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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Some twisted & dark ideas here, but also some repetition/stasis... hard to judge, see what you think. -djp


    Contact Information


    Submission Information

    This is a mix that is part of my little solo project called "My Happy Place."  Basically, this project is my attempt at being comfortable with being uncomfortable as I try to tackle a few tracks from the SMW2 soundtrack and remix them in various styles that I'm not all that familiar with.  At the time of this writing, I have finished 6 tracks.  I'm not sure how many I will end up doing, but I'm hoping to get a least 5 more done.
    Anyway, this particular remix is sort of a dark, glitchy, twisted take on the Castle/Fortress theme.  It's quite different from the other mixes on the project, as they are more upbeat and happy.  It was a crazy experiment for me, but I really like how it came out.  I normally don't even listen to my own music, but I found myself listening to this on repeat just trying to figure out how the hell I pulled this one off (LOL).  
    This song was inspired by a crazy dream my wife had of strange people following her around town with a crazy big smile on their faces.  One was even crying, but still had a gigantic, fake smile on her face.  And they never spoke to her in the dream, just stared, and smiled...
    The glitchy sounds and overall feel of the song was inspired by the intro for American Horror Story.  I love that creepy, unsettling feeling portrayed in the song and I wanted to replicate that in my own way.  I felt that the Castle theme would be perfect for this effect.  Though, the instruments that I chose aren't the best in the world, I felt that they do add to the overall feeling I was going for in this mix.  Their fakeness just kinda works, ya know?
    The project can be found on my SoundCloud page above, and here is a direct link to the song:  
  2. Picks up nicely, production pretty clean... will sink or swim based on arrangement perhaps being too conservative? -djp



    Submission Details
    • Name of game(s) arranged: DOOM II
    • Name of arrangement: The Demon's Head
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Demon's Dead
    • Additional information about game: DOOM II from iD Software, Composer: Robert Prince
    • Link to the original soundtrack:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffl2ShaWyGM
    • Your own comments about the mix: I love DOOM and i think the game's music is a huge part of the original atmosphere. I wanted to make a new arrangement of this track using only real instumrents (including the drums) and at the same time try to add funky-rock feel. I hope i made it! I made the first try to re arrange this song in 2011. Now i decided to use re record the drums and make a better mix.
    Thanks for listening!
  3. Great to see Liam back, fantastic mix title, searing & badass performances... I'm thinking this one's a no-brainer, but let's see what y'all think... -djp


    • Your ReMixer name: Magellanic
    • Your real name: Liam Charalambous
    • Your email address: 
    • Your userid: 45748
    • Name of game(s) arranged: Megaman 6, Megaman 10
    • Name of arrangement: Chivalrous Medicinal Murder
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Knightman stage theme, Abandoned Memory
    • Composer: Yuko Takehara,  Hiroki Isogai and Ippo Yamada

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzEbrHadCI8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgP1yc1PpoU


    Hello Panel, its been a while.
    Well where to start?  This remix has quite a story.  Back in...I think 2011 was I entered the team Wily Remix Gauntlet with my chosen Robot Master, Knightman.  Throughout the the competition I remixed Knightman with various Wily themes.  Sadly all were lacking in production and/or arrangement quality.  Everyone loves Megaman tunes for good reason and a year later or so, fancied trying to clean up one of those old competition remixes.  I settled on Abandoned Memory with Knightman but gosh darn it, couldn't get the arrangement right, let alone production.  This remix was originally started in 2012....It has been recorded and rearranged probably about 6 times.  
    For whatever reason this remix has been a massive block to me and I've not been able to like it in anyone of its forms.  Anyway, here in 2016, I don't get much time for music but wanted to just get this damn track finished.  Hopefully I can move on to something new without this track nagging in the back of my mind.
    So...here it is.  It might be to some people's tastes, there's the old guitars and synths with a bit of chippy sprinkling.
    As always, look forward to your feedback, pass or fail :)
    Take care and hope all is well with you,
  4. Wow... here's something you don't hear every day. I really liked this, curious on panel feedback but the creativity is there, it's transformative as hell, it develops, and production is pretty solid, so... I mean, I almost think we need to post this just to have "Fuchs Waltervohn" as a ReMixer, because how badass is that name? :) - djp


    ReMixer name : Fuchs Waltervohn
    email adress : 
    websites : https://soundcloud.com/fuchs-waltervohn , https://www.facebook.com/fuchs.waltervohn
    Name of game arranged : Silent Hill : Shattered Memories
    Name of arrangement : Cheryl's Illusions
    Name of individual song arranged : Acceptance
    Composer of the original soundtrack : Akira Yamaoka
    Link to the original soundtrack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPUy_Im5dss

    My comments about the mix : The original soundtrack is something like a song with a 3/4 rythm, so I decided to remix it into a creepy carnival song, or a sad waltz or an abandoned amusement parc song, trying to embody the ambiguous situation between reality and nightmares from Silent Hill, and between Harry Mason's shattered memories and Cheryl's life.



