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Everything posted by Broken

  1. No, actually this ongoing witty banter between atma and the rest of us has only been going on since about pg.830+ You've missed out on the "Melee...for fun or for tournaments?" flame war, the "What if (insert character here) is in this? convo, and the OMG SONIC'S IN BRAWL!!! happy time. You need to get up to snuff with your smash thread knowledge me thinks.
  2. Please. Nintendo is one of many companies that do the same thing. Blame the video game industry as a whole for its inability to adhere to release dates, not individual companies. That said, it still sucks that I won't be playing Brawl in a couple of days. Edit: Atma, stop crapping on people's opinions. You have few valid arguments anyway. Just play on your xbox or something.
  3. Rest in peace all of those who were lost. My prayers go out to the families and friends who are affected by this. It sounded like this was going to be such a joyus event, too.
  4. Is peach really better in Brawl? That's great news for me. And with fox apparently nerfed in Brawl (not hugely but sginificantly) there will be some d-smash and trunip retribution on the vulpine come February.
  5. That sounds like fun. I don't really like playing N64 games on my keyboard though and my usb controller isn't any better. I'm sure there's a usb convertor for N64 controllers out there somewhere, though.
  6. Quoted for emphasis.
  7. So, this thread piqued my interest in the whole indie gaming scene and I just typed it into google and BAM! I found this: http://forums.indiegamer.com/ I'm sure some of you have already seen this before but for those of you that haven't, this site is pretty amazing. (Or more, some of the talent that is for hire is) Very inspiring stuff.
  8. So, I'm not the only one...... I mean, HAIL OOT! IT IS THE BEST GAME EVAR!
  9. This is amazing. "Box tops for great justice," lol.
  10. If I go to school up there next year, you can bet I'll be up for some matches.
  11. No. Edit: okay, maybe it's easy for you, but I can't trust myself to short hop 100% of the time with Fox. I don't have the fingers of fury. But I am pretty proficient with the win buttons (down+
  12. Remember, don't fill up too much, or you might sleep in too late on Black Friday! Don't want to miss those deals, but turkey..... so good.
  13. I like this game. I played the demo yesterday at Bestbuy and I made an impromptu duo with this random guy. I was drums and he was guitar. He was a much better player than I was (He was getting 97% in expert, while I was getting 94% on medium,) but it really felt like we were working together towards a common goal. The visuals are pretty nice. The actual guitar/ drum interface kind of reminded me of Frequency's. My drum part wasn't amazingly exciting, but it was challenging at parts.
  14. This made me imagine a kick-ass mime team who plays Game and Watch doubles. It could happen!
  15. Damn, Arek. Tourrets much? I need to beat you down in street fighter or Garou to help you calm the nerves.
  16. Wow, this sounds like it's going to be awesome. I remember Ender's Game. I read it a few years ago and loved it. Congrats on the new release, you.
  17. "Judgefggt flakes" w/ marshmallow "NO"s The cereal of choice for our loveable judges. Their favorite drink, of course, is Hater-ade. jk <3
  18. Through the fire and the flames, I will go OOONNNN!!!! dunununun. Yeah, it's no dobut harder to play this song on a guitar controller (which is akward for me because I don't play guitar,) as opposed to a keyboard, which I'm more accustomed to and which can be configured to your liking. However, despite not owning any GH game, I can actually play some of the harder songs if I simply turn the guitar on its side and play it like I would "spread- style" on Stepmania. The only difference really is that there is an extra note key and a strumming key.
  19. What Eulogic said. That looks like an epic tourney though. You got to play some of my favorite players and some of the most well known in the competitive smash community. My condolencese on having to play against the asian onslaught that is h2yl. Chillindude by himself is bad enough. He's always showing everyone in Blacksburg what's up when he's over at Tech. Man, I really want to go to a big tourney now! argh, I gotta get off of my ass and just go.
  20. Okay, but now I want a video of the marriage to go along with the DDR routine, or this will be considered a cop out/ massive failure. What, you thought I was joking?
  21. Good luck Jam. I'm jealous man. Go grab some foo's
  22. So, I've had this on constant loop for like half an hour and I'm saying to myself "should I be getting tired of this song by now?" Well, clearly it hasn't bothered me enough to cause me to hit stop yet. I guess this would be classified under easy listeng (w/ bombastic drums.) Good stuff. I suppose after having listened to this for like half an hour, I should have an in depth review ready, well not exactly. I love the panning on the synth instruments, though. The digitized voices are decent, but I like the phazer instrument at 1:50 a lot more. Also, the connecting measures between verses are pretty seamless. I like how with the reverb, you almost made turned the piano into ambiance (2:30-end.)
  23. Clearly you haven't seen me play Ness yet. j/k So, How cool would it be if assist trophies interacted with one another and other characters (aside from beating the snot out of the latter group). So, if there's a metal gear rex trophy, he'll fight Grey Fox and or Snake in lieu of other characters. It would suck if they turned on you but I think it would make things more interesting than just "assist trophy, go!"
  24. I can't add much to what's already been said, but depending on which street fighter you decide to play, you should check out these by David Sirlin. The stuff he discusses in these is pretty universal to the entire Street Fighter series (although, that particular tutorial is focused on SSF2: Turbo)
  25. Cam Studio is a pretty simple yet functional free recording program. I've only recently begun to use it myself.
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