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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. You know Doug, i'm not sure 2 weeks is gonna be enough; could you extend it another month please? I want to make sure that I submit my best work and since I completely forgot about the whole first month and a half, I deserve this chance.
  2. sweet, I have a whole extra week before I have to start! ... just kidding
  3. I love how many chords are sortof smeared around to create an interesting feel. There's a split second of unease as things get sonically shifted around, but the sense of relief when they resolve is really cool. The sound palate is solid and very effective, and the arrangement flow is very fitting to what i'd imagine the game world to be like. Soaring but desolate. Fantastic collaboration.
  4. The orchestral elements and electronic elements fit together really nicely, especially in the intense parts, but damn that snare is distractingly mushy. The drum programming itself and the fills are nice, and the brass articulations are sick, so there is a lot of quality to hear, and the fact that this was completed on a pretty tight timeline is impressive as well.
  5. This track is massive - great builds and breakdowns and you can really get lost in the soundscape. I dig it.
  6. Great melody and cool production. The additions keep it flowing, the guitar solo is excellent, and the soundscape is massive. I think the vocals are over-processed, but I'm still enjoying this one immensely. Thanks a lot, Jimmy, this is beautiful.
  7. Dimarzio makes quality gear that will give you a good range of options. I second any of those recommendations.
  8. Kick is better in the new version, but still not exactly what i'd like to hear. Either way, it's good enough now for me to pass.
  9. Decent production, but it's being pushed pretty hard on the compression. Still, everything is pretty clear, and the balance is good. Drums are well written, and there are a few cool piano touches before the song gets into the DMC riff. I wish there was a little more piano, actually, because I was feeling that part. I don't really care for the solos, they sound to me like random wanking rather than a composed lead, but whatever. Source use is a little strange, as it's basically the main DMC riff with the other melody *very* subtly draped over the top, except for the time through with the lead guitar. I'm not sure whether or not to call this a cover with a reference, or something else. Overall, I like a lot of the things the song is doing, and the production is there, but it seems like the different sections are a little too disjointed from each other, and that the DMC riff is making the whole track so repetitive. Other J's may disagree with me, but I think this needs a little more arrangement work before I'm comfortable passing it. No, please resubmit
  10. Interesting intro - I liked the SFX and such, but that flute sample is teh weakz. Once the song kicked in, it was hardcore awesome. I loved the stutters, dives, filtered madness, and additional runs. The melody sometimes got obscured by the carnage that was happening, but I was feeling it. The breakdown was a little weird, and the ending wasn't awesome, but this is a very well-interpreted track with a super strong first half. The intensity is almost too strong, because there is so much awesome for the second half to live up to, and I don't feel that it really does. It's a close vote, but I think overall it skims over the bar. If this was an official remix made by SE, people would be freaking out over it. Yes
  11. i was sent a different file a few weeks back - this is the updated one, this first one had some issues. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9kq99f4dl50jo4c
  12. Some of your most melodically accessible work, dude. I hope it leads to a lot more work for you!
  13. That'd be one way to handle it, but with all the chiptunes available, it's not too common.
  14. Jimmy Jam! Jammy Jim! Birthday Hap! Happy Birth!
  15. Doug if you don't come to the BBQ, I will have no choice but to punch Stevo in the ovaries in retaliation. >
  16. I hear that; I skipped on the dragon armor completely because it was so hideously un-fab.
  17. I think I am getting close to the end of the story, and it's been really fun. I've been doing a few treasure hunt maps as well, and they seem to be super easy monsters in the caves and then a pretty challenging boss. I am having a great time dressing up my dudes too. :3
  18. this seems appropriate. for those who don't know the reference:
  19. Great guitar playing, and the drums did feel like something Xjapan would do. Great work Sixto.
  20. I hear you guys like sonic and music. Our track should be done within the week.
  21. I'll bring the watermelon. I however, will not be sharing. >___>
  22. With a little bit of improvement on the production end, Guifrog could be a real contender. This arrangement is incredibly good. I love it!
  23. My involvement of this track: First I played an A powerchord. Then I played an A# powerchord. Finally, I played a G powerchord. Clearly i am carrying this collab, and These Avaris and Skrypnyk scrubs should be thankful to be touched by my brilliance.
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