reads the thread and may have been having thoughts. But yea, you too. I am also that way, writing music was a lot easier actually still is than remixing.
  15. I may look into doing something crazy for this. I'm good at writing loops for stuff.
  16. Awhile. I've kinda had a knack from the beginning. I started sax probably shiz, 10 years ago now. Still love that instrument. And despite the fact I almost abandoned it for 6 months in favor of bass and guitar I'm still decently good at it! In reality I'm probably better than I should be because I would stop doing homework and just play. Not really formal practice, but I have made leaps and bounds recently and I'm having some fun remixing. Interestingly enough playing is way different from composing (or maybe its not that interesting) I'm decently skilled at thinking of melodies and harmonies and musicallyness like that but I'm certainly not a shredder or a wanktastic bass player. So it depends on the skills you want to put forth. Also, I've been trying to sing for about 3 years, and I think its noticeable the time difference as I'm not the greatest singer. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!! Everyone sucked at some point (even those prodigies, they just sucked earlier in life and sucked for a little less time... cuz they're prodigies)
  17. Not a fan of a couple of the sounds... but i also suck at sound design. The soundscape is missing like the MIDDLE for some reason. I dunno, some of the leads are really huge, other of the leads are really thin. Other than that, the clipping is gone, and I kinda like it. The bass and kick kinda blend into each other. Cut some of the flab off the bass a lo cut at about 30 - 35 hz should do the trick and still have the bass sound good. The left-right balance is occasionally off. Please center the leads a little more. Other than that. I dunno, I like it.
  18. Aren't they related? lol Hella good. I enjoyed it! Glad you did this, a new connection to the remix!
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