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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. This sounds like it would come right off a Santana CD, especially in the intro. Liking the whistle and piano work here and this is a spicy little ReMix that I can stand behind. A little short, but adds to the charm here.
  2. Yep, you can't really miss the PotC feel in this one, which makes it that much better in my opinion. The piano and strings were excellent in this and it screams "we're going on an epic journey". Love the way the drums were used here, not too loud, but you have a great crisp sound to it. Great ending as well.
  3. Very tropical in a jazzy kind of way, nice. Funny thing is I just got finished with a class that went over Afro-Cuban music and this would have fit right in. It's got a good beat to get your toe tapping, and I could relax and lay back to this with a nice cold drink. Yeah, this is so good, I like it. Shame to hear about the cuts, though.
  4. How yeah, I hear the Mario RPG-like beat to this. That's pretty sweet, actually. I've always loved the Sonic 3 special stage tune and to hear it get this kind of upgrade is a day brightener. The ending was nice, but I would have love it if the die out lasted just a bit longer. All in all, this a cool little ReMix.
  5. WillRock rocks the solo-piano, and it's impressive. The quality sounds amazing and the whole ReMix is beautiful. I've noticed that Sonic songs seem to really lend themselves well to emotional solo-piano mixes and this is a great example. Great job.
  6. Nice to be running into so many great vocal ReMixes here lately. This one is great, and the feeling that you can imagine between the music and lyrics makes this one of the best takes on Wily 1 that I can remember. Wonderful arrangement, great production, and it's just plain good. Can't get much better than that.
  7. Mazedude is probably the best I've heard when it comes to industrial pieces like this. So epic. That organ with the heavy beat, mixed with song electronic instrumentation, it's like a three layer cake of awesomeness. Dark and evil, electronic, with an organ and sweet beat, this ReMix is right up my alley. Downloaded before the thing even got halfway.
  8. Man, that guitar goes hard! What a sick riff that just sounds so evil with the beat over top of it. It's nice to hear funky and evil in the same place, and this is one of my favorite tunes on this album. Nice work, man.
  9. Man, that intro is pretty sexy. Nice beat to it. I like the piano work and the atmosphere of this ReMix is great. The change in tempo was a cool touch. Well done on this one.
  10. Wow! Those are some catchy as hell lyrics. I'm liking the mixing on the vocals and the way it just flows with the music, and Melinda's voice is awesome. Seriously, I think her voice was perfect for this. The arrangement of the music is just so damn good. Instant recommendation on this one.
  11. Oooh that violin, so good. Amy's vocals here are absolutely beautiful and the harmony of this track is just way too cool. I gotta say, I'm so glad the acoustic guitar was used for this, it adds so much to the tempo and feel of the ReMix. Hell, when the composer says it's awesome, you can't really dispute it, and I wouldn't dare try. Love it.
  12. Very nice trance ReMix, with a good length and production. Not too heavy and something I can lean back and listen to. It got just a hair repetitive in some areas, but that's nothing to complain about. Good stuff.
  13. Nekofrog is simply epic on guitar, he really is. This really has a "just before the real fight begins" feel to it, with melody and beat just waiting to break out. The fade out doesn't bother me considering the sound this brings. The voice clip was a little tough to hear, but really I can't find a problem with this ReMix. Nice work.
  14. Pretty cool electronic ReMix. The percussion was sweet and the ethnic flavor made this work completely. The breakdown was a great touch with the little monkey yelps and I'm loving the energy of this. Nice work.
  15. Oh hell yeah! Love that intro right before it kicks it up with that heavy metal riff. Honestly, the title source I was not expecting like this, but it sounds amazing. And those bells that kicked in later on just added.....more to it. The little voice bit was a nice add on and between the arrangement, production and guitar work, this is one of the best ReMixes I've heard in a while. This would be the most badass waltz in history to have.
  16. Wow, this is some kind of crunchy, dirty goodness! But what else can you expect from someone like Zircon? Those reverbs are just plain sick, and the arrangement along with it was really well done. Hard-hitting stuff and I'm loving it!
  17. Pretty sweet guitar and drum playing here. The breakdown and piano bits made for a good break in between the sections, and I'm really fond of the ending.
  18. Impressive electronica work. Very solid, enjoyable and listenable. I'm loving the beat to this and the backing melody. Great debut track.
  19. Whoa, first off, that sax.....so sexy. I love the lyrics and vocals to this ReMix, and while I do enjoy the echo in it, it sounded like there was just a hair too much echo on every part except for the when the sax cut and other parts cut off and we got to the more organy parts. I think it was just a little too busy, that's all, no big deal. Honestly, besides that little nitpick, this is a very cool mix. I even liked the fading ending.
  20. Probably my favorite Fishy song yet. The slow intro building the ReMix up was brilliant, and when those guitars opened up, shit got real. This is how you do battle themes. I heard the Pendulum influence as well, which makes this ReMix even better. Nice dark break in the middle there, I love how it rebuilds from there to drive the intensity back in. Nice change-up right after the sample, that made me grin. Simply amazing.
  21. Dude, I could totally hear this in bloodsport or kickboxer or something of the like. And thank god for the voice sample in the beginning because I wouldn't be able to pronounce the title. Terrific work with the synth and drums, you got my love for 80's just a-going. Nice work, WillRock.
  22. The title gave me a good laugh and a mental image I would care not to share. This ReMix is funky as hell and it just comes off as weird and crazy, which is pretty cool. I can get a haunting vibe out of it near the end. The moans weren't as good as they could have been, but they were out of the way enough to add to the song, rather than take away from it, so great job. Nice stuff.
  23. Oooh, baby! Those guitars! Let the wahwahs loose! As much as I hated the zone itself, I've always loved the tune for this stage, and Prince of Darkness just let loose a flurry of awesome sauce with this funky ReMix. And those solos and original points were....well, on point. Wonderful arrangement by PoD and GB. We have a winner here.
  24. Wooo, boy, this was a long one. But for good reason. The piano was nicely built up and the playing was nicely done. I didn't hear any production issues and the arrangement was nice. This ReMix could really be good for listening to while reading. Excellent.
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