  5. I liked it. -djp


    Remixer name : Shinray
    Real name : Benjamin Dupré
    Website : www.shinray.net
    Userid : 33399
    Submission information : 
    Name of game arranged : Final Fantasy VII
    Name of arrangement : Well-Oiled Machine
    Name of individual song arranged : Opening - Bombing Mission
    Comments : 
    "This is a track that took us a really long, loooooooooooong time to finally finish re-arraging. Trying to mix both versions (the original one, featured in the game, and the symphonic arrangement for orchestra) with heavy metal elements such as heavy rhythmics, riffs, solos, etc., proved quite challenging. Furthermore, this is a game that we love beyond reason, featuring a tremendous soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu, and sometimes it can petrify you because you're afraid you will not be able to do something that's worthy of it all.
    So it all began as a cover of Bombing Mission only in the first place. It has that martial rhythmic element going that is just fit for drums, bass and guitars to get playful. Over the cake, plenty of space for keyboards and symphonic arrangements to bring a sense of majesty to it all. And you can even put piano in there! God, Nobuo Uematsu really is the man!
    But this track would of course not be complete without the "Opening" part, which immediatly brings back some fond memories to a lot of players around the world. That's where the gentle lead guitar comes in, underlining a simple melody that gives you a taste of fantasy that you will find throughout your experience with the game. And then, the grandiloquent overture... as if it was MADE for a rock band to play!
    When is this damn remake released again???"
    We've also released a video with our cover, here is the YouTube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-UM0P5UOro
    Some videos have already been featured on remix pages, so maybe you could link this one as well, if you think our cover is worthy of course :)
    Benjamin Dupré / Shinray
    website : www.shinray.net
  6. ---

    Hi guys! I hope you are all doing great. :)
    Name of game(s) arranged: Kingdom Hearts 2
    Name of arrangement: The Xemnas Imperative
    Name of individual song(s) arranged: Darkness of the Unknown
    Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): Yoko Shimomura / PS2

    - Chernabogue: arrangement, VST programming, mixing, mastering
    - Furilas: bass
    - Sbeast: electric guitar
    - tibone: acoustic guitar

    Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:
    This arrangement was made for Dwelling of Duels' MAGFest 2016 month, which had a collaboration theme. After asking who'd be interested in collabing on an arrangement, tibone and Sbeast proposed their services for guitar recording, and I contacted my man Furilas to get some live bass as well.
    I love the KH soundtracks, and "Darkness of the Unknown" has always been a highlight from the KH2 OST. There's a big Mike Oldfield influence in the instrumentation of this remix and also some Edguy here and there. I'm really proud of what we've been able to create -- thanks a lot to my collaborators and to Timaeus222 for his precious tips on mixing/mastering on the Workshop.

    Hope it's all okay -- cheers!



  7. Intro riff is pretty slick... production issues... feedback could be beneficial.



    remixer name: Inrudiment

    real name: Rustam Bakeev
    userid: 32551

    name of game: Robocop 3
    name of arrangement: Title Theme
    name of individual song arranged: Title Theme
    composer: Jeroen Tel
    platform: NES, Commodore 64


  8. Contact Information

    Submission Information

    • Name of game(s) arranged: Nintendo Land
    • Name of arrangement: Evening Hope
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Evening (from Balloon Trip Breeze)
    • Comments:
    • After the passing of late Nintendo president, as many were, I was distraught. Having also recently gone through other emotional losses, while I was putting together my release of the complete Nintendo Land Soundtrack, this scene from the game really stuck with me. It was one of the most beautiful and emotional songs and scenes in the game, in my opinion. This remix naturally appeared in my mind, and was a result of my emotional state at the time. It felt good to release these emotions of loss, appreciation, and hope for the future, through music.
      The arrangement solely uses the original theme, as well as original writing to complement it. It has a soothing tempo and orchestral tone, with light drums and guitar driving the song through to completion, and fading away.
      I truly hope you enjoy it!
    Link to the file:
  9. ---

    Contact Information

    Submission Information

    • Name of game(s) arranged: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
    • Name of arrangement: The Legend
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Legendary Hero
    • Comments:
    • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. has always been a favorite of mine. As The Wind Waker HD approached, I got excited seeing the game again. What started out as a simple re-make of the intro theme to the game, became a full electronic remix. This remix incorporates the original, traditional themes of the song, mixing them up with hard-hitting drums, orchestral elements, and a powerful bassline.

