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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. i'm almost tempted to post him boning me up and down with his Shiek for the next two games but i don't think i will and thank you
  2. I gave my top 5. Ha. Anyways I would like to see this paper as well. I wish I could have written questions for that survey cause there was lots of stuff not covered that would be pretty important for a typographical survey like this one.
  3. i don't disagree but its the only video i have of me not sucking so i gots to make do. maybe when my roommate moves out my bandwidth will pick up.
  4. Since I can't still play here at uni I'm putting up a video of this summer vs. ankoku so i can rep PT to da fullest
  5. So I was browsing through the recent Remix additions, and a good bunch of them don't have songs attributed to them, though they are based off of a specific song. I don't know if this was accidental just didn't add that info, or if the OST database needs updating, but it helps me to know what's from where. If its just not having some of the OSTs labeled, I'd be more than happy to help out with that and contribute tracklists and whatnot.
  6. Dedede is good against a ton of people. Your experience =/= enough to say he is bad. when he is actually quite good EDIT: HideousBeing this is where to begin. you take the rest.
  7. Hey jam i heard you met a couple of my friends brendan and lenny this past weekend, lenny played luigi and brendan was a cfalc, bigger guy, booming voice. I used to play with those two all the time, if you remember who they are how'd they do i miss the old days of tourneys
  8. I agree that overall it sounds pretty mechanical, and also the flutes and the synth don't mesh that well, you might want to try and find a less disruptive synth to use. Aside from that bravo i like it so far, its got a ways to go though.
  9. B. one hit kos are nonsense. Even mike tyson couldn't knock me out in one punch if i knew it was coming. i'd be incapacitated sure but not out cold. so that's bs.
  10. that's stupid why on earth would you do that and then how does multiplayer work
  11. So there used to be a thread for this which got locked for some reason I'm not aware of. Anyways, for anyone who didn't hear about this site before, it lets you keep a collection of your games that you own and your status on how far you are into them. I rediscovered it the other day and its brought me back into games that I had long forgotten about and still enjoy, as well as motivate me to manage my time gaming better so I can enjoy it. I encourage everyone to make an account, its a lot of fun. http://www.backloggery.com
  12. Good question and no.
  13. so watching this thread become active with players again i'm going to try and set up my internet connection at uni again for my wii and see if its good enough to play matches with i've got my fingers crossed i need some brawl
  14. I'm pretty positive the only effects of stamina are less damage and knockback. I don't disagree there's lots of not good stuff about PT, most definitely not anywhere near high tier, but even the stamina issue can work to the advantage in some situations (less knockback more squirtle fair/bair chains). But all in all guess that's right
  15. Jam what is your opinion of Pokemon Trainer? I was like the only pt main on all of AiB this summer and did so-so (though admittedly playing 500something matches didn't help) but i feel like there's something to be said for him
  16. i wanna play i wanna play... damn i wish my school's internet wasn't balls bad. i feel like that should never be able to be said.
  17. its already known but i've found that sometimes i can "b-stick" charz's rock smash with just the control stick and b, it fools people real nice like. but then i remember i main PT and i'm sad again
  18. because you're dumb. lucas' bsticking pretty much lets him jump forward and pk fire, and end up in the same place or even further back from where he jumped from. great for spacing
  19. Not gonna lie I don't see how this is a surprise to people that the company that pays him to review things tells him what needs reviewing. Its not really a OMG STICK IT TO TEH MANZ situation, it's still a job and he's still working under someone else.
  20. offtopic: bleck for atmuh jr. they are pretty much the same person forumwise
  21. ------------------------------ ------------ LIGHTBULB LEVEL the album(2005): http://www.sendspace.com/file/bi66id ---- ElectroRock vol.1 (2006) http://www.sendspace.com/file/jlnw3d ---- ElectroRock vol.2 (2007) http://www.sendspace.com/file/jezj3a ---- ElectroRock vol.3 (2008) (a 3 disc mixtape set to be individually released on 8.8.08, 8.16.08, and 8.24.08.) From the guy who did the Gigaton Punch rap, he's quite an intelligent rhymer. Pick it up.
  22. Hey does anyone remember that crazy asian guy who made the 3d environments, like the virtual reality landscapes by putting the sensor bar on his hat? That's the point of this isn't it? That it can do things like that with the new precision, which is awesome. I could be wrong but its moving into that kind of territory which I find pretty exciting.
  23. This is all very true, but I'm a relatively slim guy, weighing in at 190 6'4", so its not as if i've got tons of fat to spare. I don't mind being light, as by my sport its a good thing, but I feel like at this weight there will be a limit to my power. So we'll see how it goes.
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