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Everything posted by 42

  1. Nintendo + Team Ninja = Things just got a little more interesting.
  2. Natal seems like a overreaction yet logical step on Microsoft's behalf. Nintendo already breached the casual market, and the wiimote was designed like a regular remote with the casual market in mind. Therefore, Microsoft wants a piece of the pie and is attempting to one up Nintendo. It's an interesting step in the development of video games in general and will be fun to watch develop. Still, integrating Facebook and Twitter into Xbox Live is just trying too hard though. What I can't wait for is what Sony and/or Nintendo has in store later this week to go against what Microsoft presented today.
  3. ^ What this guy said. I'm currently downloading Half-Life 2 as I type. I can't wait
  4. Good sir, you just made my day by giving me a mental image of Rick Astley as Captain Planet. Thank you.
  5. It comforts me to know that I would have been about the fifth person to recommend Okami. Normally though, I'd recommend the Wii version (which Capcom has just put on sale btw) because the motion controls just seems to add another layer of authenticity to the experience. Still it is an incredible game regardless of console.
  6. I like how this thread just attracted all the CS majors (myself included).
  7. I'd just like to toss out a few more ideas/suggestions/inspiration sources/etc.: 1. There's a platformer for the SNES that was never released stateside until recently called DoReMi Fantasy: Milon's DokiDoki Adventure, which is the sequel to Milon's Secret Castle on the NES, and it singlehandedly has one of the best soundtracks of any game on the SNES. , example, boss fight example.But what bothers me most extreme is that I can't find any quality example of the Boss Music I'd like you to hear. It's the boss of the forest world (the first world), and its the music for the Wood Robot. 2. The concept of "Vs." Why limit each track to a single boss theme, why not meld or mix two (or more) together? e.g. Who would win in a fight: M.Bison or Ganondorf? What if Dr. Wily and Dr. Robotinik teamed up to make the ultimate robot of destruction?
  8. Ahhh, I see. I agree completely. I mean, I agree with you even more completely.
  9. I don't know what you're talking about, but I agree completely nonetheless. Still, I can't help but feel compelled to boss . Maybe inspiration will strike, who knows?
  10. How the heck did I miss this?!? This is freaking awesome. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease finish this. This is just too good to fade away into the depths of the fora. Robotaki, you're our last hope.
  11. So, Square Enix bought out Eidos. What do you think? What can Square Enix do with Tomb Raider/Hitman/Time Spliters? It almost boggles the mind...
  12. clicky You should be able to find some there. Edit: <.<; Whoops. Misinterpreted the first post. My bad.
  13. Ahhh.....this is just so good. I like the intro; it reminds me of The Siege of Madrigal somewhat. It's classically/cinematically orchestrated but it's got a wonderfully rich groove going on too. This is absolutely worth checking out.
  14. I will concur that after 2:12 it gets better, but still the spoken parts are a turn off for me. Barring that, this would be pretty good, and I really love the organic techno/biotechno vibe going on here. It's just sort of a "two steps forward, one step back" situation. Not bad though.
  15. Oh, it's THAT song. Isn't that on Samba Di Amigo?
  16. I like where this is headed, it's like Brawl meets Final Fantasy Needless to say, I was sold at Nintendo Ninja.
  17. I can almost imagine Mario being part of the Italian mafia after listening to this. Yeah.... Mario in a gray pinstripe suit and fedora, holding a tommy gun and a "violin" case by his feet. This just seems like a perfect companion piece to Koopa Vs. Kefka. Both are intense, emotional, conflict-full, deeply complicated, and insightful to their respective characters. I would have loved to hear this live. This is an absolute must download now.
  18. This feels to me like it legitimately could come out of a SNES speakers. While the ending is unsatisfying, I really like this; it has considerable depth and variation, and it seems to just go places. If Capcom makes mm2hdr, this is definitely a candidate for the soundtrack.
  19. If only the sax were better, this would be an awesome song. oh, well. Everything else about it is great, though. Oh yeah, that'd be awesome.
  20. hmm... Interesting. I would have expected this to be more intense/faster, not paced techno. Even though it feels contained, I like it, it's different.
  21. They say confession is good for the soul... The Official Nintendo Player's Guide for Ocarina of Time is what got me into Zelda. I really love how they presented it as a fantasy novel, more or less. I have sinned; I could never get my fix of players guides. I mean I own the official players guide to Crash Bandicoot: Warped and Halo 2 even though I've never ever owned an Xbox or Playstation! I quit investing in them after I realized that for every five players guides I bought, I could have bought a brand new game. That and the internet. As for not finishing games, I've only played through 2/3's of FFV and FFIII and haven't finished. On a more sinister note, I bought my Wii and Twilight Princess like a month after it came out. I've yet to finish it. I also have not technically finished Okami yet.... T_T
  22. "Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls." I state that to say that whenever I come by this mix, I mentally mix up the mix and the preceding Chuck Norris Fact for some reason... Bizarre, I know... Aaannnyyway, this is very unique; this has a nice driving beat. Ahhh.... This mix just came very clear to me now. I can recognize both Joshua and po!'s hallmarks on this mix. A Very Nicely Done Mix. Also, the world needs more jazz violinists.
  23. Via the title, I was expecting something more tongue in cheek, but what's here is good, too. It's not to flashy or extravagant, nor does anything particularly sticks out to me, but I do like it. It's uncomplicated and has a vague Spanish flair going on. If you're an acoustic guitar enthusiast, check this out. Even if you're not, it's still worth checking out.
  24. ...so wonderfully hypnotic. I just hope there's no subliminal messages here. I like this mix a lot. Imo, this > original. i.e. this is pretty much what the original should have been. It's also wonderfully atmospheric; it falls right in line with Zelda motifs, a sense of loss and destiny, mournfulness, longing, purposefull. Very good and worth downloading. yes, master...
  25. oh, this is like, ok, so I can't think of any good analogies, but this is freaking awesome. Download this now. I just wish Estradasphere would come back and give us some more of their divine experience for the ears.
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