      I hope you enjoy it!
    Link to the file:
  10. Obviously I love NutS... wait strike that, rephrase... this is def. solid, but I'm not that familiar with the source, and it's not as flamboyantly modern on the production side as some of Mike's other stuff, so I didn't DP. -djp


    Sup guys, Mike here with another remix.

    It's been quite a few months since I submitted anything, I was busy with my first (hopefully soon-to-be-released) solo album so I didn't have as much time for small projects.  I'm back into it now so here's the first remix of many I'll be sending out in 2016.

    This is a remix of Castlevania Legends - Stage 4 (Highest Castle Floor) for Game Boy.  This is without a doubt the most overlooked Castlevania game of all.  It's even been disowned by Iga himself, forever banished out of the classic castlevania timeline.  It's a pity because I did like the idea behind the lore of this game, with a female protagonist (Sonia Belmont) being the hero this time around.  

    As I have a knack for overlooked games (not in small part to my participation in PRC over the years) I decided to give it a go.  In fact, this started as an idea I had for the PRC anniversary (Free round) but I didn't get the time to do it for that week.  Plus I still don't have a Castlevania remix on the site yet so this will complete my personal list of must-have-an-ocremix games.  

    About the production, this remix is a house-y take on the theme.  I tried to keep things simple and didn't want to go the hard-edm route I tend to go most of the time.  This is rather a softer kind of remix with more focus on ambience and not in speaker-destroying synths, instead I went with a softer palette than usual.  The ambience in the past is not static and I made sure it's constantly changing, sometimes blissful while in other occasions choirs and pads join up to produce a bit of a more ominous or dark feel, which fits a Castlevania Remix.  Thats not to say, however, that it'll make people stand still.  I try to keep a constant, solid danceable groove throughout the track and a pretty meaty bass to keep things moving along.  Synths are of my design as usual.
    As for the arrangement I didn't stray away too much from the original however there's plenty of additions in the harmonies to identify, a new fitting bassline, as well as some soloing which I've been having more fun with lately, now that I have a working keyboard.  Although I didn't go as far from the original as usual there's really very little content that is exactly the same as the original, and will be apparent to the attentive listener.  All in all, this isn't my most complex remix but at the same time it's one I am quite happy with, and I think it does justice to the original soundtrack which I think deserves much more attention.

    Here's the remix: 
  11. I was on the verge of DRing this tbh, based on the first two minutes being cookie-cutter and repetitive... but the last minute & a half actually some stuff going on where SOME panel feedback is worthwhile. -djp


    Hello ! I am Sieudiver and this is my first submission for OC ReMix. Thank you for listenning 

    Contact information :

    - ReMixer name : Sieudiver
    - userid : 33337

    Submission information :

    - Name of game : The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    - Name of arrangement : Valley of Lights
    - Name of the song arranged : Gerudo Valley
    - Comments : I always loved this song, when I heard it again recently, it made me want to make an arrange, and I really felt like it would suit the Eurobeat genre.
    Apart from the original track, I was greatly inspired by the song "Light Travel Distance" Remixed by RAYTO (yes it's a Touhou arrange ^^)
    I also made a quick search, and I think there are no Eurobeat ReMixes that had been submitted yet, so it'd be cool to have one !

    I hope I filled everything correctly, 
    waiting for your answer !

  12. Definitely minimalist, and certainly repetitive, but also unique & transformative, and it gets better as it goes... - djp


    Kay, soooo hopefully I'm doing this right.

    Pretty sure I am.  Ok..  Here goes.


    I covered the 'Dewford Town' theme from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire for GBA.

    The name of my arrangement is 'Gotta Catch A Wave And A Memory'.

    I composed, played, and produced the cover alone.

    My user ID number is 33369.

    My user name is M4PLEHOODI3.


    My website would have to be my main YouTube channel [I'm a YouTuber], link is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQyrr05hXDbZJgZGwp_77jg


    The composer of the original song is Junichi Masuda, I believe.


    Credits and rights to the original go to Nintendo and Gamefreak, of course.

    The link to my song is 

    The inspiration behind this cover came from the immense nostalgia I would get when I would listen to this song, even back in the Pokemon Sapphire days.  For some reason, the song gave me this lonely feeling, but yet the feeling that everything would be fine in the end.  I would literally fly to Dewford Town and put the Gameboy down to just vibe to the song.  It just somehow told me that 'These days right here, with you playing this game...  These are gonna be the good old days.'.


    And I mean, these days now aren't -bad- days..  But they're not the Pokemon Sapphire days, you know?

    And so, I tried to pour the emotions I gathered from the passing of time and that song into my own take on it.  The result is a sleepy surf melody that had me nodding off when I was putting the finishing touches on the mix.

    I hope you enjoy.



    Thank you for receiving my submission.  :]  I will be doing more in the future.




  13. Wish the chorus had different vocal processing to differentiate it a bit more, and some other issues, but some good stuff going on here... needs the feedback -djp


    Remixer Name: Smooth4Lyfe
    Real Name: Joey Ofori
    UserID: 33213
    Game: Kingdom Hearts
    Arrangement: Protect Your Kingdom
    Arrangement from Game: Dearly Beloved
    Link to Original: https://youtu.be/Md1lOSvswrM
    Own Comments: This is a hip hop song inspired "Dearly Beloved", one of the main themes from Kingdom Hearts! The lyric theme is inspirational and motivational.
  14. On 6/25/2016 at 4:18 PM, SkyRiderX said:

    @djpretzel  I've been brainstorming new names however with Swift being rather unresponsive at times, it makes it difficult for an official change. 

    Also I've almost finished the mixing/mastering for the tracks to be submitted for Official Status but again I'm waiting on Swift for the clear to submit.

    Few ideas:

    • "I'm On a Boat!" (okay lolz... but not terrible)
    • "The Young Man and the Sea" (play on Hemingway)
    • "King of Red Lions" (obvious, but that doesn't make it bad)
    • "After the Flood"
    • "Songs of the Great Sea" (also obvious, but pretty intuitive... perhaps my favorite)
    • "Sailing" (minimalist, keep-it-simple option)
  15. 1 minute ago, k-wix said:

    Any chance of including the tracks from the underrated 2nd game?

    I'd recommend a follow-on EP or something, just to make sure the scope doesn't prevent it from ever seeing the light of day.

    Also, psyched to see @DaleNorth on board, and hope @DiggiDis does something more than lurk.

    As for art style... does anyone know any real-life graffiti artists? Within the confines of... legality... it'd be awesome to have the artwork be photos OF Parappa graffiti! Just a thought... could also go the extremely lo-fi MS Paint route, since that's almost the game's aesthetic :)

  16. On 6/18/2016 at 7:05 AM, Grunkk said:

    The human ear isn't capable of distinguishing sounds much higher than 128kbps (not to mention higher ones have considerably inflated file sizes).

    Sorry if my response seemed flippant to you, but here you are stating as fact what is completely erroneous, and seem to be faulting us for it at the same time... if you had approached this topic as more of a point of inquiry rather than assuming your own understanding to be accurate & whole, and ours to be faulty, I think I would have responded differently...

    19 hours ago, Grunkk said:

    I am disappointed that the administrator djpretzel chose to be so flagrantly patronizing. And I won't stoop to his level by bolding that. Putting his ego aside, I'm sincerely sorry to hear that you think there is enough of a difference to justify doubling and quadrupling the size of your files. Naturally, 128kbps isn't the exact limit of the human ear; it varies somewhat so I can sort of see why 160kbps could contain some info (though how much value that has is negligible), but certainly not 192 or 320, no matter how much awesomesauce he puts in his coffee.

    You're still not quite getting it, yet you project confidence and speak in certitudes ("negligible", "certainly not"); when talking about the limits of the human ear, sampling frequency and bit depth are the relevant metrics, since they dictate the fidelity of the conversion of audio from analog to digital. When talking about the lossiness of a bitrate, it's about how the audio in question is compromised to fit into that space... MP3 has a lot of tricks up its sleeve to increase quality at lower bitrates... things like cutting off low & high frequencies, joint stereo, etc... how perceptible this lossiness is depends on the actual audio in question... it also depends on whether the bitrate is constant or variable... it also depends on the MP3 encoder being used, because not all encoders are created equal...

    Your initial post stated that the human ear couldn't hear sounds "higher" than 128Kbps, and your follow-up post still isn't understanding the difference between bit depth, sampling frequency, and the effective bitrate of a lossy compression algorithm like MP3.

    Some decent additional info, with links to studies, at: http://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/3219/are-there-any-perceptible-differences-between-the-sound-quality-of-192-versus-32

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